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Everything posted by SisterOfMarth98

  1. YOU WERE, GOD DAEIN. Now let's continue. ~This game is a colorful game for a newer system
  2. Guessing you didn't want to give a challenge after guessing right... ~This game is a HD, colorful game for a newer system.
  3. Guessing you didn't want to give a challenge after guessing right... ~This game is a HD, colorful game for a newer system.
  4. ~Rules~ Give good, and not obvious clues about games and wait for the next poster to either guess or ask a question. No opinions please. And no answering your own questions if no one answers. Bad example: ~This game has awesome characters. (Answer: Denki Blocks) Who would guess that? Better example: ~This game contains many different Nintendo characters (Answer: Smash Bros) It probably sucks and should be deleted but go ahead and play it. ~This game contains lawyers.
  5. Meh. Looks like this topic went from 'I used to watch...' to people copyrighting their fonts. Aw forget it. This post was just made someone who does the same thing!
  6. Actually the app isn't in Japanese. It's English but it got a few typos.
  7. I don't use an iPhone, I use an iPod Touch. As much as I hate Apple I still liked the iPods since the colored nanos. So don't make me look like the cat in the corner of a dog park. I might as well trash my phone and get an Android 'cuz they're cool. Better yet, a Windows Phone.
  8. Just search 'Fire Emblem' in the search thing in the AppStore and er... click the one that says FE in the top corner. YOU'RE WELCOME. Or not if the app isn't good enough for you advanced jeigans.
  9. Meh. It still makes me think of Chrom popping up 419-ing someone. What, there's nothing like this in Japan? Then I'd be better off living there ;).
  10. The fact that it's a Monday hurts me more. I'm also mad that Japan's FE13 release date was April 19, which is 4/19. 419 is the last thing I want Fire Emblem to remind me of. It's evil. Look it up if you don't know it...
  11. You mean 'why is your life so boring?' and that's because you forgot that video games existed. Why do I end up posting in old threads all the time? I bet this one is old too
  12. This is it. I'm tired of this! I'll just use another computer, possibly my old one, just so I can feel like a part of this site again.

  13. I might be gone for a while because my computer has stopped working and typing on an iPod touch is a hassle for me :'(... I'll try but don't forget I'm still there reading all those topics in FFtF. Still want to be part of the community here since I love it so much. Until my laptop gets fixed, it's gonna be a long while..... And I miss the chatroom! I wish I can just go back in time and just do something to have a working computer right now. Man, I'm gonna miss thi...

  14. Its made of the tasteless kind of cheese. Why can't I come up with a question?
  15. It was too old and cold for 'em. When would Ike ever replace his right sleeve?
  16. Because you 'fans' beg for too much out of his little body. Why am I so nice and gentle towards Roy?
  17. This is why. [spoiler=If you can't click the link]Because I felt like it. Why can't I choose a better answer than this?
  18. Cause you felt like it. Why is Greil such a fail if he doesn't fight with a pale?
  19. Because they represent big fat enemy units. Also, why is Far from the Forest called that if it's still in the forest?
  20. Because you like to beat people. Why are Thunder spells called such when it's really lightning?
  21. Because you're not a Serene. How aren't you a Serene if you have a Serenes Forest account?
  22. Because this is a game in a forum. What are magic spells made of?
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