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Everything posted by Miacis

  1. All of those are sensible decisions you'd expect from a localization work. Maybe some of those would have been re-discussed with the creative team, but unless Kaga feels like participating, common sense is as good as you'll get. I wouldn't worry too much about the "censorship" part, since those would most likely be approved early in the loca process. Japanese dev teams are aware of different western sensibilities and don't often want their translated work to misrepresent them as creeps. To be honest, it is a bit presumptuous on principle to try and do localization work with no feedback from the rest of the game's team, like trying to work through a mathematical equation with approximations. In practice though? As long as it focuses on enforcing consistency and JP>EN conventions (toning down the underage sexual undertones, here), I think it's pretty great, refreshing in fact. I'm... a bit more confused by Shigen's dad though, of all things. All the other changes related to keeping a consistency in character, tone or facts, but this one seems to only add drama and stakes to a rather throwaway line, and changes Shigen's motivation a lil' bit: "My dad was a victim of the Cult he served" seems to make Shigen realize that the Cult is deaf to the suffering of his people, making him quit. "My dad was a rebel and died confronting the Cult" seems to me like he left more out of love or duty to his dad. I respect that change, but I can't help but be curious about the thought process behind it. Disclaimer: TRS being what it is, I might be forgetting or misremembering things about Shigen and his dad plot point. I don't recall him mentionning it outside of Sierra's conversation in Blaad, though.
  2. There are some really long chapters here and there, so a few strategic cuts would be quite appreciated, thank you. Aww dang, I forgot that Mel's talk with Sasha ovewrote her talk with Norton, I should have given a hint after all. You missed out on a...mediocre sword armor with 3 Mov. He does get an armored horse on promotion (and pitiful gains) that makes funny tin can sounds in combat. He can hit surprisingly hard eventually, but that's about it. His death does prevent you from getting a Zieg-Kate related conversation later on, and he has a funny conversation in the epilogue with an optional character. The level he gave Martel is worth more than him, sadly. That Zieg conversation you saw is pretty great though, if a bit heavy-handed on the body violence. It's a good idea to keep it in mind and come back to it when we know a bit more about what Zieg's deal is. Also maaan, someone told you Raquel's gimmick. There is a little quirk to her pacifism though. You should look at her kill stats in her profile. As for Narron, .. hmm... how to put it... Ah, you've done the hard part of training him by now. This is actually the perfect time to cash in those 10 levels. Do eeeeettttt.
  3. You did not miss anything in that map. It's a very basic chapter, and is pretty much entirely decided on the first turn, as you could see. (Also, the Roger situation will elucidate itself in due time, don't worry.) Big management decision guide: to open only in three 3 maps from now. I may drop some vague spoilered hints for the more cryptic bullshit this game has later on, but from the way you've been playing and paying attention, you definitely don't need the help for any of the next three maps. Keep on truckin'!
  4. Yo! I've watched up to you 4th video, and you're an enjoyable fellow to listen to, and your enthusiasm is quite infectious. You're in for quite the culture shock if you just came back from Fates, that's for sure. Still, the game does legitimately overdo it at times with the expository banter, so I hope you're ready to have your voice acting stamina tested again and again. I have no idea whether you've just got excellent intuition or are extremely lucky (or if you're looking up cheat sheets and showing really admirable acting talent pretending to play blind), but that latest chapter was probably the most elegant way to deal with both Vega and Roger. Roger does indeed refuse to fight women and can be safely blocked with them. Although, he can definitely be killed... Anyways, real kudos for that one if it was indeed accidental. I do want to point out a couple things, non-spoiler of course: If you go into Config>Unit Info>Movement indicator, you can activate attack range indicators along with movement indicators. I think it's option 4? It's quite more convenient. You mentioned that skill/stat booster names are not even trying to hide their FE influence, but in those cases, it's on purpose. Since nowadays the game is pretty much accepted as part of the series, Aethin, the translator, changed some of the names to reflect modern FE conventions. Their PSX-era release names were quite more generic. Regarding what happened with the lawsuit, it went through two phases. During development, Nintendo put pressure on Tirnanog, which sparked their decision to remove any and all allusions to the FE universe and change its name to Tearring Saga instead of Emblem Saga. After the game's release, Nintendo sued Tirnanog to get the game off the shelves, and lost. Tirnanog paid a small fine, and the case paved the way for today's Destiny, Bloodstained and... urg... Mighty N°9. One last thing, regarding the matter of blindness playthrough... I realize you want to experience things fully blind, but there is a rather large pile of management decisions coming up right after taking care of Wellt. There is a lot of content, both material (items, weapons, etc) and immaterial (a bunch of tasty character development) on the line, and it's near impossible without foreknowledge to get it all. So If you haven't gotten to it yet (I'm not sure how long ago those vids were recorded), I'd suggest looking up on a FAQ on how to do it, hoping no spoilers cross your field of view. Alternatively, I could compile a quick spoiler-free guide if you so desire. Promise, no spoilers. None at all. Not even a hint about whether Narron truly is a God amongst men or not.
