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Everything posted by Miacis

  1. It might be that we're seeing the first use of the "legendary" weapons that don't just glow, but also have a big flashy FE4/7-like shine before they're used. Then again, when Julius didn't have the initiative, it started lagging as soon as he was on screen, so... *shrug* If it's the weapon, you'll know as soon as you have someone use it. But congrats on going through these two maps, and snatching the Canaan Spear! It gets a little more into classic endgame difficulty after this. Do know that the town right after Nolzeria is the last pit stop to buy anything, ever. Also, in the chance that you do Nolzeria super fast and move onto the following map after the next video: > This is the map for the Silence staff. > Remember that some non-pirate classes can cross water. > If you decide that subtlety is an overrated concept, do check enemy inventories before rushing in.
  2. Ah crud, I switched around Runan and Holmes as for where to send Kate and Sasha for a bit more development. She gets a more... definitive end to her storyline on Runan's route (it's really not that much and doesn't even change her Epilogue, but it's just not something most players get). I'm sorry I failed you. :( If you still have the pre-split save file I guess you can go back and switch them around while you still can, but if not, don't worry about it. Don't burn yourself out when you're getting close to the end. That Secret Shop is also where Shigen could have recruited Sierra had you not done his dying event. Convenient how they also sell Dark tomes. Oh, also, you were a bit confused that a Terra crit would only do 37 damage. The thing is, you can't have a Terra AND a crit because Terra is already a crit (that ignores terrain). But the game displays both the Terra line and the critical line even though they're the same thing. The next maps on Runan's side are some of the hardest in the game, btw. Good luck! > Wait for turn 10 before ending the next map. I doubt this'll be a problem this time, but you've already surprised me once... > The boss of the second map is quite hard, but drops his weapon. Also check the skills of the NPCs...
  3. Don't you love how the game teases you about an upcoming desert chapter, then goes "Nah jk bro. heres your treasure"? Also remember how Raquel nearly killed Roger, and then missed him on purpose like 5 times? You'd figure Roger would remember it, but I guess not... The Dahkruon lets you do some pretty neat things, btw. If you chose Ruka all the way back when and let Raquel's sidequest play out, he would die during map 26, making her break her vow to never kill human beings. If you didn't rush Holmes's chapters, that allows you to revive him at the Tower, though I'm not sure (and actually curious...) if the game acknowledges it, story-wise. You can also kill Krishna before she steals the Dahkruon, go all the way up the tower, revive her, then get back into the tower, and deploy her on the 5th floor (where you'd usually retrieve her). This tricks the game into thinking you did all the events properly and so Shigen can talk to her, which makes the game... add another Krishna to the party. That's right, for the price of one Dahkruon use, you can get two shitty Myrmidons! And here's the fun thing, because pointers are already set, one's inventory will always overwrite the other's. This lets you do really stupid shit, like duplicate items, or delete items you're not supposed to lose. It also makes the Epilogue think you both completed Krishna's events and didn't, so one Krishna runs off to do her own thing, and the other goes do something else, it's pretty amusing. Speaking of killing people for benefits, if you went all this way to recruit Letena but don't have Ezekiel in your party, killing Kreiss (or Letena if you didn't want to recruit her and did her quest by accident how??) would cancel her event, and neither survivor would leave. However, this is also the point where you can't go back to Morse Tower anymore, so whoever you kill will stay dead. And wow, I just realized, you didn't say much when Raphael mentionned Liza's son, but this actually kind of a big plot point that was missed early on! (I thought it was revealed again in the Epilogue, but nope!) So in the very first Route Split, you brought Sasha onto Runan's route because Raphael boosts her stats, and gets a support with her. If you had brought her to Holmes's side, she'd get a support with him, and that's because... she recognizes the pendant he's wearing (but isn't shown in any of his art...) and it leads to a series of events where, when he arrives at Castle Wellt, Liza recognizes him as her son. She was one of the Salian pegasus knights during the Balt war, and that's where she met both Raphael of Wellt, and Vals of Granada. And before marrying the former, she had one son with the latter: Holmes. How's this for replayability, and an interconnected cast, huh? There's not many hints left to give at this point, the game is pretty much done with its cryptic bullshit, tbh. This map is where the last Secret Shop is, I guess. Oh, and I misremembered Canticle's special effect in my route split recap, so ignore that thing I said about it. It does prevent counters, which is pretty neat.
