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Doctor Robert

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Posts posted by Doctor Robert

  1. t0Qc0U7.png

    Of course.

    Welp, there goes my Head-Canon!!! XD

    It was implied in the intro that she had just woken up...so...she was somehow KO'd for EIGHT DAYS, suffered NO permanent brain damage or coma-slipping, and can STILL FIGHT with no visible effects from malnutrition? What?

    As Sophia is Half-Dragon, it's kind of an excuse for all sorts of *super-human-things!!* But it is implied that Tiki did sleep for most of her life in FE1 and aside from being susceptible to evil sorcerers, she was fine... (And then in Awakening, she slept for 2000 years and found herself *all grow'd up!!*) I guess 8 days isn't too much for a Half-Dragon...


    I love that it's implied here that Eliwood took Nerg's body back to Pherae and dumped him in the basement in a chest... Then I guess he came to life again because of magicks!!

    I love the contrast here.

    Cath's my favorite character in FE6! ^_^ I'm surprised at how well everyone's written here... except Sophia doesn't have nearly as much ellipses as she ought to.

  2. We're letting it go ;)

    At the price of using my quote in your signature? You've got yourself a deal!! :D

    Well pardon me, it's been like 15 years since I last saw Peter Pan

    I'm not sure if I should congratulate you for escaping Disney brainwashing or chide you for being so uncultured! Meh, I'll do neither. :P

    Our enemies are the SUMDEWD SAYONARA! ...I wasn't unable to think of an S-word meaning army, nope.

    Squad perhaps?? (These guys are a bit big for a squad, though, admittedly)

    Markyjoe has to eat like a third of a piece of toast, which somehow causes his leg to reattach itself.


    I call Mary Sue.

    You call Mary-Sue NOW!!!???


    New Fire Mumblem is easily the best out of the hacks we've played yet. The levels aren't super-boring and tedious, even if they aren't that challenging or innovative either (except for Episode 2, that was pretty cool). The story still made no sense, and was full of writing ranging from bad to inappropriate. Either way, I did kind of, sort of, enjoy this hack. Just a little. If it had been finished, it probably would have turned out as a fairly mediocre hack.

    The last level reminded me of Corrupt Theocracy in the best possible way: A OP'd romp in which you kill stuffs. Great way to blow off steam, that (in my dreams, Ima SAGE HERO with an *awesome* tome and-- *ahem* refer to my sig... Gosh, now all the kids are gonna laugh at me. T_T ).

    Anyways, we see a progression from cancer-inducing horror to simply a crap hack. Er... Where is the MarkyJoe? He's got to tally in here!

  3. but didney didnt make up the line

    Quite right but without the fascist Disney with their glossy brainwashing and regurgitating of popular culture of varying eras (all historically inaccurate), we probably wouldn't know what it was. Honestly, I'm tickled to death Moniker didn't know what it was; it means Disney's deathgrip on the American brain is loosening.

    Okay okay, I'll shut up now. I can get so off topic. ^_^;



    I STILL don't understand.


    Uh, is this supposed to acknowledge how they navigated with the stars back then? Despite the fact that they clearly have a higher level of technology, and star navigation probably used slightly different terms?

    ...I STILL still don't understand.

    Gorsh, you've had a sheltered childhood, haven't you? ;) I'm not going to explain MarkyJoe's *peculiar(ordinary)* humor because the man himself can do that!!!

    But seriously, you didn't recognize the quote from Peter Pan? Like seriously? That's one of the most celebrated fascist brainwashing films of the Disney canon (just don't get me started with Disney... *twitches*)...

    ...Maybe there's hope for you yet if you haven't been brainwashed by the Disney!!! :D

  5. wj0gZtP.png

    Black palette!

    Wow! that makes Raven look even cooler!! (I wonder if his sword is made of Strawberry rock candy?)



    It makes me wonder if there's a country on Earth that has like street vendors that sell toast and that that country is likely to have snortables at a local bookstore too!!



    I prefer the Divine Nuke. It so totally has more uses




    Says the chap who earlier said he were running out of the EXPENSIVE!Wave Runners...

