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Maya A.

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About Maya A.

  • Birthday May 3


  • Member Title
    Ultimate Fashionista

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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    Corrin (F)


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. The picture is kinda blurry, but I think Tsubaki's skill is called "Perfectionist" Nishiki is absolutely adorable. Come my arms, you lil fox
  2. Happy birthday!

  3. Whoa hey happy birthday!! c: You were born on a good day imhotep

  4. The first Kai I got was a complete beast, had like 19 str and max speed by like lv 17 and proceeded to carry the entire fucking team cause he was basically one rounding everyone who was not a knight. So of course he became a complete disappointment in my 2nd run. Goddammit Kai ...at least you can always count on Agro, right? ...right?
  5. My God those levels...I remember my Ragnar hitting like a truck, but couldn't really dodge or take a hit orz, while Vidar was just plain awesome, like a Knight but with Cavalier movement. Anyways, glad to see you're playing this! I have a real soft spot for this hack, it's just so much fun to play~
  6. Since everyone is doing it, why not? [spoiler=party members] Tanky dark mage, I love it. Suffered from speed problems. Mage!Hector sounds about right. Ahh Cristoph, you and your average stats. But hey, when have you seen a fighter with almost as much resistance as defense? Archer with same strength as fighter. That is all. Much resistance. Such wow. Mage with as much HP as fighter. Nothing else. Will try the other promotion path later. AHAHAHAHA LOOK AT THAT SPEED. AHAHAHA GET OUT. Too weak to even be trained. Second best character 9/10. Gave him the luck boost cause he kept getting eating criticals. Some more skill would be nice. Best character 10/10. Everyone else get out. Hey, she got strength. That already makes her better than old man priest. Hey, that Hook Blade saved my butt a few times. Look at that con and defense. Awesome. Others I didn't screenshot: didn't use. So yeah, speed seems to be a problem for my team in general. More of that would be nice. Anyways, great job! I really enjoyed this, and felt kinda sad when I couldn't play anymore orz. Can't wait to see what else you're gonna throw at us~ (psst that Hollow King dude is hot make him a party member) Also, about that battle preparations theme, is it something you made yourself or you imported it from another game?
  7. Congrats on release~ I'm loving it so far, the music is absolutely fantastic. Specially dat battle preparations theme. Urgh, so perfect. [spoiler=Chapter 7 stuff]Is there some sort of trick to this chapter? I know where are the enemies coming from, but Shiori is just dying in two hits :/ or do I just suck at FE in general??? Also, I seem to find our myrm kinda hard to use. I deployed them once, and they're just kinda...there. Twiddling their thumbs in the background or something cause they didn't do much orz
  8. Happy Birthday!!!

  9. Thanks for all the answers, everyone. Guess I'll just wait for Arch's newest patch before continuing! I just started using a gba emulator for my PSP, though the lack of rewind is a bit frustrating.
  10. I...did this too. Didn't work. So then I restarted the 2nd tale and didn't trigger any conversations, didn't work either.
  11. Yes, I did. I even replayed both tales and still nothing. Which is weird considering I played it before and it didn't happen? I think the only differences between them was that I made Everrett and Dietel talk...
  12. I've tried both options, actually. It won't give me the seize option, and it doesn't work when I end my turn on the throne, either.
  13. First time posting in this thread, but I just wanted to say I'm loving this so far! A...little buggy (and hard, but that's just because I suck at FE in general), but really fun. I'm having trouble finishing the 2nd part of Legault's tale, though: the tale doesn't end when I kill Montresor? So...I'm stuck :/
  14. Tried this the other day, I quite like it! I'm currently on CH10, but the reinforcements just kept coming and I'm just :/ Also I've been reading this topic and others seem to prefer Vidar over Tero, but the former got RNG-screwed But Tero just...wow And I got a pretty darn blessed Kai as well Anyways, keep up the good work! I'll keep on playing~ my Ragnar sucks so bad why
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