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Posts posted by Gorgar

  1. OMG Hey! I beat the game yesterday! I defeated Hades! I wished the ending was a little longer but hey what matters is playing the game! Lol I am so now a Kid Icarus fan I soo hope they make another Uprising game! Who agrees?

    I agree, another Uprising game would be awesome. But I think there isn't going to be another one sad.gif. At least not on the 3DS. Maybe there's hope for another new Kid Icarus game on the Wii U? You could still play it basically the same way... But it might actually be able to address some people's complaints with the controls.

  2. Lol I am just curious, shouldn't it be called the Legend of Link since he a the heroic man who saves his country from chaos?

    I always thought because maybe they meant to say the legend of Zelda's kingdom lol I am guessing but obviously it isn't right.

    If I remember correctly it had something to do with the fact that Miyamoto already named a series after the villain - Donkey Kong, Already named one after the hero - Super Mario, and so he named it after the princess... Zelda.

  3. These are great!

    Just want to ask - are they 100% wi-fi compatible?

    I'm not entirely sure... So sorry if I'm wrong. But as long as he didn't edit any of the "bones" of the character then I think they should be able to be used online.

  4. Maybe this is a clearer view?



    Ignore the missing hair on her back. tongue.gif

    Also, Mia previews with her Jacket, it's hilarious how fitting Marth's animations are. XD




    That's awesome! How close are you to being completely finished with Mia? It's looking really good.

    I see you decided to give her Alondite. And it is pretty funny how Marth's animation fit so well.

    (I guess that shows how people could still possibly think that he's a girl? xD)

    And I've got a question... if you were to use this in a team battle would it mess up? or would it still just give her the same outfit as usual?

  5. Can't remember how to play Melee either.

    The issue is making the animations, mostly. lol I can code the attacks in just well.

    If there's will, there's hope!

    I suppose I could, yeah. So, I got a bit side tracked and am working on Nephenee's Wishblade. <_>


    Ignore the textures, this is my first time making a model from zero. I must say I'm proud of how it's turning out. .-.

    So you made that whole weapon from scratch? That is pretty impressive! It's certainly much better than anything I could hope to do XD.gif. I couldn't code OR animate the attacks.

    I'm replying to things very out of order but... oh well >.>. I was in game design class and animation... But through a turn of events that could've and should've been completely avoided.... I wasn't the entire school year. Maybe if I was I could help. Just try and keep me updated if whenever you can. I'll definitely have to learn how to get all of this on to my Wii once it's fixed. (And once you're finished with it.)

  6. Yeah, I know the feeling, but I don't like Melee more than Brawl. Although, I do like P:M more, it's like Melee made easier. XD

    Well, concerning movesets, they are coming one at a time, and slowly, as they require too much time and effort. lol

    But, concerning models... I'm not sure. I honestly got into model importing just for Mia, but I am considering making others. But I can't tell for sure. sad.gif

    I don't even know if I'd like Melee as much now xD. It's been a loooonngg time since I've played it.

    I figured that much. I know it can't be easy completely making/adding in new motions and attacks to replace previously existing ones.

    Ah, I see. Well... I wish I could help speed the process up somehow. But I have no knowledge of these sorts of things, and would it would probably take me a very long time to figure out how to be good at it.

    Do you plan on continuing to use this to update your progress on Mia? I'd really like to see how it looks when it's all finished.

  7. There's also someone that might work on Hector, depending on his poll's results. http://forums.kc-mm....topic=25673.420

    And indeed. I'll work on her moveset after Geno (And possibly Ramona/Red), anyways, here are some previews:



    Ignore the hands on the Sentinel model, the textures are being worked on. lol

    I would also really like to see Hector. Especially if he had a very unique moveset.

    Once my Wii is fixed I might just have to figure out how to get some of these to make Brawl a little less bland. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game. But I played Melee a LOT more. Of course I was younger and probably more easily entertained... And maybe that's why I don't like Brawl as much.

    Anyways... They're both looking pretty good. I know it's probably getting way ahead of what you're doing right now, but do you have anything in mind once you finish all of those?

