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Everything posted by Samu_77

  1. Idunn has been defeated, let us take a moment to say goodbye to our fallen allies Was a fun playthrough, I still really hate chapter 7, but I enjoyed most of everything, I think I got never punished with Roy dodging a fatal blow like twice, and probably had like 5 dodges of losing out on the best ending like with a Divine Weapon User or a character necessary for a later chapter not dying, but I like to think I played alright in the end. Niime died holding Apocolypse in 23 and Miledy died at the very end of the Chapter holding Matlet, but obviously a good ending was set in stone by that point. Fir was a ton of fun to use, although I thought Tate wasn't doing it for me (she died in Ch. 22, so I had basically the entire game to use her) I do wish I had used Gonzolas but I can save that for a future playthrough. Most of the rest was just mainly a squad of really solid units throughout the game, basically the ones I listed above. More then most games I find Binding Blade does a really good job of mixing up your Army. But yeah was a fun time. Outside of Chapter 7 and maybe 4 I think this game is really good for an Ironman context, and ironically I think the added Accuracy issues in this game make you have to play very risk-adverse and make you choose your units very carefully. Every decision being permanent too makes you really consider the value of all of that gold that is so important to spend and hold onto. Was a good time although I don't see myself picking up this game for a while because it's exhausting play for me personally.
  2. I am now past Wyvern Hell, with only two deaths in Alan and Igrene, which is good because I wanted to kill off some more characters anyways. I bought about 14 pairs of Boots, and now I am ready for Endgame, I will post my final results when I slay Idunn.
  3. Going to do one last post on this for the rest of the game, since I'm on 20x now and if I get past 21 it's almost certain I will finish the run. I went to Ilia... for obvious reasons, and outside of Astol getting killed (thankfully without anything TOO valuable on him), everything went swimmingly. I am so glad they give you 3 thieves in this game. Due to being scared of losing the best Ending, I had been neglecting the Divine Weapons outside of occasional Durandal usage, however coming into chapter 21 I am going to deploy most of them because those Wyvern Knights are tough. My main party is about what you would expect outside of not having a Beserker in lieu of Fir: Roy, Lilina, Rutger, Fir, Miledy, Percival, Saul, Shanna, Tate, Shin, Lalum, Niime and then makeup flunkies of Lance, Ceclilia, a thief, and like one time Igrene. None of my losses so far have hurt, and I bought a LOT of Angelic Robes in 16 so that everybody will live, but I still have at least 10 boots lying in wait, with more to come, so hopefully I will get to use them later. And now I will prepare for the second-hardest chapter in the game after 7.
  4. Okay, but for starters, Arena Abuse isn't a great argument, it may be true that Zeiss would end up better then a lot other units with Arena abuse because he has naturally great traits (Canto Rescue, high defense, Flight) and has good growths, I can arena or boss abuse anybody in this game and have an absolute monster that steamrolls through the game. Going past that, Zeiss feels almost personally tailored to be just barely outside of being a great unit. The inability to use Killer Lances means he's going to have accuracy issues for a while, especially if Sacae is your route and these enemies can be pretty fast. The inability to promote for three levels with these accuracy issues is also damning, because Miledy could just be going in and destroying almost everything while Zeiss has lower movement and accuracy, although it is nice that the promotion item that Zeiss uses is only fought over by usually Tate (Or just buy one in this chapter if you don't want another pair of boots). 11 speed at base is terrible, and will let you double almost nothing, even assuming he is lucky and gets two speed procs in leading up to Promotion, 15 speed isn't going to serve you that well either. Zeiss is rarely going to be one-rounding anything, with makes his high-strength less impressive. If your only use for Zeiss is rescue dropping then Juno is unironically better because you have higher movement at base, don't need to use an Elysian Whip and if you've been using both Peagasus Knights you have access to Triangle Attack (although that last one is incredibly situational). I hate this unit, they are so close to being great but are just short of it. Another small thing is that Zeiss is required for the best ending up through chapter 21, so you have to take even more care then usual to keep him alive if you are using him (it's a very small thing but when the character has 3x weakness to common weapons in Sacae rout it's worth mentioning). Miredy alone elevates Binding Blade's Wyvern Score super high though, this unit is cracked and only gets better as time goes on.
