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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. When I was playing a DLC map the music changed into the regular battle theme instead of the DLC one.
  2. Hmmm let's see, everything Henry says, how no one notices a FULLY ARMORED knight(Kellam), and those two brothers from the Paraogles.
  3. My least favorite trope is "Ass Pull". I hate it when shows do this. When used they almost never explain how it happens and the viewers are suppose deal with it. When its done for comedy it's acceptable because it's played for laughs.
  4. Posted a fact about me not posting a fact.
  5. Why is that in most game S is the highest rank? I never understood this concept.
  6. What's the chance of a merchant appearing on the world map?
  7. This again? Oh well, just wait for it to die out.
  8. Does my EXP decreases the more times I promote and class change?
  9. But all the good things are over shadowed by the bad things.
  10. So far I find it impossible to level him up. His bases are to low and he dies to easily. I know he has good growths but is it worth all the stress?
  11. What's wrong with using Fan Fiction as an example?
  12. But at the same time his horrible puns and insane personality draw me back in.
  13. In the Paralogue 3 do I receive a reward for keeping the three villagers alive?
  14. If you were face with this problem how would you handle it?
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