  8. Very awesome stuff as well biggrin.gif. Just do whatever you have to do with the voice. Anything remotely feminine sounding would be okay. XD.gif Astra as her side B would be a nice change to help her stand out a bit more.

    I really wanna see that moveset for Nephenee, considering the fact that if someone has a weapon in SSB it's always been a sword. (Excluding the Ice Climbers.. and I think that's it?) I think it'll be nice to finally see someone use a lance.

    You're welcome :3. What game is the Nephenee model from?

  9. I think it could be pretty good.

    Hopefully they wouldn't really just reuse a bunch of their past mini-games from the Mario Party games... Though even if they did I probably wouldn't notice anyways. They could possibly implement a system that would make some characters better at certain types of games. (Like if there's some sort of shooting involved Samus, Link, and maybe some other characters would be a little better.) Of course only make them slightly better in whatever way they were better. Again.... If it was a target shooting game and you had ammo, maybe they would reload a little faster or have slightly better aiming.

    And if you for some reason wanted to not use those abilities, you could have an option for everyone not to use them to make everyone balanced.

  10. That's pretty impressive biggrin.gif. I would definitely like previews with the jacket on.

    I have a few questions though. Since she obviously has Marth's moveset and whatnot... Is there any possible way to edit the voice clips at all and at least make it sounds a little more feminine? I don't really have any knowledge of hacking of any kind, though it doesn't sound very easy to me. It'd still be just that more awesome if you were able to do that.

    What other Fire Emblem mods do you have planned for SSBB? Seeing this and some of your other videos, I'm quite interested.

    Oh yeah... Welcome to the Forums.

  11. I was born with this language!

    My mother, she ate weeds and trinkets and hawk feathers while I was wee little cellular parasite in her supple womb!

    But I'm clueless and very naiive...

    Honest-to-god, this language is a mystery to me!

    But one day I'll have a revelation and the origin will come just like my fairy-father-dad.

    Thank you for being my temporary diary. I hope my Ticonderoga-brand pen was gentle on your thin skin.


    Trinkets you say?

    And the language is even a mystery to you?

    Hmm... One can only hope to replicate this... this... well... I don't think there is a proper to term to quite adequately describe this mysterious thing.

    You're quite welcome! And yes, the pen was actually quite pleasant. You say thin skin... do you have thicker skin than average humanoid?

    Forgive me... I must take my leave for the night, however. Perhaps this can continue in the morn?

  12. Ah, awesome you actually answered them!

    I like Pokemon, Elder Scrolls, Halo, Fable, Assassin's Creed, Okami, FF. Smash Brothers, F-Zero, Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, Sims, Zoo Tycoon and probably others though I suck at them all.

    Favorite characters would be Makalov, Brom, Meg, Pelleas, and Knoll.

    Favorite classes are Armor Knights and Shamans/Dark Mages.

    I also prefer pie!

    Orange is favorite color.

    I probably have a good 30/500 chance to survive a zombiepocalypse.

    Sorry it also took me awhile to respond lol.

    (Although you didn't ask me to reply to all of your answers... I felt compelled after seeing that you enjoyed many of the same series that I do happy.gif.)

    I also enjoy Pokemon, I've have Skyrim but I"m waiting for more patches ._., No Halo, or Fable for me (I have a PS3 and Wii), Assassin's Creed is pretty cool, Okami is one of my favorite games ever biggrin.gif. I also love the Smash Brothers games, I never really F-Zero (Though I did enjoy GP Legends ((I think that's what it's called...?) on the GBA. Mario Kart is pretty awesome too, I never played Mario Tennis, And I haven't really played Sims or Zoo Tycoon either. Though I don't really like those kind of games >_>. I like Knoll and Brom... I never actually quite got to use Pelleas (though I'm close since I'm almost at the end of my 2nd playthrough... Or I was. My Wii's disc reader broke sad.gif.)

    And that's alright. I haven't been on my computer much today anyways.