  6. nzFL0y2.png2TSNru8.pngt3fBOpB.png

    Wow! These new palates are cool! Lyn looks good in purple!

    But anyways, that was a genuine hint. We'll see it soon.

    There was a massive rise in the quality of writing there too. It felt like Eliwood and Hector there!

    There might be variations for Eliwood/Nino too, but...I'm not going through that again.

    You are wise, Moniker. MarkyJoe, why must you be 15 in the worst possible way??? Meh, why am I being so hard on the chap? Bad Doc!!!

    My headcanon is DESTROYED!! And utterly NUKE'D!! The funeral's at 8, the wake's at 9, and there's a continental breakfast at 10... Then I'll have to clone a new headcanon!! DX Don't mind lil'ol'me

    ...I hope the rewards aren't ALL gold...

    I still think the concept is pretty cool! Why can't the real FE have this?

    So yeah, a rise in quality except the raunchy bit here, this is fascinating!

  7. Oh indeed, that's where I've seen this before! (I'm just that old that I can't remember things I saw two or three years ago)


    Next time I get a bloody cut, I'm putting toast over it.

    Markyjoe writes a bad Markyjoe.

    Yeah, that's a terrible rendition. But that could be half my headcanon talking again.

    I wonder if that's what MarkyJoe really looks like? With like a cancerous growth on his head and lil'ears and his head is at least twice as big as the average...

  8. C2segpr.png

    Oh my God, that portrait!!! AHHHHH!!! *Convulses and dies*

    *Is immortal anyway* That hair, that ear placement, that eye... God, that makes Corrupt Theocracy's customs seem dandy as candy.

    This was another bad hack. Maybe not quite as bad as the last one, as it at least had some semblance of order, but still terrible. The dialogue was admittedly funny at points, but so tasteless I'm fairly certain many lurkers were offended. The censorship thing didn't work out nearly as well as I thought, so I'll probably just drop it. As far as gameplay goes, bad character balance, bad map design, bad enemy balancing, and...some other fourth bad thing...reigned. Hopefully, New Fire Mumblem will be a bit better... Of course, I'm not going into these blind, so I already know.

    I would infer that it was written to have some very run-of-the-mill jokes that a bunch of very average 17-year-old guys would laugh at in the locker room. Since I was never an average 17-year-old and I've always hated locker rooms (and locker room humor)... I smiled weakly a few times. Some of the writing that wasn't a dirty joke wasn't *bad* quite... just not good either... It was *okay* in some places and not my cup of tea in others.

    I agree, this hack, though bad, has the sense in it of a stirring greatness... Will that greatness manifest itself in MarkyJoe's later hacks!?!?! Well, I dunno, never played 'em... so let's find out! :D

  9. Let me use my fake book knowledge and real scholarly-ness to answer your unasked questions!!

    If this means something, I don't know what it is.

    With the power of Google, I have discerned that er... let's just say it's really REALLY gay.

    Isn't LXX, like, -30?

    There is no negatives or zero in Roman numerals; it's quite simply why they all died.

    LXX is 70 [Two Tens (XX) more than Fifty (L)] Which is A LOT for like the preamble-y part of an instruction book... the bit where they usually number it in Roman numerals. Unless you know your numerals, the joke is lost, however... VAGUE REFERENCES UNITE!!!

    I heard the starting cutscene was cool though.

    It was. It also had the advantage of being one of the first games ever to have a cutscene!! :D


    If he writes a bad Sain, he writes a terrible Nino (but that's half my own headcanon speaking... seriously though, this Nino sucks XD )

  10. Dorcas: I’ve had it with these mothermango clones in this mother mango mod! … Hey, is that Eliwood over there?

    Oh, that dates this pretty hard... XD

    And thus he goes on an epic quest to find a Second Seal! Or...something!

    Nintendo better pay up for stealing my idea~

    I'll bet you somebody in Japan thought of the Second Seal around the time you were in kindergarten, then grew up, then got a job at IS, and then made the suggestion for the Second Seal for FE13...

