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Posts posted by triabolical

  1. On 9/29/2022 at 1:53 AM, SnowFire said:

    Are you able to also hack joining stats / skills?  People who play a mod are likely veteran 3H-ers, and the nature of high-level 3H play means that late recruits are generally behind well-trained early recruits.  This is likely still true even if the monastery is cut (because good skills are learned through in-combat class mastery, your Death Blow and the like).  If hacking join stats / skills is feasible, then having some post time-skip late-joiners, probably after the map they're beaten (if conditions are met?  Is that even hack-in-able), could be interesting.  Not much point if not, because nobody will want to use Caspar after Fort Merceus in Golden Deer or the like.  

    Some of Shanty Pete's ideas sound cool but would involve some intense modding tools (new maps, conversations, recruitment conditioned on actions in battle).  Do those exist yet?

    I can use the Lysithea/Lorenz/Ashe "Persuade/Kill" command to recruit units with no issues on maps (they don't even need to be physically on the map do it). Unfortunately, it's the only way to do so without crashing the map or fully understanding how the game does map scripting. So far I have added and tested all Blue Lion and Golden Deer units recruitment scenarios. All I have left is to do Chapter 17+, adding Cindered Shadows Chapter 1 for Ashen Wolves recruitment, and Crimson Flower recruitments.

    The mid/late game recruits are going to be in advanced/master classes by default. Abilities can easily be obtained by adding them to the unit's learnset. For example, adding "Fiendish Blow" for Lysithea at A rank Reason or "Death Blow" at A rank Axes for Caspar. Upon recruitment, they will already learned those abilities. Recruitment stats are going to be better just due to auto-leveling in Advanced/Master tier classes. Gremory Lysithea at Chapter 17 for Azure Moon is probably going to be better than most trained units. 

    I'm also considering either reducing the number of Divine Pulses or getting rid of it to promote usage of recruits.


  2. I'm currently making a mod that attempts to turn Three Houses into a more traditional Fire Emblem. So far I am able to remove weekly teaching, access to the monastery, and aux battles.

    The only thing left to do is to figure out how to deal with recruitment if the monastery isn't going to be available.

    Units can easily be recruited in chapter maps but unfortunately cannot be used until the chapter is complete. 

    I would like some thoughts and opinions on when units should be recruited, given the route. I'm not going to implement something like Chapter 1 Edelgard recruitment in Blues Lions (maybe for a meme "Golden Route" type of thing). 

  3. 4 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Great work! It's nice to finally get closure on how this works.

    I tried writing a short computer program to estimate what this means for characters' actual growth rates in practice. It's only an estimate because there are 10^18 different theoretically possible RN sets for levels (though they might not all be possible in reality due to computer RNs not being truly random) and I couldn't think of a good way to account for them all, but I used 10^9 of them to estimate the effects. It looks like normal characters (e.g. Ferdinand) gain 0-1% on their lower growths, and 1-2% on their higher. Lysithea, who has a lot of low growths and is more likely to get natural 0- or 1-stat levels, benefits slightly more: 1-2% on her lower stats and 2-3% on their higher. Constance's magic is the standout, being somewhere between 4% and 5% higher, i.e. about the only case where someone can reasonably expect to be 1 point higher than their listed averages by endgame. In all cases it's worth noting the effect is muted as you reclass to classes with better growths (which raise your totals and decrease your chance of 1- or 2-stat levels).


    Yeah I think this is something that you would need to simulate to get an effective growth rate. That’s what I would expect, low growth stats will have little to no change, and a 4-5% increase at the extreme side with Constance’s magic (this what I empirically saw, 64%-65%). 

    Does not make much of a difference at the end. 

  4. If anyone is curious what happens if multiple stats are tied.

    • HP is skipped if 3 or more stats are tied for closest.
    • if HP is selected as the first stat, then there's some weird skipping of tied stats to select the second stat.
      • Skips the first stat in any 2 way ties, and any 3+ stat ties if Str and Mag are not both tied. 
      • Ignores Str and Mag if they are both tied in any 3 or more stat ties. 


