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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. Has someone who isn't Luigi as there avatar.
  2. MInes is 1.Wake up 2.Take cold shower 3.Eat Cornflakes while watching anger video game nerd. 4.Rage quit on FE7 HHM. 5.Go on Seresforest. 6.Change badge and avatar 7.Eat 8.Play FE10 for the 9001 time. 9.sleep 10.repeat 11.???? 12.Profit!!!!!
  3. And if you kill Death what happens next? Do you become the new Grim Reaper or does the natural order life just go ape shit?
  4. They charge head on at of your units just to prevent you from take over there home. Even when they see a powerful unit that could kill them in one hit, they sacrifice there lives just so they could land a single blow and allow there comrades to fight for another day. They don't carry alot of supplies on them becasue they want to save funds for the poor. There also so nice they give us EXP when they die and sometimes give us there weapons and supplies.Most of the times they don't move towards you to attack and let you pass on. And how do we take to there kindess? Slaughter them for EXP. We are also jerks to. The Bandits just want to visit there friends and family and we shut the door on them so they can't enter.
  5. Can't help it. Got alot of ideas and like to post them...even if there sometimes old.
  6. Supports are his favorite part of Fire Emblem. Even thought there not ask epic as arenas.
  7. Makes sense saying that I make no sense.
  8. Super MARIO 64 is his third favorite Mario game.
  9. Is one of the few people that like Wind Waker.
  10. This confused me alot in the anime. He always has he's eyes close but always knew where to go. He also knows which Pokemon he choose and the difference between Nurse Joys and officer Jenneys. Does he have some super hearing or is just that badass?
  11. Won't stop noticeing that I change my avatar.
  12. Yes, yes, and hell yes. Its needs to be remade..... that and it had some of the best Pokemon. Also Fire Red and Leaf green need another remake since the for some unkown reason all the new DS don't support GBA games.
  13. Has my third favorite Fire Emblem as his favorite.
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