  5. Late as hell but regards especially to the Binding Blade, I find a dance to be a LOT more useful in a game that 1: Has some incredibly strong high-move units that help rescue dropping your Dancer to be a lot more useful (Marcus in early game, Zealot in mid-game, Melady and Percival up until the end of the game + your raised units such as Shanna and your promoted cavalier) 2: Has a general rarity of units that are consistently one rounding units, some characters such as Rutger, sometimes Percival and a well trained Beserker might be doing this reliably but in generally, I don't see this too often. Being able to refresh these units specifically is incredibly helpful 3: Gives the option to purchase Angelic Robes in the midgame (1-2 of these will easily make your Dancer reliable at taking one hit, emphasis on ONE though), especially a siege tome 4: Gives the option for boots for the final 4-6 chapters in the game (I don't consider 24 and Endgame real chapters because of how mindless they can be with two range divine weapons but hey, some people break those things) 5: Every chapter is a Seize map and getting Roy to that throne is sometimes a colossal pain in the ass Also has very solid availability On the subject of Ambush Spawns... that's a knowledge check. You, as a person who has access to the internet, can look up where they are coming from, and as such your ability to position your dancer around them is within your hands. Is everybody who is playing BB going to do this? No, but the ability for the player to make the decision about how to maneuver around Ambush Reinforcements is there as long as they have the knowledge. If there's anything I actually just dislike about these dancers it's about how they are necessary to recruiting characters, having to recruit Echidna with Larum is annoying because you have to throw her right in the middle of one of those ambushes and with both of these two you need them to recruit Percival. I'd rank these two as one of the highest if I'm being honest, maybe not as good as somebody like Azura because her availability is insane but she's up there if you ask me
  6. Small update time! I am now past everybody's favorite map in FE6, Aracadia! Yaaaay. Nobody died in the chapter which was to be expected because as long as you have documentation its not a hard map at all. Somewhat unnecessarily all of the items were obtained (I say unnecessarily because I don't know if I can find a use for the Silver Blade lmao) and I am now moving forward. Unfortunately Echidna died in chapter 13, and I am at a loss as to what to do with the Armads. My decision tree is probably 1: Train up base Gonzolas (yikes) 2: Have Douglas be the one to use it (double yikes) 3: Forgoe using it altogether And I have no idea what to do! I like the idea of using all of the Divine Weapons across my units, but I know it's not necessary. Boss abuse is always an option but considering the semi-high amount of supports I've been using in this game already it's... feeling a little too cheap. It would give Lilina another partner besides Roy I guess, although naturally they are alread long past A rank. Also I decided after a few good level ups to just go ahead and use Kate, and she's pretty fun, I'm definitely out of Sacae now so hopefully I'll get to use TRIANGLE ATTACK BABY
  7. I haven't posted here in a while, because after dying in that Chapter 7 I got sad and put this off for a while, but now I'm back with a run that's done with Chapter 12, here's generally what's happened I trained Lugh, realized I didn't like his level ups, and then benched him, then I leveled Lilina up like crazy and promoted her, she's a little blessed in speed but honestly even with the speedwing that I fed her she's barely above average and is only able to double the very slow enemies I also decided to train Fir for... honestly I don't know what reason. Maybe it's because Rutger is so cracked that I wanted another one, and it is kinda overkill but it's also pretty funny and she got a some pretty good level ups. This does mean I'm forgoing a raised Axe unit like Dieke or Gonzalos, but I think Echidna is going to do just fine for a while and by that time the game will be in really good hands. Axes feel terrible in this game anyways so I don't feel bad. Alas, there were no deaths up to Chapter 11, but then Marcus bit the dust and then Clarine died immediately after recruiting Klein because both of their lives were less valuable then the Orion's Bolt AKA another pair of boots. Clarine wasn't trained and Marcus was JUST starting to fall off, so I don't feel particularly bad about either death. The plans going forward are to give Tate a few levels so that I can avoid Sacae, bench Alan when he falls off which will probably be the next chapter (assuming he doesn't die to be honest, that looks likely as well) naturally promote Milady and give her a Dracoshield (unfortunately no Speedwing because of Lilina, who will probably one-round everything in the game after that second one) and then just keep swapping in and out the units that are and aren't useful, I'm debating using Tate full time but it sounds like a pretty bad idea because Ballistea's are scary and even though there aren't as many as Sacae I'm aware, this is still only my second full run and I've never played Ilia. My long-term economy is looking pretty good fortunately. I'm not really scared of Arcadia at all because as long as you have documentation it isn't that bad at all I find.
  8. The fact that this game's weapons have no durability means you need to give a reason for the player not to use the weapon with the most damage all of the time, so weapon weight exists, so then you need to give a way to offset that weapon weight. Just increasing the speed of every unit in the game to be proportional to what you would think their build would be is... a pretty sloppy and lazy solution, so the build stat exists. In theory this allows players to strategize what weapon to use and what characters can have what weapons be allocated to them based on their minimum speed penalties, for example Panette has less of a speed penalty for using the base Steel Axe then Anna does in their base classes. It also contextualizes the size of characters, Lapis going around swinging a sword that looks like it weighs 30 Kg and still being way faster then Diamont who's built like a brick house is kinda silly. That said it is strictly worse then speed and the SP Cost greatly confuses me, but I suppose it is a way to make allocating resources towards characters with different builds marginally more interesting. I certainly prefer it to there being weightless weapons ala Awakening, and I'm also not too wild on weapon weight being offset by Strength in games like 3H.
