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Elhienn Hovercast

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Posts posted by Elhienn Hovercast

  1. CHAMBRADY~~~~ DX ELHIENN... D: I was gonna make Chambrady the 2000th post... >_> I totally shoulda called dibs beforehand... *sigh*


    ...Wow, Brady. Looks like the only reason you're a priest is because you don't have the energy otherwise. xD


    [spoiler=C Support]

    Brady: ………

    Chambray: Brady… what's up?

    Brady: Oh, Chambray… Actually, I's hurt badly in the last battle… Knowany good drugs I could use?

    Chambray: Ah, hold on a sec.

    Brady: Wha!? 'Zis it? Ya sure it'll work?

    Chambray: You can't find this drug on the market. It may looksuspicious, but it works wonders!

    Brady: Well, whatever… lay it on me.

    Chambray: ……How is it?

    Brady: What IS this stuff!? 's amazing! Th' wound's closin' up beforemy eyes!

    Chambray: That's good. I make sure to use only the best medicines.Life's important, y'know? If you want it to heal up quickly, make sure to getsome rest, okay?

    Brady: Wat'cha saying? Aren't we supposed to be training from now on?

    Chambray: Eh!? Oh… oh yeah… I-I really don't wanna get injured… okay,listen! To ensure the survival of the Taguel, I can't let myself get hurt, soit'd be best to avoid the little things, right?

    Brady: What're ya goin' on about now!? If ya don't train, ya won't beable to take a hit! Come on, it's for your own good!

    Chambray: Wh-whoa! What're ya doin'!? NO! NO! I SAID I DON' WANNA-L-LEMME GOOOOO~!

    [spoiler=B Support]

    Brady: Chambray!!! Why you!

    Chambray: W-What's wrong, Brady? W-What's with that scary look…

    Brady: DON'T "What's wrong?" ME! What was that, your first time in abattle or something!?

    Chambray: Ah! Oh, ahaha… S-So that's what this is about… I was outthere… I wonder if I overdid it a little...

    Brady: LIAR! You weren't anywhere near the front lines! Whileeveryone's out there giving their all, you meet so much as a single enemy and godown your rabbit hole!

    Chambray: Hey, I can be strong when I put my mind to it! The Taguelhave better combat abilities than normal humans do! We can wineasily…regardless of the enemy! But… since I'm the last one… I avoid the lesserbattles, because I have to survive!

    Brady: Of course you'd be the one to bring up stufflike bloodline and your body as an excuse! Do you really understand myfeelings, what I'm tellin' ya here!? I'd love to be able to fight, but I'm noteven able to fight with a play sword without dying!

    Chambray: …Brady… …I understand.

    Brady: What?

    Chambray: Okay, tell ya what! Next battle, I'm gonna give it my all! I'llmake ya remember that I'm no coward!

    Brady: Heh, alright then! I dare ya to go out there on the front lines!'n' remember to put some oomph in when you fight! Look head on into the enemy'seyes fiercely, then I wanna see ya rip'em to shreds!

    Chambray: R-right. … L-leave it to me!

    [spoiler=A Support]

    Brady: Oh, Chambray! I saw you fighting in that last battle!

    Chambray: H-How was I…?

    Brady: Yeah, it was awesome! Y'fangs'resharp, Chambray!

    Chambray: Heheh, aww stop it, ya makin' me blush!

    Brady: Sheesh, you've always made me go red to set ya straight… So now,are you gonna be on the front lines without me tellin' ya from now on?

    Chambray: Huh…?

    Brady: You're not gonna be strong if you don't normally get in thefight! That power comes from training, I've told ya this!

    Chambray: Last time we talked, I was really reluctant to say this, butreally, I'd just like to be used sparingly and for special cases…

    Brady: Huuuuuuh!? What'd ya just say?

    Chambray: Weeeell… L-look! Iknew you'd be like this, but if I use too much force while trying to fight asthe last surviving Taguel, I'll be scolded by my ancestors for sure!

    Brady: CHAMBRAY! WHY YOU!!

    Chambray: AAAAH! D-don't get mad at me! My heart could've stopped!

    Brady: YOU LITTLE PUNK!!! You mean to tell me all the stuff I said justbounced off your ears!?

    Chambray: U-Umm…?

    Brady: While you're talkin' about ancestors, think about how my ancestors'd feel right now…

    Chambray: Uh…?

    Brady: You guys are a race of fighters, so much that it's throughoutthe history of the clan! Isn't it your shtick to have pride while you're inbattle!? Even if you're alone and the last Taguel, shouldn't it be your pridethat you hold dear!?