  5. Stare into the abyss, and it shall stare back at you. LP the Elibe crossover fanfic, and you shall write your own.
  6. Victory Achieved! It looked way cooler in my head. It's a shame FEditor can't seem to deal with the hardcoded C47 looping command so exported scripts have to be partially rebuilt (and frames remade at least in the mogall's case, since it had some weird overlapping bs), but I guess that'll do for now. Thank you kindly for your swift help.
  7. Excellent. It got rid of the FEditor error message and the game screaming bloody death when loading animations. However, the spell looping animations are still broken. And the same goes when trying to insert other vanilla magic classes. I've tried to do the HxD hacky thing mentionned in this thread, but it didn't seem to affect the inserted animation in any way. It might not even be applicable considering it's dump-inserting from and to the same game.
  8. ~~Context~~ I've been trying to insert a slightly altered Arch Mogall animation into FE8. As the animation uses the same number of frames and timings as the default Arch Mogall, I figured I could simply dump the frames and scripts from a clean ROM, edit the frames of animation one by one, keeping the dumped script untouched, and re-inserting them like that. And so I did, but I encountered an error in the Animation Creator. I did some further testing without editing the frames, and then with different classes. It seems that all unedited frames and scripts obtained from dumping with FEditor (or CT075's FEditor Script Dump Converter) will still cause errors in the Animation Creator tool. The error does cause the animation to break horribly in game. ~~Details~~ - Vanilla FE8 - FEditor Adv FFFF indicies Edition Error message: In all the scripts, the line refers to this part of script, with >>>>emphasis<<<< mine: ~~~ //begin Mode 11 1 p- frameXXX.png C01 ~~~ <<<<<<<<<< //begin Mode 12 C03 C07 1 p- frame000.png *** Knowing me, it's probably something very stupid, but I've been at this all evening and at this point, I'd rather ask more experienced people.
  9. The entire epilogue is basically going through each character's endings group by group; sorta like the end of FE9, rather than having lil' ending cards like the FEGBA titles. Losing units means losing out on that character's lines in the epilogue, and about a ... fifth of the characters have different lines based on the events triggered during the game. Heck, you even get a uh... sorta unique ending for Glitch-Krishna.
  10. I've never seen VBA do that sort of shit. Are you using the latest VBA-M build, or some of the old ones? Alternatively, you can record video footage of your gameplay, and then grab screenshots from the recording in your favorite editing program. No more mistiming the screenshot of an epic critical hit, and no more strange VBA glitches. (And it makes the game go so smoothly when you can just leave the screenshottting for later.)
  11. You sure do love Lyn, eh? Nope. Marty (and Dagdar before he promoted) were bandits in FE5, but that's about it. Tahra isn't even anywhere near the coast, and it's not like "one of our lords dislikes pirates" changes the flow of the story there, so I'm not sure why this was shoehorned into her character development. Eh, filler chapter, filler dialogue, I suppose.
  12. Probably the one from Thracia 776, seeing as it's one of her personal staves. I'm not sure why it's this color though.