    Screen Shot 2022-08-09 at 1.49.02 PM.png

  5. I can now 100% confirm that the stats are picked by minimum difference. No rerolling of stats is used, just picks the stats that are closest to level up. 

    I used an adjutant level up, which the RNs are fixed for a map, and continuously change the growth rates to get the RNs and play around with the growths to see what stat would appear on the level up. 

    Weird things happens with ties. If all of them are tied, you get Str + Mag, skipping HP. Other than that, it goes by order.



  6. On 7/14/2022 at 2:53 PM, asm335 said:

    Hey, I am still interested in this answer even though I asked it in January because I still haven’t found it unfortunately.

    The "re-roll" stats, at least what empirical data supports, seems to be the highest rolled stats. Level ups don't appeared to be re-roll, so might actually pick the stats based on the closest to proc.

    So on a blank level up, it would pick the closest two stats that would have rolled. On a one stat level up, you would get that one stat (suggesting no re-rolling the levels), and the highest rolled stat. 

    This way of performing the blank/one stat level up matches pretty well statistically with what I have observed with Constance.

  7. On 5/26/2022 at 11:47 AM, Bylift said:

    I've been watching and am at chapter 14. It's a good run and I like the music choices.

    One question I have is, at the end of certain chapters you seem to be getting multiple levels on certain characters (i.e. Dimitri chapter 13). Can you explain how you are doing that? It seems to be some form of abusing boss XP but I don't get how units like Pallardo and Randolph don't seem to be fighting back?

    You can repeatedly farm exp from dealing chip damage to boss. It's easier to do if the boss doesn't move and they are on a heal tile. If they can move, why not just make them not move? 

    Chapter 14, Bernadetta kept using Encloser to force Randolph on the heal tile. Dimitri and Constance attacked at 2 range repeatedly.

  8. 3 hours ago, SnowFire said:

    Hmm, I'm not sure if making a Super-Dimitri really qualifies as a challenge restriction!  Makes Reunion at Dawn even more hellish, sure, but in a restricted Monastery + No Paralogues run, I'd be more inclined to consider doing it anyway since some various late-game builds will be harder to pull off without cool Paralogue goodies or a bunch of skill training from Explore actions, and a stat-jacked Dimitri could be just the thing to fix that.

    I was worried about how exactly Byleth was going to recruit anyone under these conditions + losing Dedue for good, but right, the Ashen Wolves to the rescue to fill the ranks.

    Hence why "make the challenge appear harder" is in quotes. It was actually needed to get people to level 20 before chapter 12. Dimitri get exp would make getting to advanced classes a lot harder. Chapter 13 might be interesting for you to watch to see what I did to completed. Lots of exploiting odd map mechanics used in the run. 

    17 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Nice! I do love reading about reduced-monastery runs. One complaint about 3H is that some people find the monastery a drag... well, for those who feel that way, you can skip it! Or just pick out the parts you want.

    How did you find Dimitri, given the special rules you used for him? And with no explore after chapter 6 and no B rank auto-recruit, did you end up recruiting anyone?

    You should watch the run. I made it so each chapter is completely watchable by making them under 10 minutes long. Recruits were Leonie, Bernadetta, Cyril, the Ashen Wolves, were used. Catherine, Shamir were recruited for other reasons. Dimitri helped a lot by allowing better exp allocation for other units.

  9. I have done a "No Aux/Paralogue No Optional Monastery Exploration" Run on Azure Moon. Not quite an old-school FE feel in terms of gameplay but in terms of gameplay pacing.