  9. I haven't ever posted here before so I decided to start out with the Binding Blade Ironman I have recently started. I'm playing on Hard Mode, which I have not done before, but my normal run was not too far ago. I decided to chronicle the journey in the important areas, here's the progress so far: Currently on Chapter 7, Deaths: Allen, Ellen, Bors and Wade Yeah so losing Ellen on an ambush reinforcement I didn't check is pretty bad but I unironically don't care too much about anything else. I had no intention of using Allen from the start as I wanted to focus on of the cavaliers, not multiple of them, so almost all training went specifically to Lance instead. Bors I couldn't care less about and the same goes for Wade, although I am slightly missing the equipment that they had. I have been focusing a lot of EXP to the characters I plan to use long term, mainly Rutger, Shanna and Lance with a little bit of Deke favoritism. There has been some support abusing but I'm not going all in on making a massive support ball. Here are my plans for the upcoming chapters: 1: Promote Rutger: He's already level 13 by chapter 7, and I don't feel like waiting any longer, the sooner I get this character off the ground, the sooner I can start moving at a more comfortable pace and get a more reliable boss killer. This isn't revolutionary I know, but his EXP gain is already slowing down and I don't want to wait longer. 2: Use Lilina: This is probably going to be my only concession to using a poor unit. I like the True Ending between her and Roy and I was pretty impressed with what she was doing in my Normal Mode Run, although I am aware she is vastly different in this context. Lugh hasn't been getting much magic or even that much speed to begin with, so Im going to just use both and see what I get, however my first Guiding Ring is going to go to Saul, not Clarine because I don't have her anywhere near the requirement 3: Use Tate: I couldn't stand Sacae even on Normal mode and going there on hard sounds terrible. I don't plan to train her full time but I want to give her like 4-5 levels just to ensure I'm not going to Sacae, although I am going to use Shin because there's too many damn Wyverns in Late Game. If anybody has any tips I would appreciate them!
  10. 9/10 Maddening Aside from the obvious "this unit is amazing because they are a dancer" I think he has several qualities that elevates him beyond most other dancers in the series. 1. His durability: unlike others such as Elphin or Olivia, Seadall actually has decent durability that can let you get away with him taking a hit on enemy phase, especially coupled with Shielding Art and his relatively decent speed that makes him hard to double. Obviously you aren't going to send into a swarm of enemies, but I find even on Maddening he's good for one hit, which can make a big difference. 2. His movement: In most other games your dancer is going to have 5 movement, this is true for Seadall as well but it's also important to remember that your base units have a maximum of 6 movement, and so it's harder for Seadall to fall behind compared to someone like Tethys being unable to keep up with Seth, this means you can be dancing your strong units even more. 3. Canter: self explanatory, can either keep him out of danger or keeps him closer to the head of the pack to get more value, one thing of note is that it also helps his personal skill with healing people. 4. Boss revival crystals: While in most FE games you might only need one person to kill that boss, in this game you need multiple, and being able to refresh your best unit for this is incredibly valuable. This can also be used with things like Draconic hex to nerd any boss -8 to all stats before using everyone else to pounce on him. 5. Chain Guard: admittedly not a selling point but it can be nice to have if there's one particularly strong attack coming your way or possibly trying to block 2 with another Qi Adept 6. Weapon Type: Again this isn't something that's immensely helpful, as you can't break bosses in Maddening and generally Seadall shouldn't be on the Front Lines or you could just delete the enemy with something stronger, but it can be a nice benefit especially if you want to give him -5 damage with Leif's Sync Skill or you just want to break some random mage or Thief 7. Functionality with Emblems: unlike almost every other unit in this game who can immensely benefit from having an Emblem equipped, Seadalls lack of needing one due to his primary role being one that doesn't utilize them, this means he can function at more or less max capacity without one which helps you distribute them amongst your others. This isn't necessarily a point in his favor because how a player distributes these Emblems prioritizes different units anyways, but I thought it was worth mentioning. None of these are revolutionary on its own, but put all of this together and you have one of the best Dancers in the franchise. So why is he not 10/10? Because he's not a perfect unit, outside if the noticeable availability issue, he still has weaknesses. He's not charging into the middle of an enemy storm with 8 movement, 1-2 ranging all of them while not risking crit and charging up to the boss the next turn and 1-rounding. He will help another character do those things but he will not, nor will he be doing it for half of the game at all. You would, however, be a fool not to deploy him in any kind of playthrough that isn't a challenge run that specifically excludes him.
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