    Can you find the (two) hidden messages?

    So... why is Lute top tier? Doesn't make much sense... but maybe that's the point!!


    They never stop!

    I'm guessing that "Last Turn" thingy just goes on forever?



    Why, MarkyJoe, WHY!!!??? You destroy my headcanon! >.<

    This is how you woo women in real life people.

    If you're A. 14 years old and B. A blithering idiot

  11. Honestly, any race that lived for 2000-seeminglyinfinity years would have to be designed entirely differently, mentally, in order not to go insane. Otherwise, everyone would just be a naggy grandma while barely even being able to walk!

    Well, maybe *you'd* go insane after 2000 years, but I sure wouldn't. The secret is in being half-insane... kinda bringing order and chaos together that.

    Though I would require a starship in order to fill out the time most likely... and maybe with a music/art/film/writing studio aboard. But y'know, I'm not too picky. Hell if I had that much time I'd probably whip one up myself, alloys and all.

    As for living forever... Well, I *might* go nuts, but who knows?

    YAY! I CAN HAVE MY DAILY DOSE OF TERRIBLENESS! I've been suffering from withdrawal for the past 2 weeks :c I've been barely able to stay alive off of Fateborn's LPs...

    Mee tooo! ^_^ (I was going to say somethin' like this... but you beat me to it)

  12. Matured? Relative to what? Back then? How long have you been following me?

    I've never quite followed you, just encountered your videos over the years; but the fact that a lot of your life the last eight or so years is on YouTube aside... Gha! You remind me of a friend of mine a lot and maybe I had a slip in which I switched you with him and stuffs... Maybe I was just offering advice... It's a mystery! o.0

    This is something I agree with.

    I would be a supporter of RavenxLucius because of the rarity of homosexual pairings, but I don't because... I just don't think they have that kind of chemistry. The only vaguely "gay" sounding line in their supports is the part about Raven not getting married because he gets all his nagging from Lucius already. Otherwise, they give me the brotherly kind of love feel. I may not be gay, but I'm pretty sure homosexual relationships are more intimate sounding than this.

    Exactly. The pairing as it exists in the fandom feels forced more than anything and I think that's the ultimate reason why I don't like it at the end of the day (that is, when my usual gripes about pairings that are oversaturatingly over-done-to-death settle down in the evening).

  13. Yay! Somebody posted and I won't get in trouble for double posting... I think... :(

    Ima try the spoiler thing because all the cool kids are doing it (because I'm a senseless fool who follows the crowd...) but more importantly the mods will squeal with delight because I finally figured out how to save interwebs space...

    Eventually, months/years of passive aggressiveness, dishonesty, and resentment ruined our friendship. A huge blow to my motivation to hack FE, and certainly not the last...

    I think the difference between you and I is that my adolescent "teething troubles" (that is, learning about relationships/friendships, people *trucking* you over, and learning how to deal with baggage... the metaphorical ones) took place on a bit of the internet that's real obscure and I don't feel comfortable revealing them (though it ain't too bad really). You're actually quite brave to be sharing all this now, you've matured.

    Everybody, today I have a very sad announcement to make. Or happy, depending on your point of view. Specifically, I'm going on a long hiatus. I'll be gone for the whole of next week. I won't return until NEXT saturday or sunday. The reason is because I'm getting away from the cold winter temperatures to go to FLORIDA! See you all after a long, tropical vacation!

    Well then, have a happy holiday!!

    The weather's wonderful in the California What? Hmm? No, I'm in space!! ...Well, my ship's in dry-dock *again.* I swear some new alien shows up and creams the hull every other week. It doesn't matter what I put on the side of it, it just gets sanded off like toothpaste. I need stronger shields. *nods*

    Gosh, me and my ramblings...

    Why yes, my thoughts do in fact lack a period.

    Me tooooo!!!!!! ^_^





    Dat gutter humor...

    Maybe it's just that I'm different from average (and therefore unpopular T_T ) but gutter humor never really did it for me...

