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Everything posted by Trickster

  1. So would brady make a good battle cleric if he had someone like Vaike as his father or should he just be a sage/ some other magical class?
  2. so are people playing this game using a regular 3ds or an XL?
  3. Actually I feel that Chrom's voice sounds rather fitting, but I wonder if they plan to change his character slightly, giving people nicknames was a nice touch that makes him seem a little more in touch with his army.
  4. Krom= Commissioner Gordon Luchina = Batgirl
  5. Making Noah a soldier would make no sense since he's the only cavalier who specializes in swords, but Treck would be a good idea, what was he used as a cavalier anyway?
  6. Wait not Funf? wasn't she meant to be Briggid?
  7. yeah but would the soldier/halberdier be a OC or a reclass of a pre-existing one?
  8. So how are the childern's classes decided for the other units, just promoted versions of their starting class?
  9. Does brady make a good dark knight/ battle monk / demon fighter etc and can Mu pass down the strategist class to the other child?
  10. Robert would offer a another Horseman asides wolf and sedgar, unless you change him or them. Belf and Laiden will need new classes entirely, (maybe more wyvern knights....) and malice will be female merc dice could be another fighter if you take out bord and cord, just my take on the bs characters (and nobody needs frost)
  11. So arch, I don't think this has been asked but do you plan on adding some of the BS characters, the more popular ones at least i.e. Malice, L( r )aiden vergil belf, Robert? maybe give them a class change for at least the Sable knights so you don't have so many cavaliers. mage and great knight
  12. Radd x new female character (He's supposed to fall in love during the game) Etzel x merric (talk about magic and merric inviting etzel to khadein) Darros x Julian (talk about their past lives as theifs) Ogma x Lorenz (friends of king tayls) Ricard x malice (if you add her into the game.) And that's what I got for now.
  13. What about Frey... You could make him a great knight I assume you'll be using the fe8 ranger.
  14. Yeah I guess you're right, I think it really needs status staves like berserk, silence and rewarp. Then it would be a real theif class.
  15. So asides from Anna, Leaf, and Gangrel who makes a really good trickster?
  16. Maybe Roy's arm could capture the manse as a strategic something or other, and learn that his father saved Zephiel's life way back when. I'd like to see his opinion on that.
  17. So will you add support endings since the original lacked them? because some people (NoahxFir) should have had them.
  18. Give wendy the uber spear Who do you consider major characters?
  19. Hey Arch in Pent's tale at the end Arcard refers to Cedric as Ceodore, as seen here.
  20. I am completely satisfied with that and did I see...
  21. So will you be adding in the assassin class? I love thieves but without promotion they suuuuck!
  22. Well girls aside, the guy's artwork looks well thought out and great.
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