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Inactive Account404

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Everything posted by Inactive Account404

  1. I have Cerebral Palsy and was wondering if there is anyone else here who has to deal with a physical disability. There are no support groups in my town, and I've been a little depressed lately...
  2. Updated bets: Chrom Lucina Dark Pit Ghirahim Little Mac Mii
  3. Hi and welcome to Serenes Forest! Don't worry about that too much. You are not going to get in trouble for making a few grammatical errors.
  4. I think it's a baby ant eater or echidna. I am not 100% sure though. It may not be the cutest baby animal, but it's still cute.
  5. I think a person should be allowed to change his guess only twice.
  6. I think I understand the rules, and it sounds like it might be fun. Do we start guessing now? And is there a limit to how many characters we can say will be in SSB4?
  7. Welcome to Serenes Forest! I found out about Fire Emblem through Smash Bros. Brawl (I usaully play as Ike or Marth). The first game I tried was Shadow Dragon. I now own all the FE games relesed in North America, and am a huge fan of the series.
  8. I totally agree with this statement. I am not against all violence in video games, and I realize there is a difference between reality and fiction. I guess I feel like people are getting more disensitized to violence. I know killing a fictitious character is not necesarily wrong, but I find it disturbing that people consider killing an innocent person (even in fiction) "entertaining." I am not saying that anyone who has played an M-rated game (for violence) is going to commit murder one day. I just think people take certain issues too lightly to the point where it is entertaining. These are my personal thoughts. You have the freedom to play any game you want, just as I have the freedom to express my opinion.
  9. I sort of see your point there, but the violence in pokemon is more cartoonish and the pokemon do not actually die, they just faint. I was thinking more of the more realistic games. I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved in this debate.
  10. I agree that all video games have some degree of influence (especially on young children). I personally don't like to play extremely violent video games (I don't own any m-rated games), and I think video games are starting to get too realistic when it comes to violence. In my opinion, a game with lots of blood and gore can desensitize a child (and adults too), and he may not see any problem with killing someone. In addition to the amount of violence, the overall plot of the game is important too. I like to play "good vs. evil" type games. I don't see how anyone could EVER play Grand theft Auto. Some people use the excuse " its just a game. I wouldn't do it in real life." However, if you wouldn't kill innocent people in real life, why on earth would you want to do it in a video game. Overall, some violence in games is okay, but people need to be careful.
  11. That's a tough question to answer. One of the happiest moments of my life was when I started horseback riding lessons when I was 12. I love horses!
  12. Hi, I was considering buying some music composing software, but, according to the system requirements, I need a soundcard compatible with ASIO (audio streaming input output). Do most computers have asio (I have a realtek soundcard and windows 8)?
  13. There was no news about the North American DLC, but if I'm not mistaken, we already have "Death's Embrace" which is from series 2. I'm assuming we will get the others as well.
  14. Can you find this magazine in stores (like walmart), or do you have to order it?
  15. I recently started playing Fire Emblem 12 for the first time, and I think I am missing a starsphere shard. I am currently on CH. 10 and I am missing Scorpio (wich is obtained in Ch. 7) How will this effect the ending? I am trying to decide if I should start over.
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