  13. A 9 huh? Thanks for the little review. I've been thinking about getting it for quite some time, now I might buy it but it will be online because its cheaper.

    Yeah! A thousand cheers for you! You have passed the test on How to find your way around the Forest Test! Here's your diploma!NewYearsEmoticon.giflaugh.gif

    You're quite welcome. biggrin.gif. Yeah! Diploma! Time to develop some sort of get-rich-quick scheme. 'Cause it'll definitely work. Yep. No possibly way it could fail. sweatdrop.gif.

  14. Final Fantasy 13 is like a movie and it gets harder later on, your not button mashing all the way through.Tales of the Abyss is great! I've beaten it twice and now doing a Solo with Guy Cecil on the hardest mode. The Gamecube(and PS2) Tales game is Symphonia it was my first and I played it with my brothers so I had the best exp. with it!

    Xenoblade, I was thinking of getting that, but never rerally looked into it, in your opinion how good is it on a scale of 1 to 10?

    Looks like you got the friend thing down. A+! XD.gif

    If I can find it and pick it up then I will, I've heard a lot of good things about Symphonia.

    I think Xenoblade deserves a 9. I haven't played a lot of JRPGs But from what I played of it, it was pretty awesome. It's got a lot of nice little features to it that I don't think many other JRPGs do. (At least to my knowledge.) For pretty much every quest (Some of them you still need to go back to who gave it to you.) Once you finish it you'll get a pop-up and you click accept. And then you're done with it. You don't have to go all the way back to the person for your reward. Also once you progress a little in battles you'll get a little vision of the future when one of the enemies is about to do a powerful attack that will probably KO one of your people. So then you get a little while to use your Arts, etc to change the future. It's a GameStop exclusive though, if you didn't know. Either that or you have to order it from Nintendo.com. My only little complaint with the game is some of the graphics in it.

    (Just to break up the wall of text a bit...) Now...I'm not a person who is obsessed with graphics in any way. I know the Wii isn't -THAT- powerful. However, I know it's probably powerful enough to make a few certain things turn out better. (although I find the first one pretty hilarious.) ANYWAYS. I'm done rambling on now. You'll come to notice that I can ramble on for quite some time XD.gif.

    Woo! A+! biggrin.gif(It wasn't nearly as hard as I was making it for myself ._.)

  15. I've played half of the final fantasy series(1-6, 13 & now 13-2) and I think 6 is the best one of those.

    If you have a 3DS you could try Tales of the Abyss. Gamecube, PS2, or Wii for both Symphonia games (Symphonia 2 is called Dawn of the New World for Wii), and Vesperia if you have an Xbox 360. You know how every RPG starts off slow? Well the Tales Series are the slowest since its an action JRPG and you have "Artes" as you combo attacks and very little skills, you learn more as the story progresses, obviously, and you start off with one or two per character in the beginning.

    Thats good to hear! I was shocked when I heard that Reggie had announced the released date for FE13! I became a fan after Shadow Dragon came out so I never got the exp. of having an English release of FE coming to the States so naturally I thought I was dreaming and almost burst out screaming about it! I said "almost" because I'm not the one for yelling and screaming. I know I

    should'a, but my shyness got the better of me again.dry.gif

    You seem like a really nice guy! You don't mind if I add you as a friend?

    The only one I could easily try would be 13 after my friend is done with it. (And then 13-2.) I think I'll try it when he's done. I was thinking about Tales of the Abyss. I might pick it up some day if I get the chance. I have a Wii but the disc reader broke sob.gif. (Right in the middle of Xenoblade Chronicles too..) I have a GameCube and I just need a cord, so I could try one of the Tales games on there. Probably would have a little trouble finding it though sweatdrop.gif. And I like Shadow Dragon too..I'm kinda doing a playthrough of it now XD.gif. Although I prefer the other ones I've played to it, I think. Along with my drooling.. I was shouting when I saw the confirmation for FE13. And I don't mind if you add me. I don't quite know how to add people on here... so could you send whatever it may be that you need for that?

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