    The rules used:

    • No Optional Battles: No Aux Battles/Paralogues (besides the forced one in Chapter 2)
    • Monastery Exploration in Chapter 1, 2, and the first week of Chapter 4 and 6
    • Units must have 100% pass rate to cert into a new class. This done to discourage ability grinding/stacking and rigging promotions.
    • Dimitri must be at Level 1 at the end of Chapter 12. To make the challenge "appear harder"
    • All maps must be routed if possible: "Kill Every Last of Them". Done to fully engage with the map design.
    • All Recruits must be asked directly by Monastery dialogue. No B-Support Auto Recruit.
    • No DLC Stat Boosters or Items (Chalice of Beginnings)

    Because of the limited monastery this means:

    • No Saint Statues: Flayn is unavailable for the quest in Chapter 6 for story reasons.
    • No Dancer
    • No S-Support
    • Can only ask for a Mission Assistant in Chapter 4

    I have a playlist for all 22 Chapters of the Blue Lions/Azure Moon Route. Each video is edited and shorten to shows the completion of each story chapter in about 4-9 minutes, along with some strategy notes and weird map behavior that I found and exploited in the video descriptions.

    This was probably the most fun I had playing the game. I would recommend it to people that dislike the monastery tedium or grinding aspect of the game, maybe with more lax rules (include paralogues, no class cert restrictions, etc...).


  10. On 4/22/2022 at 12:51 PM, Bylift said:

    It looks like that run either is still in progress or was abandoned at the time skip. The last chapter mission shown was 12, and it looks like it may have been a compilation of videos from a number of runs since it is Blue Lions at one point and Black Eagle/SS on another. The last video posted was in 2021, so it appears abandoned to me.

    I watched a handful of the videos (they're mostly 3-4min clips in case others are thinking about it). It's hard to tell what the runner was doing exactly because the video descriptions are vague and the comments ask but s/he doesn't give detail in response.

    The runner is definitely using DLC items, specifically the shoes for Mv +2 on Byleth. I take no issue with it at all just pointing it out.

    After watching, I'm struggling to understand how they did what they did without NG+.

    Everyone I could see had full spell lists by Ch.5 and maybe sooner. You just can't grind magic that high that early(?) unless they're an adjutant, and I am not sure if it's common to have professor rank C or higher by then, though I suppose it's possible, but even then you have to grind Aux battles, and how can you grind that many units' magic in time?

    I also noticed multiple copies of dragon claws on the Ch. 5 mission, which I believe you can only get from the Pagan Altar at that point, and I think it requires pretty high professor rank before it is available for renown purchase.

    Byleth had S+ gauntlets at chapter 4 (the first video). I am an absolutely shameless grinder and I don't know how you could get that high of a rank that early. I'm not picking at the runner here, just to be clear: I'm impressed if they got there without NG+. I just... can't see how they did it.

    Regardless of whether it's NG or NG+, the runner has excellent strats and precise unit placement to exploit warp/rescue, as well as battalion vantage/crit shenanigans. I wish they had videos of post-timeskip chapters.

    If anyone has has a link to a video showing a final map clear of any route using commoner only, please share!

    Some of the Blue Lion Map were on NG+, as I just wanted a video to highlight the strats but didn't want to replay the early chapters, this would be chapter 5, and 6. Paralogues and timeskip maps on Blue Lions are on NG. I did uploaded the Blue Lions exclusive chapters. Entirely of CF and SS is on NG.

    S+ gauntlets is indeed doable. It took the forced aux battle in Chapter 2, Chapter 2, and another aux battle in Chapter 2. Balthus adjutant was used to get Constance's magic rank if I remembered correctly. Chapter 4 is on NG, despite Chapter 5 and 6 are on NG+. I don't know how that came to be.

    The Azure Moon Endgame video is just a silly video to one turn the map with the month glitch abuse. I did play the map but it wasn't interesting to actually show. It was basically using a dodge tank to avoid the boss's attacks and slowly killing everything.

    These are the first set of video I uploaded and are very slow and probably do not have any details in the description. 




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