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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. I want to know since they fly in the air even though there's gravity.
  2. What happens if you have a unit that has both quick and slow burn?
  3. Birthday happy.

  4. You bought it right? Edit: Never mind TC fixed the problem. Good job bro!
  5. When a daddy risen and a mommy risen love each other very much.
  6. Whenever someone says gods in Fire Emblem awakening.
  7. Its much better than waiting for them to promote on a certain chapter. Who else agree?
  8. I choose fast and weak. Even if I can't deal a lot of damage I would be quick on my feet. I can slowly wither down the enemy.
  9. Instead of using MU's customization looks. Anyone else agree?
  10. Is it best for me to have my female units learn Galeforce before recruiting there children?.
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