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Everything posted by Trickster

  1. apparently Reggie wasn't supposed to say anything but he slipped up and announced it. BEST. SLIP. EVER
  2. I crossed my fingers for an hour only for sore knuckles. Curse you Nintendo.
  3. pokemon hasn't comeout. fire emblem has come out. fire emblem sold like hotcakes. pokemon stop selling so well that you over shadow games that are great.
  4. i've crossed my fingers for fire emblem. I wont uncross them until they saying fire emblem even for typing.
  5. Five minutes I've listening to that video for nearly forty
  6. " After dressing his wounds she opened the vulnerary and poured the potion inside it down his throat." My grammars good because I is engrish major.
  7. I find it funny that even though Dream drop sold worse than Fire Emblem (almost everything did for that matter) It still is going to be guarantee by NoA just because it's Kingdom hearts.
  8. Nintendo would have a flimsy excuse if they didn't bring it over here. New mystery was a bit understandable with shadow dragon being bad but they would have no reason other than they're lazy.
  9. Damn it donny stop being so hard to hate. New theory Serge is Michalis descendant
  10. Wood is a complete idiot ... and I like it!
  11. He Does! coincidental maybe but when ever I thought of Michalis taking over another continent I always imagined him showing up a Valencia and a conversation going like this Alm: Hello stranger. Welcome to our kingdom I hope you don't plan on taking it over. Michalis: *Evil Grin* Why the very thought just puts me at loss for words I would never do anything ambitious to seize power like kill my own father. Alm: Wut?
  12. Makes you wonder about Awakening being called FE14. Could it be that if there is another game in production that we could see the future of Tellius, Magvel, Judral, or Elibe? On a side note could Valheart be a descendant of Michalis?
  13. Well the strategist class does look similar to Mark in FE7 so it could be possible.
  14. So Micaiah was a slut and Eirika is a princess. I wonder what will happen to Lyn and Cecillia .
  15. But Krom can't support Emelina and she can't support Liz and they're siblings. On top of that I thought Secret characters can only support MU.
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