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Batter the Beast

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Everything posted by Batter the Beast

  1. NES Batman final stage. You have to go through the stage itself, which is hard as is, afterwards you have to fight an admittedly easy boss, then the Joker himself, who can take 1/3 of your health with most of his hard to dodge attacks and can take hits like a champ. Oh yeah, dying at any time puts you back at the very beginning of the level.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVMs0ZBiF-U
  3. The thing I look forward to the most is classes cause I'm an RPG class nut
  4. Ralph because he looks generic enough to be a random villager
  5. Pitfall and Warlords are my two favorite games on the system. There's a bunch that haven't aged well but I still find those fun
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RSGVzaSyVE
  7. Best DLC: See Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Characters/stages were added after the game was finished, but came free. For a competitive fighting game, I think it's BS to pay for new characters due to how they might change the meta Good DLC: Cheap side missions that are added after the game was finished. Bad DLC: Paying for on-disc stuff, makes it feel like the game is incomplete on purpose
  8. Atari 2600 though there's like one or two games I enjoy on it like Warlords and Combat which are super fun if i can ever drag people into playing them.
  9. I would love a story mode if only for some certain character interactions such as Lucina looking up to Marth or Pac-Man and Donkey Kong having a little rivalry. However, I could see Wario being a villain again, which is something that really bugged me in Brawl cause he wasn't really getting something out of it IIRC.
  10. I haven't played Hector Hard Mode mostly because FE7's kinda boring to me now I haven't finished FE1 because Marth tearing through everything gets boring I haven't finished FE2 because the grind got a little boring I haven't played FE in half a year (damn you smash/monhun) I married my Avtar in my FE13 Lunatic run for the waifu and not the stats I think Sigrun is the most attractive female character and Hector is the most attractive male character across all FEs I don't like the Avatar designs in FE:if I prefer Hoshido to Nohr because the characters in Nohr bug me
  11. FE7: RIP Erk, sorry but I was not doing the second to last chapter for the 10th time cause I had zero patience as a kid FE11: RIP like everyone but my online team of Est/Merric/Abel/Catria/Frey, I wanted those Gaidens cause I'm a completionist
  12. For favorite overall: PM Snake Dittos, just watch the Rolex/Professor Pro MM to see why Least favorite overall: Melee Puff Dittos, since Puff is such a spacing char and a landed rest will usually lead to a rest punish so it's less desirable to use it
  13. Hades (KIU) for being super charismatic and the most humorous character on a consistent basis Maxie (ORAS) because he may be an asshole that threatens the player directly but he also has a goal that makes sense and isn't crazy like a certain team leader who's name begins with L Vayne (FF12) for having a goal that is pretty commendable and one I would personally side with Nightmare (Kirby's Adventure) because those shades and his music from the NES game is pretty neat Dr. Wily, specifically MM9's Wily for having an evil plan that required persuasion that made sense [spoiler=OFF Spoiler]My name is The Batter for a reason [spoiler=Kingdom Hearts Series Spoiler]Marluxia for being right about Org. XIII not having their best interests at heart and being the best looking member
  14. Hunting Horns are super neat and all, but making enough to do well against several different types of enemies is a pain since you need to take the songs into account as well as elements
  15. Take some power away from sonic's back throw and fsmash because of how safe they are and how hard sonic is to punish overall. Either that or nerf the KO power of his other moves, he has too many safe KO options for being a fast character with a good grab game. Besides those two I'd rather buff the lower tiers to have more options because I like how the higher tiers play overall.
  16. Also with the whole Marth vs Lucina thing, if Marth manages to break a shield, he gets a guaranteed fully charged tipped fsmash (in theory), which KOs way earlier than Lucina's. In general, as it stands, Lucina is just a character with mediocre range, a lot of lag and okay damage whereas Marth can take earlier stocks with tips and has better damage overall if the player has good spacing, which they should have if they're playing Marth.
  17. "Hey I can share replays now! Good thing I have a bunch of funny For Fun replays lying around. What do you mean they're all incompatible with this version?"