  4. Aw damn. I thought it was another Blahd-like party, but yeah, Julia's more center-stage than I thought. Welp, Deltre, the gist of those two scenes: As for the scene you missed for her in Yr, Speaking of, Yoda does have some unique animations for trigerring crits/skills, so if he's around, it might be worth turning on animations here and there, I dunno. Also, Barbarossa doesn't have a niece, but he does have a daughter: Silva, captain of the Black Knights. (And yes, that means you killed San's grandpa.) She was accompanying Sennet and Tia, just like Resshea, which is probably what confused you. Also I just realized that San's dad is brother to king Dagnell of Salia, making her Katri's cousin. Neat. But yeah, Resshea, the princess of Sophia, is the youngest child of king Bahanuk of Canaan, from his second marriage (I assume his second wife was Sophian royalty?). His first marriage gave him Barker, Julius and Arless. I'm not sure which of these tidbits was revealed or not by now, but I know none of them is supposed to be a big reveal, and the TRS family trees are confusing, so here ya go. And finally, here's a little guide for the next re-group:
  5. Whoa, whoa, hold on. There's supposed to be a lot more text after Holmes's speech. Did you accidentally skip it during the cheers? You might wanna do a double take on that one. Try and see if you can do it without killing Xyon this time. The dialogue isn't just slightly different, you get a pretty relevant detail about what's going on in the world, and how Sennet's campaign is fairing. And I guess it explains why we'll be seeing less and less of a certain unit type. Btw, I'm pretty sure it's possible to distract Renee from warping people away by just injuring enemies near her, so she'll run up and heal them instead. Not super sure how reliable that is, but I guess that'd be a reason to not use Nosferatu. As for the next map, most has already been said, but I'll add that it's completable in one turn! Without combat! Kaga designs! Oh, and once you've had a bit of a preview of what kinda skills the trainers in the next map teach, here's a lil' cheat list of who learns which on their own, so you don't end up teaching stuff to people who learn it anyways. Characters you don't use have been omitted. (late) means "in 10+ levels". You won't get the opportunity to bring anyone from Runan's group over here, so keep that in mind when planning who learns what.
  6. Did you change your recording setup or something? You sounded different in this video. Fun fact, Runan gained Charm/Charisma from promotion! The... game doesn't tell you for some reason. If he were still under level 7 (how?!), he would have learned Adept as well. Do keep in your mind how Runan handled his speech, btw. Serious, humble, apologetic, and full of hope for the future. Just... remember that for later. (Also the guys dressing up as civilians change titles to "Crossdressers" when they reveal themselves. That's... one way of putting it.)
  7. You've already seen Nosferatu, and it's dark magic. How could you forget that kickass snake, Deltre? How could you? D: Also yeah, if you go through the fortifications it's... about as slow and awful as the desert. Not that hard to break the gates and whatnot, but there are stairs all the way, and guess what type of terrain can't be traversed by mounted units... On the plus side, it puts you in a more favorable position to deal with the Condor squad. Letena's personal Silence is actually super useful on later maps. Probably not as useful as having a trained Lionel, but hey, you can make do with that. Rebecca does replace her with summons available early and... similar stats really. I guess she does learn Charm at level thirty-fucking-eight? Her entire character can be summed up as "I come from the mystery village in the desert" "Can you develop that thought?" "No" And... you've started the next map already. Okay, well, there's not many hints that haven't already seen for yourself, and you've probably guessed what to do with Vega and Douchenheimer: > Arkis is not a Dark Knight reinforcement so yeah, just look more carefully at their starting stats. Only Rina can talk to him.