    Physically I was 17 once; mentally... I think I skipped a lot... or maybe it didn't matter to me, this age thingy, in the first place?

    (Grrr! I'm senselessly rambling again!)


    You know, this hack sure has a lot of ellipses.

    Fire Emblem has more ellipses than everyday life...

    It's the whole reason I use three periods in a row all the time...

    It's crept into my writing...

    ...just about everywhere...

    ...and it's ALL FE's FAULT!!!! DX



    No need to get all EXCITED, Karlo!

    Lol, "Karlo" *twitches at the memory of Corrupt Theocracy*

    EDIT: I think MarkyJoe "fangasm'd" over Sophia because she's like 80 (in addition to that other reason) and therefore didn't feel guilty dreaming about an imaginary 15 year old girl? (Wait a second... why am I thinking in the GUTTER T_T This is ALL YOUR FAULT that my thoughts have gone there, MJ1990!! DX)

    lol jk ;)

  14. Don't worry, dude. Fire away! I'm okay with it.


    Just as a pre-emptive, I'm not into Lucius and I'm not a RavenxLucius enthusiast. I just wanted to be funny.

    Well, in that case... *and* in that case...

    I HATE LuciusXRaven... but that's just me. Honestly, I didn't want to just needlessly have this turn into a "Doc makes with the gripping endlessly for no real reason" alas maybe my headcannon is just that unpopular (in which Raven and Lucius *don't* hook up in any sense of the word; I know, how ludicrous of me to say that on an FE fansite!! RavenXRebecca&LuciusXPricilla foreverandever!!!!)

    *Ahem* Don't mind me then... :P



    And then he dies.

    That being said... I think it's an interesting meta-gimmick (a gimmick that is aware of the community's big popular ship, hence the meta bit)... Like if you prefer Raven (like me), you can have him just kill off the annoying bishōnen... (now to make it impeccably clear, I like Lucius and in my headcannon I think it's funnier that he's trying to prove his manliness despite his appearance but, again, that's just my headcannon... evidently. What I don't like and think is annoying is what the shippers think is Lucius. There is thus two Lucius's and this character would be the latter.)

    Or if you prefer the ex-Lucius, you can have Raven killed off in a preposterous way! I almost love it that you have to chose one or the other!! XD

    Bring back Raven, GD'it!!! He was way cooler than this fake shipper's Lucius!!

  15. ... Also, if you want help FE hacking, you should come on over to my forums. I have a section dedicated to helping guys like you out, and I've calmed down ever since I took a break from the Fire Emblem Community. I have a lot of FE hacking skills, and I've been around for about 7 years. Not to mention, when I am not at work, I'm pretty much always available.

    Yeah... the scary bunny lady in your banner scared me. XD

    In all seriousness, when I said it was hard, I meant I didn't have the time to learn hard computer stuffs. Who knows? Maybe somebody I won't be busy with life or something... like maybe when I'm old and don't want to write anymore... Such tragedy. Also your FE Hacking section looks rather deserted...

    I just mentioned the hair, not the...okay, I see your point, NOW it will never be mentioned again.

    I'll hold you to your word. rotflmao

    This is probably the most hilarious readme of them all(even if some of it is lies), but maybe I should show the other ones whenever I'm about to start a new markyjoe hack...

    Meh, I've seen funnier readme's. ;P

    That wasn't all that difficult-fun, almost. Although, the level design leaves some questions unanswered. Like, do the reinforcement waves ever stop or vary? The mage room is kind of pointless, but it has a locked door keeping in the mages, does it ever open for any reason? And the third chest...assuming that the Sol Katti was in there, was there anything special about it? Really, that chest was just way too much effort when you can beat the level fine with the other 2 sacred items.

    I think it's a good concept. I think the community needs a good rewarding grindfest (infinite reinforcements and such) but with droppable weapons when appropriate and maybe one of them InfiniteElixirs™ from Last Promise... just as a therapy thing to see a character become amazingful and such...

  16. We will never speak of this again.

    Proceeds to mention it at least seven or eight times

    Never again, riiiiiiiiiiight...