  18. Bolded are my particular favorite in that series Mother (2, 3) Smash Bros (64, Melee, Brawl, Project M, Sm4sh) Guilty Gear (XX, Xrd) Megaman (2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10) Megaman X (X, X4, X8) Kirby (Adventure, Super Star, Dreamland 3, 64, Return to Dreamland, Triple Deluxe) Kingdom Hearts (1FM, 2FM, Days, BBS, 3D) Golden Sun (1, TLA, Dark Dawn) Brave Fencer Musashi Pokemon (Yellow, HGSS, Black/White, ORAS) Castlevania (1, 3, SotN, AoS, DoS, PoR) Yoshi's Island Final Fantasy (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12) Sonic (2, 3&K, Adventure, Adventure 2, Generations) Shovel Knight Bravely Default Mario & Luigi (Superstar Saga, Bowser's Inside Story, Dream Team) The Legend of Zelda (1, 2, LttP, OoT, WW, LBW) Metroid (1, Super, Fusion) Chrono (Trigger, Cross) Contra (1, Super C, 3, 4) Legend of the Dragoon Super Mario Bros (1, 3, World, 64, Galaxy, 3D Land) Kid Icarus Uprising Dota 2 DKC (1, 2, Returns) Street Fighter (2, 3, 4) Tekken (5, TT2) Terraria OFF
  19. Best rendition of the main theme IMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBGH_DSSj08 Also this neat 8-bit remix of one of my favorite FE13 songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY71eYA75Gg
  20. Well, I never did thorough testing on the height difference in Mario and Doc's up b, and good lord there is definitely a noticeable difference in heights, add in that Doc's down b is horrible for recovering while Mario has the cape like you pointed out makes Mario's recovery better than Doc's. Still mediocre compared to other high tiers, but much better than Doc's crap recovery. Doc's down b is only good for punishing spotdodges, and I suppose I haven't tried enough Mario to actually use his FLUDD, which should work for gimping in theory but maybe not in practice. Falco's fsmash has too much of a startup to really be usable unless it's a hard read or punish. Lasers are fine for some damage from a distance or when the opponent is offstage, but trying to force anything with it onstage is not a good idea against anyone who isn't Dorf levels of slow just because of how laggy it is. Reflector is a passable option, though, for me anyway, the trip chance is unreliable and the move doesn't really net an advantage if it doesn't trip. His followup and offstage game are pretty good, but getting to that point is where Falco really struggles due to his bad approach options and speed. Maybe his strengths in those areas are fine enough to warrant his spot on the list, but I have a problem with his faults. Also Euklyd that punch was frickin amazing.
  21. If by people you mean me then yes I did say that. First off, his running speed is really bad, which wouldn't be so bad if his lasers, his most viable neutral option in other smash bros, weren't laggy as all hell. dtilt and ftilt are good for stuffing approaches but his bair is his only viable approach. Reflector is arguably a neutral option in certain matchups, but it's unsafe on shield. All his other options have too much lag or not enough range. His jab, upsmash, and fair not being consistent also don't help his placement, though at least his recovery was buffed. Also, about Doc and Mario's differences, Mario, like Doc, has pretty bad recovery, but unlike Doc he makes up for it with very fast normals and better overall speed as well as dthrow, utilt and uairs combing into each other easily. Doc's fair was a lot better that Mario's in Melee due to it KOing at lower %s overall, Mario's fair was meteor cancellable, Doc could combo into his KOing fair, etc. In smash 4, not only is Doc's fair weaker and doesn't KO until mid/high %s where another, faster move can do the job, but other factors like meteor cancelling don't really apply, meaning Mario's fair is actually better due to the ability to get low % stocks. Doc's dair and down b don't even make up for the difference due to Mario's dair being surprisingly safe and his down b has more uses, albeit situational ones.
  22. I can attest to this. Dtilt also makes for a good ko move against characters with mediocre recovery due to the angle it launches people at and it has good range though its slightly unsafe.
  23. It's most likely for the dank maymays and relative easiness. I picked him up back in 64 because I fell in love with his fabulous color scheme and combo game so I'm a hipster like Thanatos
  24. Fun as hell matches Comet/Thanatos, though I gotta go now. Who is/are your main/s? Mine are Megaman and Captain Falcon
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