  13. I'd say that the best scenario is he gets some actual classes on diplomacy and PR so he's less of a laughing stock internationally, for starters. And that Congress does its own thing without paying him much heed, and that he gets big fat checks to do what Congress wants. Hopefully in the next two years the Congress can switch blue so they don't have to bribe him anymore and maybe, maybe get some decent bills in. It'll still be 2 years where PoC, LDGT+, disabled people and just women in general see their rights shrink from conservative policy. And climate change is ignored. But it's better than the worst case scenario. He's not. He's good at making himself rich more than making his businesses flourish. The USD already took a hit and his lowering tax plan for the rich relies on a trickle-down effect to actually help America thrive.
  14. A) People change, or reveal facets they did not show up until now. If you expect omniscience from me when I create friendships, I'm just a human being. B) Voting isn't a trait, something that you're born with like race, sex, gender, or orientation. It's not a thing people discriminate against, but an active process of reflection and choice. I'm sure Trump voters had their reasons, and they put those reasons above that of me and other minorities.
  15. America has all my sympathy from across the Atlantic. Our diplomatic relationships may become a mess in the coming years, but we still love you. I think it's perfectly normal to lose friendships over something like this if a vote was so clearly directed against who you are as a person. I'd be pretty miffed with anyone putting their economical well-being or religious beliefs over my own safety, especially as a minority. Miffed enough to break a friendship? Depends on the person and how strong the relationship is. Countries by and large may be Melting Pots, but one has still the right to this day to not accept someone's beliefs and what they entail.
  16. From a looking at the kanas, the names of your new units would be... Rostofu/Rostov/Rad Steve for the blue cav that's not Grape (who's also blue... at least their mounts differ in color and reflect their archetype) Shiix/Sheiks/Sir Shanksalot for the knight man Ieke/Hyeke/Yuckyuckyuck for the abomination Gara for the boss but who really cares about him.
  17. Oh man, this mod. I can't remember if this was the first mod I played ever, but it certainly was my first FE romhack. It was fun, silly and easy, and I was at the same age as MK404, so it was the best thing ever. It also led me to MK's channel, and got me to start watching his LPs, then other people's. I never even really watched YT videos before, but all of a sudden I started just chaining Let's Play FE4 vids. Within a few years, the constant listening to native speakers skyrocketted my comprehension and spoken English. I had initially gone down the scientific studies route, but now I'm working to become a translator-localiser. FE404 unironically shaped who I am today, and I'm glad it exists. it really could have gone without that one A support, though I'unno, my myrmidons die to ol' axes all the time. Doctor says it's a bad case of the whatchamaxtenism or sum'n.
  18. Yep, that was some good stuff. I knew about Binary's tricks, but it was very refreshing to get someone else's experience and tactics on it. (That final chapter in particular radically diverged from pretty much all I've ever done with it.) Kudos for enduring Binary's bullshit, bringing me back to the olden days and spurring me to get back to LPing... eventually... once I finish writing 6 more updates of backlog... May the RNG deities smile upon your next creative endeavor.
  19. Well, shit, you brought your entire army against Manfroy and the Heimpostor, I guess you didn't need the luck. RIP Luke and Vergil The localized deadlords are named after the Chinese zodiac animals, but with Latin names. The legend goes that, in the race to make it into the zodiac, the cat (Felis) was tricked by the rat (Mus) and lost his place and now that's why all cats chase rats. Or, you know, cats simply weren't introduced to China until after they had formed their zodiac.
  20. Wow, that all went... surprisingly well. I guess positionning more defensively put the Sages in a more vulnerable position and delayed the confrontation with the sisters. having half my army hurtling down the cliffs sounded so awesome in theory tho Manfroy and Dreizehn I remember being quite luck-based, so Imma sacrifice a couple FE12 cavaliers for your good fortune. I dunno, it seems to be happening at random during battles. I've had it pop up for random spells, physical attacks, movement, deaths, you name it. Typically five to ten times per chapter, although it thankfully only lasts one frame. That gif just pauses on it so it's easier to see. That is quite very appropriate. Although once we see Mus's equipment it'll become apparent that Felis was just too cool for them and decided to peace out with the Manfroy club instead.
