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About PostZordem

  • Birthday 08/07/2002


  • Member Title
    Self-Ostracized From The Forest

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  • Location
    Somewhere outside the Forest

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Three Houses

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  1. Hello there! I'm sure if you've seen my signature, examined my member title/location or noticed my sudden change in my entire profile then you're probably wondering why I'm doing this. The full farewell speech is in the "About Me" section here on my profile page. You can click on that and read through everything there if you're interested. If you don't feel like reading through my big wall of text though, the short version pretty much just boils down to: I lose too much time of my life browsing forums and I feel that Serenes Forest just isn't the place for me to be anymore.

    And yes, I truly will be leaving the Forest for good. I'm not gonna come back in a week/month/year and say: "Surprise!". I'm not the kind of guy to do something like that. 

    So yeah, thanks for letting me stay here (Even though I totally went on a long hiatus a few times) and chatting with me. I hope I can find happiness & success out in this crazy world of ours, and I hope you guys can find happiness and success in your lives, too. 🙂


    - CyberZord

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