  8. I'm sure you'll see more of Sierra once you go with Holmes's group, but her thing is that she'll only come rescue Shigen up until now. If she takes Shigen away, he'll return (with her) at the second route split, which is why you might as well get him killed at the last possible moment. If you do not get her to rescue him, she'll only show up a couple chapters before the end of the game, missing out on juicy experience and character development. (Also yes, Holmes's reaction is just that bad. I guess he's so used to having Shigen around he didn't even notice when he was chatting with Katri.) Ooh boy, let's see... Well, first off, if you're going with Holmes next, refer to my previous post. If it's Runan again: > Open only once you've started turn 1 of the chapter proper: > The last (...?) steps in Letena's quest. Have Kreiss land the killing blow on the wyvern boss named Mark. Man, if only you had someone who deals good damage to fliers without killing them... Then have him visit the house she's staying in. > There's a route split! If you take the castle to the north, the next chapter will be an outdoors map that relies on cavalry and physics use. It's fairly easy, and yields weapons and a Hero's Crest. If you take the one to the south, you'll get an indoors map the relies on ranged units and thieves. This one is trickier, but gets you a shitton of money, two rare stat boosters, one or more potentially amazing swords and another Knight's Crest. The split lasts only one chapter, with both maps having their own special brand of Bullshit™, and I'd recommend using a save(/state) before seizing, to at least see the beginning of each. (Pro MLG points if you play both.) it's Tearring Saga at its stupidest in either case. > There's a recruitable character who will appear in both maps. Map North, you just need to visit a house with Arkis or Kreiss. Map South, she starts recruited from the start but needs to go talk to one of your units who uh... put themselves in a precarious position. That's about as explainy as I can get without falling into big spoilers, I think.
  9. Awww, I was just about to post it... ah, fuck it. Here it is. It's got a few precisions that the guide above doesn't, and vice versa, so hey. Teamwork. But yeah, did you really think that the pre-promote that recruits himself, comes with amazing stats, amazing skills, and has the single best growth rates in the game would come without a catch...? Heh. Kinda glad nobody spoiled that one, because that's usually one of the first things people say about this game's characters. Also, now that Zieg has left, you should check our Kate. She's got a new nickname. Bud's kinda interesting, because she's a Thief character that's less support and more combat than Yuni. Yuni's got no Str growth (literally), but she has a lot of screentime and will max out on her steal rate stats really fast, and eventually she learns Charm, too. Bud, in comparison, gets actual strength (still at a thief's rates...), and learns some better skills for her development. A strategy I really like for training her is to repeatedly attack Rishel with Slim swords in their recruitment map. Rishel will not counterattack her, and his (unstealable) Sunflame gives him enough defense that she'll keep doing 0 damage... but she'll still get EXP for it. Repeat for a bit and she'll reach level 10, learn Paragon, and be set on her journey to greatness. Regarding the Rishel-Martel conversation, Maeve crying for her kidnapper does make sense emotionally... He's probably the only person she had any contact with for most of her life, and the only one who cared for her and took care of her. For her young self, he was more or less the only person she had for years, no wonder his death affected her. It's not Stockholm syndrome levels, but it's more or less the same mechanism. =( Oh, oh, and did you notice? Queen Liza from Wellt is Martel's aunt. You wanna see how interconnected the people in our army are? The Sage of Fire Octavus had four children: Rosa married Narith the psycho (he's the son of the Sage of Light Maios), and bore Meriel and Rishel; Claris married Robert (the brother of Lionheart and Queen Maria) and had the three pegasus sisters; Andre married some random lady and got Renee; and Liza married Raphael, and bore Sasha. I tell you, this game blows Genealogy out of the water as far as "everyone is someone else's cousin" is concerned. Hints for next map: > You can progress the story as either Runan or Holmes now. Wanna do all Holmes chapters first? Go ahead. Wanna alternate one of each? Feel free! > For Runan's side, a couple reinforcements have items on them. Might as well wait them out. Nothing too big though. > For Holmes, I forget if you're forced to, but do stop by Blahd. Also, make a savestate before the choice in Yuni's event. You might wanna see both outcomes before deciding?
