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Everything posted by Liimustelieth

  1. Hello again guys! Don't worry about this! And thanks for your answer as well Jotari! I did search for answer before asking help, but I only found people asking/sharing stuff about forcing range animation (on sword and javelin-like lance, so quite the opposite haha). I've tested your method on all axe users in FE7 & FE8 so it takes me some times to setup everything Now when I use a Iron Axe or an Handaxe at melee range: - The standing animation works - The attack animation works - The critical attack animation works - The miss animation works - The damage taken animation works - The dodge animation works And when I use an Handaxe at ranged: - The standing animation works - The attack animation works - The critical attack animation works - The miss animation works - The damage taken animation works - The dodge animation do not works… I mean it doesn’t freeze the game or anything, but the handaxe transforms into a axe during dodge frames, then reverts to an handaxe immediately afterwards. But it's normal because of how the vanilla game handle the axe animation Well since almost everything works like a charm I won't complain haha Thanks again for your answers guys!
  2. Thanks for answering! But that doesn't work, because doing that indeed force the melee animation for the handaxes, but it does force the melee animation for melee and ranged attacks (and so freeze the game when using the throwing axe weapons at ranged) As the javelin get used as a normal lance at close range and get thrown at long range, I would like the handaxe type weapons to get used as a normal axe at close range, and get thrown at long range
  3. Hi guys, how can I force melee animation for throwing axes? Like the javelin that got different animation when used melee or ranged Because I use the FEBuilder I know that lances use one animation file when axes use two (one for melee, one for ranged). And because of that I know it would probably difficult to patch it, but if someone got clues or ideas on how to do it that would be great
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