  21. That you thought you could escape the incest in a game like Genealogy was your one and only true mistake. Thumbs up for completing the arena with everyone. Even my obsessive micro-managing couldn't accomplish that. Oh hey, you didn't get the one weird glitch I had with Merric, either. Seems Binary's damage algorithms are as stable as Super Thracia's graphics engine. I'll see myself out.
  22. @Marcella: Hopefully I'm not getting into too much non-disclosure stuff, but how did the whole voice acting process go? You mention two recording days, but I would imagine there is some prep work for the lines before recording. Did you get sent the lines beforehand, and was there a lot of communication with the client during that time? Or was it all mostly done on these two days? And is there a character in any media that you feel would be your dream job to voice?
  23. Eh, it's fine. I probably borrowed it myself from some GameFAQs post or another while I was doing research on this game. "Good artists are creative, but great ones steal." Holy crap, it finally hit me! You know who is a pirate (sometimes) and is related to Anna...? I think those pirates are all Jake! I don't care if they're unnamed, this is my new headcanon.
  24. Thankfully, with his low move, pretty much every enemy in a formation will be dead by the time one reaches Corpul, so he's not in too much danger really. Most the fighting he should be doing will be in the Arena, and having Great Shield is just another layer of protection to ensure that Prayer breaks the arena fights in half. Good times were had. All I needed to make the perfect awful_binary_pairings.png was Larcei-Shanan, so thanks for stepping in.
  25. [spoiler=Final set of typos] Chapter 30: All trainers use the old skill names, except for the Draco one. All trainers ask Didn't you learn the [X] skill from me? to characters who don't actually have that skill. All trainers: You seem to be {line break} another seeker Sol trainer: When you understand its flow, {awkward text stop} something-something-I-forgot-to-screenshot-it Morse Tower: Splash screens have some weird numbers under the Encounter title. Reunion 3: Guenchaos: Come with me quietly, Fire Shama¦n, Where ¦ represents the textbox's border. Claris: Send a messenger to Sir Holmes {line break} ! Claris: Tell him that Lady Katri has been {line break} {space} taken! --- Runan: Enteh, but I was I was absolutely furious Runan: And then, after you were freed, continued hiding under the assumed name of Enteh... "you"? --- Kreiss: What is it Letena. Should be a question mark Letena: I am return to Verje Choice box: Alright, if it's for Lettina... Ezekiel: Remeber this! Chapter 31: Law: will need all four Shamans in order perform the resurrection. Zieg: willing soldiers for the cause, aren't they> Chapter 32: None! Chapter 33: Holmes: I came here a few years ago looking for the {line break} sword, {line break} {space} actually, {line break} {space} but all we found was a rusty {line break} {space} piece of metal stuck in a pedestal. {no text stop} Claris: The sacred blade has been revived by your courage the love of Lady Katri. Chapter 34: Resshea: the nurse was slain by her pursuers. {line doesn't clear} Barker: So what happened to this mercenary woman? Resshea: sent to his side in the hops or tearing Canaan apart Julius: Could kill your father without the slightest hesitation? Resshea: We are both already made our choice. Barker: I should be one one to do it. Barker: Despite that, {line break} Today's arduous situation {line break} happened because of I, Barker. me? Barker: For the sons of Canaan, {line break} for the future of Canaan, {line break} Here and now, I want you --- Eugen: Lord Runan, {line break} The royal palace of Reeve rests Runan: I visited it many times with lord father... Capitalization consistency with Lord Brother... Eugen: {text start} No sir, I know not {line break} whatever it is I possess. {text stop} --- Ernst dying: No... Not yet... {text stop that blocks the autoscrolling} Verna: what out fathers could not." Those were his words. {no text stop} something-something-I-forgot-to-screenshot-it Verna also has an empty text box during that conversation... somewhere. (I was not well-awake for that part and forgot to take context screenshots, apologies.) Verna: we believe our we will be able to take the capitol