  10. Weird, I remembered this map being played slow and careful, but I guess you're full of surprises. Then again, I think this is the point where my Yunis get into their stride and I start robbing every enemy blind, which might be the reason for the slow playstyle hehe. I do like how, when Katri saved Mariano, the game sorta prepared the terrain for Zachariah. The first time, she saves this pirate scoundrel who only amounts to being a joke character and also kind of a dick and we can all make fun of her poor decisions in life. The second time, it's a generic enemy general.... who turns out to not only be important to the plot (and to her), but also a very nice and helpful guy! While I'm not as enthused as you about Katri as a character, I do appreciate that little bait-n-switch they did here. You do you with the pure altruism, Katri, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
  11. There are a couple ways to handle Kranion early, the Dragon VS Dragon method was mentionned in the comment, or you could give Martel a Main Gauche and lure it away, since Large Breath is super inaccurate. Of course, blindly flailing in panic is a quite entertaining method as well. Among the lil' NPC details you missed, Resshea's Shram spear is 1~2 range... and so is Verna's 2x lance. As for Katrina, I wouldn't say someone with a 80 crit sword is the weakest link of anything. Maybe Sennet or Tia, rather. Also, Temujin's score is one third of a dragon's. Dude is absolutely barbaric. As for where you heard about Rishel, Meriel mentioned him all the way back when she joined: it's her brother. Rishel left the Water Shrine at some point... then Meriel went after him...then Renee went after her... then Attrom went after her. *cue Benny Hill music* Sennet and Tia are pretty interesting on their own. There's a little more we'll learn about them, but they already have lots of similarities with Alm and Celica. Sennet is implied to be the prince of the "evil empire" just like Alm, Tia is the supposed heir to the kingdom that has a strong tie to earth (the Shrine of Earth is in Leda, and Mila was the Earth Mother). She's also the only character in the game with both magic and weapons, like Celica. In a way, Tearring Saga is a story about not-Alm and not-Celica doing their thing with their own party of badasses, while you focus on the adventures of not-Leif and Holmes... Holmes being his own damn man. It's kind of a cool concept and, as far as themes are concerned, I think it makes for a fine homage to the series. More than Awakening's time-travel-dimension-hopping bs, that's for sure. Next couple of maps don't really have anything to hint at, so just in case you blaze through several chapters at once, I'll drop this now: > You have three maps (two chapters, one skirmish) left to trigger the "Shigen died" event. You'll want to trigger it on one of these three maps (the skirmish, ideally).
  12. The grind is real, man. As you've probably noticed with the latest chapter title, map/chapter numbers do not progress with "Extra Skirmishes", so as long as you read the map title cards, you shouldn't need to worry about that. Speaking of titles, most characters do change their nickname upon promotion, but not all of them. Among those you've met, Arkis, Kreiss, Garo, Julia and Krishna get their new nickname only upon learning a specific skill. Some like Enteh and Raffin have a title change as you progress through the story and learn more about them (Enteh became a Cleric of Water when you visited the Temple of Mars). And then you've got Plum and Lyria who get a new nickname from dancing/singing a hundred million times. A few details on skills to answer what you mentioned in the video: * Don't teach Canto to Mel, she's gonna learn it in like, two levels. There honestly aren't that many mounted units that don't learn it on their own. Right now, Kreiss and Mintz are your best candidates for it. Raphael too if you wanna keep using him. Kate learns it on her own, but it's at level 27, so she's also a candidate for the scroll. * All skills you learn from leveling are indeed personal, so Shigen won't be learning the same skills as Vega.... although, in the case of Draco, all the swordmasters do learn it eventually, as well as Runan/Holmes, and the Ledan nobility. * Adept is Spd% activation and it's absolutely glorious. For next map: > There are a total of 8 character conversations on this crazy ass map, but only six free deployment slots! To save you some saving/reloading time, bring Samson, Alicia, Sun, Mahter, Frau and you'll see all of them. Samson and Alicia's bring you goodies. There is another one for Raffin, but uh, yeah, he's over in Runan's team being an awesome dracoknight.
  13. I have the crazy relationship chart in front of me, and I still have no idea what Holmes meant about Lionheart sharing an uncle with king Dagnell. Plus, he's already Dagnell's brother-in law, since he's Queen Maria's sibling, If he's "basically Dagnell's cousin", so is Maria. And she married him. Can't have a Kaga game without some amount of inbreeding, it seems. This was a cool map though. I usually never bothered going through the front gate and just had the cavalry circle around while the slower, tankier dudes would only make a token effort at fighting down there. Probably a better strategy too if you don't have Narron and Zieg to plow through everything. I know I already posted that hint but this time it's for real: > The caves are a point of no return for Holmes's storyline. Make sure to stock up (and do the Verje thing) before entering them.