    This hack is bad. There's no denying it. However, I will give it points for usually being bad in AN ENTERTAINING WAY. Most of the changes just felt like weirdness for weirdness' sake, although I'm really appreciating Markyjoe's "EXCLUSIVE CREATOR COMMENTARY", since it's revealing that there was, at some point, some tiny shred of method to a portion of this madness. I'm sure you all just can't WAIT to see what he does when he makes his own not-reskin, and has to make his own maps!

    I think every hacker started out modding Lyn mode or something like that... Maybe it was only bad because Marky was learning how to do this stuff back then? (it seems overwhelmingly hard to me which is why I haven't gotten into it)

    Watch as I eat my own words as we go along here......

  17. Here's how it works. in FE7, the game calculates if you will hit first. If you do, crit is calculated. Crit of 134 is really just 100.

    So Lyn has a 54% chance to crit or miss. =X

    Interesting. I knew that Crit is just the percentage of the Hit percentage but what was confusing me was whether Lyn had 134% of 54% of a chance to Crit or not (which works out to about 72%). Good to know the game treats all >100 numbers as 100. I suspect it would crash otherwise...

    Fun Fact: I'm usually terrible at math!!

  18. I have a fetish for extremely long hair. There. >_<

    I find this fact IMMENSELY ENTERTAINING.

    Okay, I guess I should say something too. I've been a pseudo-fan of your youtube channel for a while, but I never actually subscribed, because you were my guilty pleasure youtuber. Feel better now?

    C'mon, Moniker, leave the lad alone (and here I was going to vote for you being awesome). XD And admitting you've lurk'd on his YouTube doesn't exactly make it even...

    Honestly, there are way worse things to fetish over....... things that take years to escape. T_T 'Nough said. *twitches*


    ALSO DEAD! AHAHAHA! This is higher crit than I got in Corrupt Theocracy!


    Yeah Lyn, you nuked the surrounding countryside, and now a Fimbulvetr winter is ensuing that will cause massive loss of life, but it doesn't matter now because we're leaving the area!

    Well, that makes my sig look perfectly tame in comparison!! I guess nobody can criticize it now!!! AHAHAHA!!! MAY THE DIVINE NUKE CLEANSE YOU!!!!

    *Ahem* Goodness... I need to mind my manners...

    Anyway, my mind honestly boggles at those numbers... Like would Lyn technically have more of a chance to crit than to otherwise hit? With 54 hit, would that really mean she doesn't really have a 134% chance to crit?!? Then... if... by that which... Ugh, if I were a robot, I would've exploded by now...

  19. HpEpg8l.png

    Scars? So that wasn't stubble and instead... acne scars??!

    Yeah, we're gonna make an entire rebellion back down and abandon our previous lives, and THAT'S all the help you're gonna give us? Dangit, I was kinda hoping that this WOULDN'T turn into a mystical quest story!

    It would help if somewhere the narrator went on a tour of the continent that mentioned Janeba as, "that mystical country on the fringe that would have saved everybody's hind-quarters... but, y'know, magicks! Plus what kind of hack would this be if all you had to do was beg for mercy?" I mean, LP did this even if they didn't have a world map...

    I think this would be more plausible to the player too if there was mention that the rebellion-remnant was being actively and consistently pulverized (as of this moment in the hack, even if the one fort that FemOswin...er... Philomena was commanding is gone and dead, the other fort is thus far still around). If the player knew Jared was being at least a little unrealistic/delirious (thanks to a handy narrator) than the mystical quest would be way more buyable... because "but there's only 10 of us left!" is a bloody good reason to go on a mystical quest... (I could totally see Gid saying that to Jared)

    (Just putting my 2¢ in in hopes the authors of this hack see this... should probably put this over on their thread, huh? ^_^; )


    brb going to go die in a hole ;-;

    Gid and Jared were made by Mew, and Spiky McBigHead belongs to Nickt, but all the others were made by me

    I tried a lot more customing for the part 2 portraits, and that's probably why they look like ass. :<

    I might be able to do a better job on them now that my spriting skills are maybe a little better?

