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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. Gold Vanguard


    When are they going to announce the 3DS games?
  2. But if most of your untis can get one shoted then how do get past does chapters?
  3. Gold Vanguard


    It looks fine to me. Still not better than the Wii U pro controller. Super Smash Bros will be much more fun to play.
  4. Is it harder than Thracia 776 and Radiant Dawn's hard mode? Or is it easy?
  5. If she is a loli and the fact that you can marry her seems....weird. But then again isn't she a Manakete and she is much older than she lookes?
  6. Gold Vanguard


    It looks clunky. But we won't know until we play/see a video of the game. I agree. It no longer seems haunting anymore. Co-op takes the feel of being alone in space with twisted monsters trying to kill you away. It looks likes Halo now.
  7. I've seen enough Banentai to know where this is going.
  8. You can't speed up time....unless you have a time machine. Infact somebody go build one so I can see what 3DS games are coming up tomorrow.
  9. Gold Vanguard


    It might be 300$ or if were lucky 250$.
  10. Gold Vanguard


    I hopes it plays like Sympohmy of the Night.
  11. Gold Vanguard


    Just a release date, in the holidays. No price tag though.
  12. Gold Vanguard


    Yes. Well actually it was more of a preview. It was on the 3DS.
  13. Gold Vanguard


    That sucks -_-. I hopping they will make a Fire Emblem for the Wii U.
  14. Gold Vanguard


    For me there was to much Mario. He's good and all but he hogged the spotlight. Also what happend to the Zelda for Wii U?
  15. Gold Vanguard


    Well 9/10 they will show Fire Emblem tommorrow. Also NINTENDO LAND!!!!! Also can't the Wii U play both Wii and Gamecube games?
  16. Gold Vanguard


    It looks like a Super Smahs Bros clone.
  17. 2500!?! And since you say you can gain lots of money during the main story, you could buy 99 of them in one run!!
  18. I mean think about it....a 3D Pokemon world with trainers and Pokemon running around .it could start off with you and 5 billion other trainers go and get your starter Pokemon from any of the 5 regions. You go around catching Pokemon,battling trainers from around the world(and some NPCs), earn Gym badges,etc. Then ever so often the Pokemon League shows up and you get to compete with others to see who's the best of the best. You could form clans and have clan batttles. For Example: Clan Fire Red Vs Clan Leaf Green. You could go and visit other regions by either getting on a ship,flying there with a Pokemon, or using a water type Pokemon to swim over there. You could go on quests to earn money and prizes(and sometimes rare Pokemon). I would pay monthly for a game like that.
  19. Gold Vanguard


    I want to see Nintendo at E3 tommorrow so badly. I want to see the Wii U!!
  20. Gold Vanguard


    Xbox didn't really have anything interesting to show execpt Halo 4 and Splitter Cell.
  21. The game that caught my eyes was the South Park RPG game. Call of duty black ops 2 was meh, Halo 4 looked amazing.
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