  14. Maybe I'll go ahead and do a lil' character relationship chart next time we get to a plot dump. This is definitely a very interconnected cast, as opposed to more modern FEs where you'd see NPCs existing for a purpose, but with no actual life or place outside of that purpose. Maruju is also one of the guys who gets a skill for promoting late, but it's at level fucking nineteen and it's only Adept, so it's not as bad as missing Xeno's Lethality (not that he really needs it either, but it's good style points). Not much else to say on the chapter proper. It's a tough map with entrenched enemies. I do wish the game was a bit more fluid so the unending sea of zombies didn't make it such a slog. As for the one house that did nothing, well, you might be seeing a pattern here... it was a Secret Shop. It did have Levin Swords, Physics and Longbows, but iirc Runan is still very much broke. Gotta love TRS throwing missable secret shops at you right after you've been robbed blind by Narcus and the Dragon Flute man. Next chapter, you will want to: > Have the obviously-recruitable character talk to both people. They're not just "Join Us!" talks.
  15. I love how they couldn't be bothered to even recolor Poem's profile mugshot. it's literally the same as Marcel's. *Arrowspate. The Arvanrest on the contrary is quite good! It's Support bonus/5, so that'd be... 1-2% more for her supportees (Juni and Attrom). Wow, that's kinda garbage, I remembered it being higher. A few fun things about Ligria. You can have anyone talk to the archer dudes guarding the fort, and they all have something different to say. Samson even has unique conversations with them (he's from Erial too, remember?). The stores are also a nice place to dump useless units like Marius. And the forge of Ligria is completely separate from the Blhaaahd one: Mechanics-wise, Terra is indeed kinda like a mastery skill in its power. It's like a critical hit, except it negates terrain bonuses and its activation is rolled before hit (so it can miss!). Pretty useful on Mahter since she can easily get to enemies standing on difficult terrain. The animation for it is cool too. Oh, and Rennie is another growth unit. Like Frau and San, she can turn into a great unit, but you need to put the work into it. She's one of the few chosen ones with a Movement growth, so she typically won't stay at 4 for long... if you're lucky enough. Hints for next map: >Mintz knows someone from here. >If you're not proMLG enough to handle a hard boss (or you're curious about things), you can wait til turn 29 for Easy Mode. filthy casuals...
  16. Ooh boy, lotsa things in this episode... Adding to what BrightBow posted, Frau also has a good magic growth, so using a scroll on her is definitely an option if you want to keep an anti-magic flier. That's as close as you'll get to a Falcon Knight. Blaahd does have a lot of weird houses. The gambling place, for starters, is great if you want to get some funds on emulator without grinding in these fucking caves. The Win/Loss is decided before the roll, so there's no real reason to ever choose tails. Just savestate before flipping. If you win, savestate again. If you lose, reload your state, and decline. End turn, burn a RN or two, re-enter, savestate, and so on. The forge is interesting because it will actually offer you some pretty good deals... if you complete all previous recipes. Here's the list for this forge, so you can decide how much you want the later rewards. You can't do anything with the weird lady until you've rejoined with Runan. Like all suspicious houses that don't give a thing, it's a secret shop. And now, dumb mechanics part deux: Singing. In short, singing is a free AoE heal with a small chance of refresh, centered around the user. The more you use it, the more it heals, the farther it heals, and the more it refreshes. And just like dance, it's got strangely paced break points, with weird different formulas for all of its attributes. The gist of it is: Obviously, it's not going to be very useful for healing, and the low refresh rate makes it impossible to abuse a Sing-Dance combo, but there is some value to mass-casting refresh even with a low chance. In narrow, cramped, shitty caves, she can pretty consistently refresh at least two people from a distance. Thankfully, her range increases the fastest, and support bonuses with her do boost the chance of the supportee getting refreshed. She's... still weak and inconsistent, but she's at least useable in her own little niche if you let her sing for fifteen turns or so in Blaaaaaaaahd. Hint for next chapter: > Turn 11, cool things happen. > There's no green text in TRS, but all those valuable items are droppable. Get'em! > Promise, this one isn't me getting confused about points of no-return like last time.
