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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. You shall be with........ChiChi form Dragon Ball Z.
  2. Knows that scene is funny when played backwards.
  3. It's my iPad! It just does that. I have to use this until I get a PC.
  4. Nah too cute. How about Jim carryocalypse? Everybody turns Into Jim Carry.
  5. By that I mean what's wrong with talking to people that don't like me?
  6. I do. But what's wrong with interacting with everyone?
  7. All of that can be debatable but now's not the time and place. Even so you could have just said something earlier and maybe we could work "something" out. Besides an attention whore is someone who does thing for attention. I make most topics to have a good conversation with fellow forum mates( and a few laughs). Sure some may or may not be a waste but hey we all learn from mistakes right?
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