    I was just joking about the acne... ^_^; Honestly, with a portrait resolution of... 80 by 80 pixels(?), imagination takes over for a lot of things. In truth, I can't imagine acne being that big of a problem in a medieval sort of place, seeing as all the teens are running around with swords and axes (a great way to prevent pimples!) rather than sitting around playing video games.... oh wait. :P

    Seriously, though, you did a fine job on the portraits (See Corrupt Theocracy for some ludicrous portrait-work).

    Overall, I agree with TheMoniker, 'tis a fine hack indeed. I'm totally playing it.

  20. Apologies for not diving into this thing sooner... I got a bit bored and it took me three days to get through this... lol

    Oh hey, guy! Faren will be joining our team soon enough, and while his portrait is kinda cute and freckly you can see that he's serious behind it.

    Right, freckles. Looks like acne... lots and lots of acne...

    I don't care largely for Jared's portrait either... that face looks a little... tacked on. Meh, may the artists cast their art unbothered... I can the critique??

    **Epic Map of Japan in the late 1500's**
    This is Japan, during what I think is the Era of Independent Lords, because the not-that-large country was split into tons and tons of small nations that just CONSTANTLY. FOUGHT. Judging by the fact that attacking the main castle of a nation FIRST(twice!) is a viable option for Silvatica, and that you can march between nations in just a few days, I'd guess that Aetheria looks somewhat like this right now, just without the clan divisions loosely tying things together.

    Certainly plausible... though Japan was mostly just one sort of climate... (EDIT: Not exactly, now that IRC, but you know what I mean... none of this standard FE stuff where they traverse entire biomes) Though again, only the plains-y country was mentioned and everywhere else seems roughly like a temperate-foresty-place... I wonder if we'll encounter an Ice Nation or a desert later.

    Overall, this hack is great, well written, and well executed. I should probably play it for myself. I'm a little lost in the chronology, though (you've heard of grammar-nazis... well I'm a chronology-nazi)... just how long after part 1 is part 2? It seems like three months but then somebody says Gid was in jail for three months and that the rebellion was going on three months before that (because Silvactica was pushed back by the Azalians because Ragner's martyr-bit rallied them causing the Silvacticans to head west, thus starting this rebellion) and the rebellion started a little after Ragner's "martyr thingy" (because I'd imagine a few days at least for the Azalians to drive the Silvacticans out and then for the latter to go west). Anybody else have a clearer grip on this timeline?

    Though it's probably painful to hack in, this hack and all it's writing-heavy story could greatly benefit from a world map and a long recap thingy like the one in FE6 after Roy fought Bern in Ostia but before he traipsed off to the Western Isles in between parts 1 and 2...

    Maybe a prologue before Part 2 so we don't feel like we've been put into a completely different story without much introduction....? okay, I'll shut up now. XD

  21. Want to know something crazy? Despite the fact that this is an objectively bad hack, this LP has somehow managed to become the second most replied and the third most viewed LP on the LPs subforum(with my chaos mode LP being third and fourth in those categories, respectively)! So thanks for everything, everybody!

    Well, it wasn't like I was going to sit back and lurk on this one... Just too funny.

    Thank you for taking the time to make this LP! I know it's not a very good hack so I'm surprised it got so much attention, let alone would get another LP.

    Also I went back to work on the sequel for a variety of reasons so maybe you will get to LP it as well someday for more terribleness. I usually work very fast when I hack(plus I have a bunch of stuff done from before) so I'm hoping to finish it before the summer for those who care.

    Despite everything I said earlier (including... earlier in this post) I think this hack/mythos has some really good ideas. It just... has a lot of things that more or less let the hack down or alternatively have therapeutic use (frustrated with lackluster growths? See Corrupt Theocracy!!). With a ton of polishing, your next hack could shine.

    What have I done!?! harhar, just kidding... I'll shut up now.

    EDIT: Yeah, anyway, I loved this LP and stuffs... Thanks for the laughs and funfilledfun! ^_^

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