  17. Yeah, the scene would have been fine if the events had been treated seriously. Bartz gets over it very fast, Plum even faster, and later on when it comes up again, it's still treated very casually. Holmes's version of the rescue is actually quite different: after knocking out the kidnapper, Holmes basically goes "Huh, you were with Runan and now you're here, fancy that. That was some pretty good dancing back there, you should do it again for our army!" and Plum does actually show reluctance in that scene. It's honestly arker than the Bartz scene because who says that? Plum's thing is definitely the worst part of this game's plot. Only thing that rivals it later on is a couple of overextended plot dumps, and those are more tedious than they are offensive. Mechanically-speaking though, Dance does have an interesting effect: it has a small chance of giving status buffs to your allies. The more Plum dances, the better the chances of seeing status effects... however, because this is Tearring Saga, the formula for it is laughably terrible. Dance count ≤ 150 ---> 0% chance of effect 150 < Dance count < 160 ---> 10 to 90% chances Dance count ≥ 160 ---> 100% effect Oh, and don't worry too much about the money lady. All she does is uncurse your weapons. How does a weapon become cursed? When you accumulate 100 kills on it, it has a chance of becoming cursed, gaining the devil effect. You know, typical stuff that definitely happens to you by chapter 14. You can't even use her to uncurse Zieg's Devil Lance, because it's not cursed, it's just devilish or something. One last thing, uh, don't... look too much into character hair colors. As more family ties become apparent, you'll see that they're effectively random. Xeno's resemblance to Tia in hair color seems all but a coincidence, tbh. I like to think that after Nintendo pressured Tirnanog into changing Runan's hair to brown, they just randomized everybody's hair colors just to prove a point that hair colors can eat shit. Here's some hints hints for next chapter: > I forget if the game reminds you, but Attrom is from here and has one use. > You can come back to this map anytime with Holmes, and everything will still be there. > The caves, however, are a light point of no-return of a few maps. Only enter them when fully prepared.
  18. Oh hey, you found Shigen's lil' event. You did indeed forget to equip the Dullahan, but yeah, the game reeealllly doesn't want Shigen to die. Add another layer to his Phoenix-mode bs, eh? Maerchen's recruitment is also a strange curveball that's kinda poorly handled if you ask me, but it does reinforce Katri's uncompromising goodness and Holmes's relative lack of care about who's on his crew. I wish Krishna was better, being the "thief that can actually fight" type character, but.... yeah, in practive, I've had better luck with all the other classic thieves than her. Even her promotion doesn't save her, because her stats are just that bad, in a game full of characters with bad stats. As for the hints on next chapt- oh, RangerJackWalker already posted all of it on Youtube. Yeah, do that. The game does very heavily encourage you to do the things, in this case.
  19. Yuni's thing is she's pretty dodgy, and gets even dodgier with time. She's barely ever gonna get any Defense, so her thing is more about stealing with a light sword so her opponent's accuracy is reduced to nothing. Or give her a Levin Sword, she's good with those and stealing weapons from a distance never gets old. She's kind of a pain to train for combat, honestly, and learns her good skills very late, but once she reaches that point of critical speed, you can just point her at any arena, park Xeno and Katri nearby, and watch her pick the place clean (of course you can steal weapons in the arena!) and gain all the money, and all the levels. But most people won't see much of her stealing prowess, sadly.
  20. Narron's conversation never not cracks me up. It gives him his only support bonus, from Runan. Also yes, Raffin trumps all the "Jagen/Oifey archetypes" in the series ecause of that event alone. Regarding Holmes' team, the Dullahan is indeed as great as it looks, although, being a heavy inaccurate slab of metal, equipping it is often going to be the very reason for Shigen's not-demise. It does lose one use every time it revives him, but pffrt, you've got forty uses who cares. If you do start bringing Yuni to battle, I oughta mention that she's there to despoil enemies, not really for doing damage. The way Steal works in this game, every time your thief lands a hit on an enemy, they have a (Spd+Skl)% chance of just taking a random item from them. Yes, even their equipped weapon. And well, she opens locks too, so Holmes can get some kills rather than rush from doors to chests. Axes are pretty good by the way, just not the earlygame axes. Hatchets, Killer and Silver axes aren't any heavier and all have way more accuracy. They're also super cheap (2000G for 40 uses on the Killer Axe, compared to 3200G for 32 uses on the Killer Lance), so once you are able to start kitting your axe guys with better stuff, they'll be mean critting machines. Samson does completely overshadow Barts right now, and while the latter gets a good skill later on, Samsom gains more smaller skills, has better stats, and only suffers from a later recruitment time. Advice for next map is... uh > Do explore everywhere before going to that map. > Also restock on stuff while you're passing by. > Buy a couple Bridge Keys in the newest town place. Might as well do it now.
