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Posts posted by Deity

  1. You pretty much gave away that right the minute you made boast claims about being a good writer... want me to fish them quote out for you? It only makes sense that someone with a lot of pride should be judged by higher standards.

    Lachesis asked you for one simple favour, and your response was to blow it back at him rudely. By contrast, you expect everyone to abide by your wishes. This is both selfish and hypocritical.

    --According to your own views, because we spite each other.

    So in other words; you are unable to debate. If you are so sure that your style is good enough, why not thoroughly prove it once and for all? Yes, I will challenge what you post, it's what intelligent people do in discussions; but surely if you are so right then you can create a reasonable argument.

    If you are unwilling to prove the existence of this source, why should I believe it to exist? Thus any backing you claim to get from that source is meaningless. Just one of the many reason why referencing is important.

    Yes you do. We all have our own styles, yes; you still need to give us reasons why we should see your style as acceptable. Just saying "it's my style" to escape criticism is very much similar to saying "it's my opinion". Neither work, and are not reasons enough to protect your style/opinion from scrutiny.

    --This is not an area for debates.

    --Any style should be acceptable, specially since this is a forum and what I post is not intended as serious stories. You do not accept my style but you do think other self inserts or script fics are fine, how convenient.

    You are the one who does not understand. Bad styles exist. You cannot defect criticism with weasel strawman comments. If you try to say that your style is good without any proper backing, then I can say that your style is bad with equal validity.

    --I do not need to show proper backing. Where are you going with all this? Yes, bad styles exist, are you insulting my writing? Because if you are, then you are insulting yourself as well. Your writing style suffers too, thus making it a bad style, right? Until you prove to me that you can actually write a chapter with no mistakes, then I will believe your style is a good style, otherwise, it's a bad style just like mine.

    And remember this is actually feedback, not a debate section or a place where you can strive to make a writer change his way of writing.

  2. Not trying to spark an argument or anything, but isn't that... a script fic?

    Indeed, it is. They are not forbidden, are they?

    Because that is the style I am going to adapt to so I can finally get it through Shuuda's head that my stories are not meant to be serious.

    Orly? Explain this then:

    --You call that being selfish? What people do in this forum tends not to bother me in the least. What I mean by that is simple; if you go on quoting other members like I did there, I am not one to go and bitch about it. If I have a bad connection, slow computer, etc. that is not the other members' problems, it would be my own problem, and so I have to take what I get. Besides, he just came and bitched about it here in feedback or wherever it was. Why doesn't he tell the others if he really has a problem with that sort of thing?

    Well, the Wizards of the Coast I found have published novels, so... you know. How about a direction or a link, since they seem insignificant to Google.

    --I don't want to. Not because I am lazy to give you the link, but because I know that even with the link you will still keep on ranting about how I should change this and that. So no.

    By the way, you have yet to actually give me a reason why I should accept "Oh these books do it" as an excuse.

    --I think I really don't have to. As I have said many times, we all have our styles of writing. If you can't understand that, then I don't know what your problem is.

    Again, bolded my answers.

  3. I didn't think it was too funny at the time. In retrospect, yeah, though.

    If you like having a character with awesome caps and a pwn tome that never breaks, then Lyon is completely worth it. You don't really have to beat the tower to get supports, you know. SS Supports are turn-based, so just wait it out on the first floor. A capped Lyon can solo the Ruins as long as he doesn't get hit by some random 8% Stone Gaze. OHKOs almost everything, too. 'Cept for those Dragons on the tenth floor.

    Anyway, good luck there, buddy.

    I just want to complete the ruins and acquire all conversations between characters and also get all the other extra ones. If I do, I will pronounce myself champion of the game and can stop playing it.

    Thanks for the luck, though I don't believe in it, I will do my best to get Lyon. I'll update this if I ever get him. :P

  4. Already beaten it a few times for each ending for Valkyrie Profile: The Accused One... I hate the new title, it sucks ass :(.

    Anyway, the game is fun, it gets pretty tough.

    So you played it already? Nice. Don't spoil it for us, though I'd like to hear what goes on. XD

    I like tough games and I hope this one gets tough as it goes. Can't wait now six more days.

  5. Well, a quick trip to wikipedia tells me:

    Does not mention anything about writing good books, just shit that is based off Dungeon's and Dragons. DnD (and other generic role play fantasy game) stereotypes are the bane of fantasy writing, so fuck them.

    You have yet to give me a reason why "Oh these books do it" is an acceptable excuse on its own.

    --Wizards of the coast is club of writers. Maybe you just read the first thing that popped up or are just making believe that you do not know what I am talking about.

    And I already mentioned that a "good warrior" would be a warrior who is good at his job. Helping the needy is all well and good, but it doesn't help his career much.

    --Oh but it does, if he's trying to be seen as a good hero/warrior whatever you wanna call it.

    Typical of you. What if someone who was colour blind wanted to read it, but could not because he could not tell the red from the background? Accessibility is important! Stop being so selfish!

    --I am not selfish at all. If someone had that problem, all they had to do was pm me and let me know about it. Chances are slim, though of having color blind people here. We would of known by now.

    I am not sure if you understood my point. It is not about the romance in general, it is more to do with what the purpose of that character is, and how that character is built up. Designated Love Interests tend to be cardboard cut-outs.

    Perhaps it would be a good idea for me to point out that this issue of infodumping and telling is one that I am often having to reinforce. So either you are not trying... or... well, if you were trying, you would have realised the problem by now.

    --I might know how to be able to improve on this. I might turn away from this type of writing and into a more non-serious style. It will still be self inserts, though the writing will look something like this:

    Rad- Hey, let's go over to that forest there, I think I saw a figure moving.

    Gen- (Disapproving with shake of head) No, lets just get out of here, Rad.

    A shout is heard

    Sean- Rad, come here. We found our killer!


    Bold, like always.

  6. Is there someone from the anime/cartoon or videogame world that resembles you in appearance? If so, post it up.

    In all honesty, I've been told I look like Leon Kennedy, and I guess I do. So here he is.


  7. Yo, welcome, have fun and enjoy your stay here. I really hope you remain active. Many peeps join but remain inactive in the world of Cocytos, let us hope you stay in the forest. ^^

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