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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. Haha, you're not the only one. My first playthrough I married Say'ri too. Speed bonuses from Pair-Up were so good. Made my MU dodge everything if paired up with her. First FeMU runthrough, I married Chrom since I felt the story kind of fit more with that element.
  2. He also references the Mistoltin, the Holy Weapon from FE4, in his opening side-quest.
  3. Seems this thread got hijacked, that's a shame. As for advice, most of it has already been said: Horse users are pretty damn good in FE4, Have Leaf escape last in FE5, etc. Though I want to say, make sure you don't go into overtraining binges in FE5 because of the stamina problem. I especially almost got myself in big trouble because I didn't know at what chapter Fatigue kicked in and ended up having a good size of my roster taken out before because I thought it was smart to kill everything on the map instead of just finishing (which by the way, is better in FE5 in certain situations because the saved Fatigue can prove to be much more useful than a few exp. points lost).
  4. That's good news for sure. Don't know why people are so shocked/annoyed by Nintendo not announcing such in E3 though. E3 isn't like it was in the past. Nowadays, it's more of a convention for companies to show investors "how they are appealing to larger markets!" Not saying that's a good thing, but that's why we get things like Xbox trying to go mass Kinect during their E3 presentation ("We're expanding into the motion-based gaming market!"). You'll get the occasional game trailers like Watch Dogs, but you'll see much less of upcoming game advertising and more investor-pandering.
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