Chapter 35: Gladiator trainer: All right, {double space} let's begin. Blonde Carnel villager: You think you can just waltz on in to my house? Blonde Gladiator NPC: So if we help them out, I'm sure we'll {awkward text stop} something-something-I-forgot-to-screenshot-it --- Eugen: a good mopping now this oily slug's gone Tatus: You an insolent bastard! Regicide/Patricide intermission: Title card calls it the Canan Royal Palace. Chapter 36: Verna: Pardon my intrustion... Runan: to the ruins of the Castle Nolzeria, right? Runan: I'm going to go get make sure Enteh is all right --- Kate: You didn't have come back here! Old villager on the way to Water Shrine: The each of the four shrines was built Chapter 37: Nevkha dying: You cursed heathens.. {line break} . Chapter 38: Richard: Leda is mine, and you're {awkward text stop} going to help me claim it. Chapter 39: Kate: I've something unforgivable... Eugen: It was foolish of me to trust a person with such a history as he did. as his? Chapter 40: Eugen: {text start} Is his breath {line break} that frightful? {text stop} --- Carla's title: d Gerxel's title: Master of Arms lol --- Gerxel: HOW CAN THIS BE...? {text stop that blocks the autoscrolling} But you already knew that. --- Holmes: The Yutona's mother herself... Epilogue: Holmes: Wait, what {line break} You're going all the way back to Wellt? Missing punctuation before the line break. --- Silva: That's the second-in-command's duty. {no text stop} Mintz: S-Second-in-command?! Mintz: I'm just more into women... {double space} my age. Sennet: I want visit her at the Temple of Mars. Katrina: You need to learn to be lead on your own. --- Tatus; It's a bit short notice Rishel: a big family reunion with Aunt the rest of Mother's side Kreiss: I would die before I led anything happen --- Holmes, after leaving Katri: {empty text box} --- Holmes: It's a lot to absorb, but it all really interesting stuff. Runan has an empty text box right before Holmes says: Holmes: Eventually, their leaders decided to venture into the forbidden mountain himself in order to plead Holmes: the demanded to be recognized --- Holmes: Finally, it's just the two of us {line break} Just like old times. Holmes: We'll, let's get on board. --- Katri: You said they it make him feel more at ease, but he looked really mad... Shigen: I was hoping it's force Holmes to finally make a move Enteh: The told me that my mother Death quotes: Lyria: Was my singing wothless...?? Scenes that I did not proofread on this playthrough: And one last bunch of my opinions: - Gerxel's KUKUKUKU... laugh before Black Rain is hella japanese. - Runan calls Stephanie a "POW" instead of a "prisoner of war" which seems anachronistic and the only instance in the script where an initialism is used. The text box for that line easily fits the full word. - Didn't the map set in Nolzeria have a title like "Streets of Love and Sorrow"? Kind of a clunky title, but I find it more flavorful (and appropriate considering the whole Runan-Enteh events) than a generic "City of Death." - I like the new Seiken names, but if there is any alternate spelling that can make Vayvayastra not look silly, I'll take it. - I don't want to run this "Lord Brother" thing into the ground, but man, the Resshea-Barker-Julius conversation also has a high density of them. It doesn't help that they use that title to refer to Arless, Barker and Julius. I'm sure there are at least a couple instances where it could be replaced with either "our Lord Brother" or "he" (when mentionning Arless), nothing (when addressing Barker/Julius), or the person's name (for both), and it would help at least clear out some confusion. - Miradona: [...] I know that Heaven will bless you. Far be it from me to enforce SNES-era censorship, but that's the only mention of "Heaven" as being an actual (sentient...?) entity in this game's mythology. Its meaning is quite religiously charged in Western culture, so unless that specific Christian meaning was a part of the source text, maybe something more typical fantasy not-Heaven would flow better? "the heavens," "the blue skies," "the light," I dunno. + Very good shit overall, though! I'll make sure to go back to it later, when a new patch version is out. Hopefully that all helped. Yutonaspeed to you, Aethin, and thanks for the excellent work!
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