  21. That Wyvern Flute isn't only a huge dick move, it's also one of only two in the game, the other being locked behind a "put a character in a specific team" event. I mean, there's a way to obtain more, but it's incredibly tedious and game-breaking on its own. Aside from that, this map is quite interesting in that it has a few different outcomes.for the Mintz/Rennie situation. If Mintz manages to get to the fort in time, he'll save Rennie on the next turn, but if you seize the fort before she's executed, you can be the one to save Rennie and she'll join you immediately. There is actually a way to let Mintz inside the keep and then seize on the turn right before he frees her (by sneaking Runan to the right of the fort before he gets there). This lets you snag Rennie from under his nose, and have both of them join on this map, instead of leaving Rennie for later. It does sacrifice a support level and makes the Epilogue do strange things, so I'm guessing that was not an intended outcome. No particular hints for this next map, so here's what Flurry does instead (it's not Astra): > It's Charge/Duel/Accost from FE4/5, but it's only triggered on player phase with a special command, so it's legit good this time. Since he has Wrath, an injured Mintz throwing flurries of spears is actually quite terrifying. Throw in a Canto scroll, and he's pretty much good to go. I don't actually remember such a variation in the Epilogue...
  22. Oh darn, that editing. I'm sure it takes a lot more time for you, but it really does increase the flow of the videos a lot. (Also I freaking lost it at giant Ike.) Don't give Canto to Zieg. A lot of mounted units do learn Canto on their own, but there are some who don't. Right now, I'd say your better candidates are Kreiss (if you wanna keep training him), Roger, or the next mounted unit Runan gets. Also I'm pretty sure Eugen is just riding alongside Runan, kinda like Dorias and August did back in Thracia land. And now, for today's hint on cryptic BS for the next chapter. > Now is your time of need. > Plum's special event happens somewhere on this map. > Don't aggro the fort until the man in black has done his thing.
  23. Heeey, Sasha's finally promoted. The Princess class's base stats are garbage because it's basically a trainee class, which is why she actually rocks as a Pegasus Knight. And no you didn't miss anything: Paragon was the last skill she needed to learn as a Princess. Speaking of that, don't promote Xeno until he's learned his next skill. ... Not that you would, since he's doing mighty fine as a Mercenary so far. Narron-wise, he does lose his edge in the late game if you get unlucky with his levels (like you did so far), and he'll have to face a lot more indoor maps. Dismounting cuts his awesome promotion gains and prevents him from using the lance master race, although he does still have a killer skillset. Then again, experience is aplenty and unit stats aren't as huge in this game, so it's not like feeding Narron kills until you get bored of him is gonna penalize you. Now, for a hint on next chapter's cryptic BS: >Move your stranded recruit exactly two spaces to the right. >You can use it on this very map, I guess.. >Steal his shit.
  24. Oh wow, I had no idea Norton's talk isn't even indicated. Maybe it's because Sasha already filled her page with supports? I really does feel like he was intended to be confused for a boss and missed on a first playthrough, tbh, since even his relevance to the plot is very very minimal. About as much as Tom, really. Speaking of Tom, he does have some use in this map if you teach him Gladiator and then drag him to the arena until you've grinded money for the whole game. The first few battles will pretty much be this, and then he'll just start dodging everything that can damage him because he really does have archer growths. Aside from that though, Mangonels are bad and have unfortunately very few uses. I know this map wasn't too exciting (the enemies really shouldn't have started so far away), but I'd like to reiterate that this game did breakable doors and elevation years before Tellius! And has you learn skills as you level, something that didn't crop up in official FE until Awakening, although skills are learned on a character-by-character basis in TRS, not based on their class. And speaking of skills, now that you know about skill leveling, here's one of these "gameplay spoilers you'd never figure out" (at least without extensive trial-and-error): Most skills are learned from class changing or from leveling up, but some skills are learned only from a character reaching a specific level as a specific class. You know how Narron learned Lethality at lv 12? Well, he can't learn it as a Social Knight, so it's a good thing you promoted him at level 10! Out of your current characters, only a few are affected by this though. The only one that matters so far is Sasha, and if you stick to the training plan you had for her, she shouldn't miss anything.
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