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Everything posted by AstraSage

  1. Personally, I'll probably end up offset Henry's Speed issue by reclassing him through Barbarian->Berserker: Those classes tend to also have good Speed growths, and the "Gamble+Wrath+Vengeance" Trio makes him a good Ruin-wielder... Wait, something silly I just noticed: Henry has better Skill than Speed but has access to Speed-boosting classes, while Sariya is more Speed than Skill but the base classes she can change into are Skill-boosting ones...
  2. I don't know, guys... Maybe it's because how Vincent translated Wood's flowery speech, but for all the uproar gotten from the news those two could reach that rank, I found LucinaXWood's S-rank to be pretty tame on its own (not accounting endings I don't know of) compared to other S-supports... Of course, the support might look even tamer compared to the Idea of a S-rank between an Emelina-mothered Mark and Wood: but any player responsible of the latter would have the complete fault of reaching those extremes...
  3. Make it 87 Res: You can take a longer route pairing MU with a Libera-fathered n_n (who comes with a +4 Modifier of her own) for a +9 modifier.
  4. [spoiler=on Pairings]Like Lexington said, Velvet and Basillio can't support, much less marry. But Taguel genes are so dominant Chambray's always gonna end up as a black-haired bunnyman regardless of who the father is, so is more a question of which class branches he inherits access to along with Velvet's (Tag/Thief/Draco): Out of your Bachelor list, it would be either Knight/Priest (Callum), Fighter/Myrm (Gaia), Barbarian/Dark Mage (Henry) or Villager/Fighter/Merc (Donny).
  5. ñ_o And that kinda explains why he can make the Ruin tome's Mad Critic even madder with access to Gamble and Wrath...
  6. Well, with that Hit+20, the Curses skills and the Bow/Magic Slayer.... I think Sariya has the means to patch the Dark Tomes' low Hit issue.
  7. It seems like the Dark Mages/Sorcerers now have a monopoly on Siege Magic... Also add the fact the "commercial" Dark B-rank Tome is also a Brave Tome, and the School is shaping up to be a bigger powerhouse than expected.
  8. No Stone = No Transform. Thanks goodness Taguels can reclass.
  9. Also, Dat Hit in Innes' Surebow: only someone with negative Skill would miss with that thing...
  10. Good point. You even gave an interesting thought: Nono can become slightly monstrous if one's willing to waste a lot of Seals and Exp. on her: She can learn both Starts and they don't seem to be mutually-exclusive, so she can start with a fixed +16 bonus for 15 turns. Then there's her initial class skill giving an extra +10 bonus on odd numbered turns. AND then there's two Slayers skill available for her, so for at least (Because I'm actually not sure S.Start keeps on with a +15 bonus after) the first 15 turns she'd be the scourge of sword/lance users with a +76/+66 bonus...
  11. I just checked the Walkthrough Wiki, and you're half-right: There's an UNTIL, but about it's about turns, not levels. The skill gives a +20 boost to both Hit and Avoid for the first 7 turns, making the stable middleground counterpart to both the Dragon Master's Hot Start (which gets its effect decreasing until disappearing at Turn 15) and the Dark Knight's Slow Start (Which needs 15 turns for its effect tbe able to progressively reach full power).
  12. I compared the Serenes' Skill page with the Walkthrough Wiki's one and there's a small switcheroo with the General's skills in the former: The Def. Cry is learned at Lv. 5 (Like the other Cries) while the G. Shield is learned at Lv. 15 (Like Holy Shield). Also, there's the Taguel's Lv.15 skill: 獣特攻 タグエルの時、獣馬系に有効な攻撃を行う Beast Effective: Deals effective damage to beast and horseback units when fighting as a Taguel.
  13. Unfortunately, there are pictures that confirm that yes, a Male!MU's is a girl named Mark... As for Selena being a Myrm or a Merc, I have the dreaded feeling no one has actually S-ranked Tiamo yet to confirm which one she starts (Myrm feels weird, though)...
