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Status Updates posted by Xeniferos

  1. I'm almost a month late, but happy belated birthday for what it's worth! :3

  2. Huh! I looked it up and couldn't find anything after you posted on my wall. I suppose it might very well be just that.

    Also, hi!

  3. No worries! I'm pretty easy-going. I get along with just about everyone. :D

  4. Eesh being used for "It's." I just read that back to myself and realized that "Eesh" looks like a really impatient girly noise, or something. ^^;

  5. Eesh no worries about the little forum post mishap-bizarro-communication thing we had earlier. Just wanted to let you know. You are still a cool... er... cookie in my book! :3

  6. I forget how the statement or quote actually goes, but: You sir, are a genius, and a scholar! Your entries were quite good reads on the support convo thread. Quite good indeed.

  7. For sunlight burning holes into your eyes, I apologize.

  8. Totally not true! You can be a prodigy with certain weaknesses. I'm sort of the same way myself, with math. I can do basic math quickly, but throw Trigonometry or Statistics at me and I die on the inside.

  9. Wait, so you're graduating a year early? Does that mean you're a prodigy that skipped a grade? Or did you start early? Either way, graduating early must be pretty sweet. I turned 18 right before I graduated.

  10. Oh, I'm not gloomy at all. :3 I'm usually pretty serious, but for some reason I've been more jovial these past couple of days. And the last school year is always the best one, for sure! Senior?

  11. Oh, no! I'm actually just a Cell Phone sales guy. Probably should have clarified that. We're dead with business because everyone's at the fair. When do classes start for you?

  12. And how about you?

  13. Being a loser at work... Even though I should be working; my excuse being that it's dead on account of today being the last day of the fair. I had fun in chat yesterday, so I joined in again today! You all seem like a cool bunch.

  14. Wooooooooooah...

    Hi. :3

  15. We push the boundaries, so the rules are bent. Just give and take.

  16. Hey! Just wanted to say thanks again for the character creation video. Much appreciated!

  17. So I gave in and bought Skyrim... I know.

  18. Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars 2. My Charr will become reality once I get done with work in 3 hours~.

  19. 135 + 73 hours put into Dragon's Dogma so far. Wut.

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