  14. The Walkthrough Wiki's Skill list got an update. The typo in Bow Knight's Bow Slayer skill was rectified and there's three new Lv. 5 skillls. Gryphons are a Ferry Class. [spoiler=Lv. 5] Sniper 命中+20 ユニットの命中+20 Hit+20: Self-explanatory. Dark Pegasus 移動の叫び 「応援」コマンド選択時、1ターン周囲3マス以内のみかたの移動+1 Movement(!!!) Cry: Unlike the other Cries, this (thanksfully) only gives a +1 boost to its namesake stat. Gryphon Knight 運び手 ダブルの状態で、移動+2 Carrier (Urgently need a doublecheck on the name): When Double is Active, Movement+2. Oh, and also says what the Villager's Lv.15 Skill does: [spoiler= Weak Beats Strong] 下克上 敵のレベルが自分より高い(上級職は+20)時、命中・回避+15 Hit and Avoid +15 when the Enemy's Level is higher than the User's (Level+20 is assumed for Promoted Units)
  15. Re-checked it... The source indulged in a bit of copypasta as an easy way out (you see, the Hero's Axe Slayer skill was close by), yet forgot to double Kanji-check.
  16. Umm... managed to find some more Class Skills updated from both of the linked sources in the Skills page, I'd be grateful if anyone more skilled in Japanese can pull a more clear translation... [spoiler=Short List](from h_yusaku) Dark Knight Learned at Lv. 5 スロースタート 毎ターン命中・回避が1ずつ上昇 15ターン経過以後、効果は切れる Slow Start: Hit and Avoid increase by 1 each turn. Effect gets cut (aka. no more increase) once the 15th turn is reached. Learned at Lv. 15 生命吸収 自分から攻撃して敵を倒すと、HP50%回復 Life Drain: Recovers (as in absorb) 50% of the enemy's HP if the user defeats the enemy. (from FE13 WT wiki) Bow Knight Learned at Lv. 5 技の叫び 「応援」コマンド選択時、1ターン周囲3マス以内の味方の技+4 Skill Cry: like the other Cries, but with Skill Learned at Lv. 15 弓殺し 敵が斧装備時、命中・回避+50 Bow Slayer: Hit and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a bow
  17. I actually think the Body Type restricts all the other options but haircolor: I mean, the Slender Type showcased in the video didn't have the Always-shut eyes option that was showcased with the Burly type in one of the later Famitsu articles...
  18. So it's like an old saying back home, (paraphrased) "Lots of swimming, just before dying at the shore".
  19. You know, I heard somewhere else that Anna marrying MU would be a blasphemy... but giving some thought, the Marriage would be quite far from it: if one can customize MU's growth like in FE12, he'll be minmaxable enough to beget the RNMessiah out of the S-rank.
  20. Seems to be the most logical progression, as the other alternatives (Sage/B. Cleric/Trickster) wouldn't justify stopping being a mounted unit... On a unrelated note, is safe to say Basilio is a Warrior...
  21. I would blame it on whoever thought "Dark" would make a nice short for "Yes, this unit can also cast magic". I won't be surprised if Dark Knights/Pegasi end up localized as Mage Knights and Pegasus Mages respectively in the European version... You know, though, there's really nothing that could stop a Sorcerer from being able to transfer his/her Dark Magic capabilities to other Tome-wielding classes through a (High-level) Skill unless the Devs hadn't thought of it...
  22. I think this has more to do with the fact Battle Clergy became the most direct promotion for Priests/Clerics instead of Bishops: there's that feeling of mine that IS realized Promoted Priests would be excellent Anti-magic Tanks with their tendency towards higher Resistance if it weren't for the fact they could damage Mages with Light tomes and their pidgeonholed low Might only because in Normal and lower difficulties enemy mages have low enough Res. to take a hit from those tomes, so in turn IS went pragmatical by taking in account a Mage's main weakness (low Defense) and making Priests exploit it through access to the Physical Weapons with the highest Might values possible (Axes) and, a la FE12, with said weapons lacking a Weight stat to hinder AS with. Which is why I also think that Battle Monks/Clerics will end up with the Highest Cap for Res. despite their relatively low Class Bases overall and the inevitable Class Growths/Caps overhaul they are gonna need for their other stats in order to be a viable Axe-wielding class...
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