    Chambray: ………

    Brady: Tch… Got a little carried away there… I'm a little hot…

    Chambray: It's like you said. I was wondering if I'd be stuck, alone,as the last Taguel. I was afraid and confused. From now on I'll have morecourage, and challenge anything in my way. ……Maybe.

    Brady: Maybe!?

    Chambray: Ack! … Surely I'll be able to return back to my normalcarefree self…

    Brady: As if man! If I have to reteach you this, I'm gonna do it whilekicking ya int' next week!

    Chambray: Ah! Thanks for helping me! Well, if I need anything, I'llmake sure to tell you!

    Brady: Ha… Leave it to me!

    Oh hey, the 101st page. o.o D:< I'LL TAKE IT.


    Huh..... Thnaks for translating their support I guess?colon-e.gif

  2. Richt/Henry, From Gamefaqs by a guy called Atlyx I think he has an account here. His thread: http://www.gamefaqs....kening/63332852


    [spoiler=C Support]



    Thank you very much for earlier.


    My pleasure.

    Allies should look out for each other.


    It's great having an amazing sorcerer like you on our side.

    I wouldn't want to have to go against you, for sure.


    Hmm, yeah. Since I used to be one of Gangrel's soldiers

    there was a possibility that would have happened.


    Wha!? I didn't know that!



    I thought I told everyone.

    Well, Gangrel was defeated while I was incapacitated so, unfortunately

    I never got the chance to go head to head with you guys.


    I see...


    Haha, I bet it would have been so fun!

    Especially if I could beat Chrom or Fredrick...


    He...hey what are you saying?!




    You musn't say such a thing.

    Someone could misunderstand what you mean.

    If they think you actually are an enemy,

    you might actually have to fight!


    That doesn't matter to me.


    It matters to me! You're one of my allies!

    If you become my enemy we wouldn't be able to have talks like this, right?

    That's why it matters!


    I see...

    Well, if you put it like that, I'll be careful.



    [spoiler=B support]


    Hey, Henry!




    Before, you said you used to be one of Gangrel's subordinates...

    Does that means you may have known some of the people we've fought..?



    I didn't know all of them but some were acquaintances.

    I could tell you about them, if you'd like.

    Let's see...who did you fight...

    Ourio used to laugh and talk all the time.


    Ourio...he was the one who chased us as we were heading to the eastern royal estate?


    Right, right. He said that was the mission he was given.

    He would often talk about his mother.

    He was proud of her expert knitting.




    Every time I went to meet Mustafah, he'd give me some sugar candy.

    He said it was because I resembled his son.

    I guess he was a family man, after all.




    And then there was Pomodoro....


    Wa, wait.

    Okay...I don't want to hear anymore.


    Ah, really?

    You weren't interested in their stories..?


    No..I was...but...

    They're all so unexpectedly...normal.

    What's more...when I remember that they're all...dead...I...


    That's right. All the people I just mentioned were killed. By you guys.

    They have families and friends who are probably sad.




    What's wrong?


    To me, the Pelezians are people that I must defeat...they are the bad guys.

    But...each of those people also...of course, lived their own lives.

    When I think of that...it makes me lose my will to fight.


    Hm? I don't quite understand but, did I say something wrong?


    No....no you didn't...

    Thank you, Henry.

    Ourio: Chapter 7

    Mustafah: Chapter 10

    Pomodoro: Chapter 9

    [spoiler= A support]



    May I ask you a question?


    Yeah, sure.

    What's with the serious face?


    You're a Palezian and you were acquainted with the guys we defeated.

    Don't you...hold it against us?


    Mmm. I don't really understand why people hold grudges.

    What good would come from that?



    For you or for us.


    Hm, then I won't hold it against you.

    It doesn't bother me, at all.


    Yo...you're taking it lightly, huh?

    If I were to die, you'd certainly be in the same mood, wouldn't you?


    That's not true.

    I'd be really sad if you died.

    I bet I'd kill the guy who took you down.


    Huh!? That means...

    You'd get revenge for me?

    That doesn't fit with what you just said earlier...


    You're right! I wonder why that is?


    I...I wouldn't know...


    I never felt like this when I was with the Pelezia.

    I suppose...it's because I feel like you guys are truly my "friends."




    Ahaha, I really have no idea what's going on.

    You know...do you ever think about the next fight?

    That's the reason why I'm here - for war. You aren't?


    No, I'm here to fight, too...

    I've gotta focus on the battle that's in front of me.

    I need to win each battle to keep going.

    Well...that's the only way I think I can honor the memories of my fallen allies and to the enemies who we defeated...

    I liked this one. :0

    Now that explains why when I was searching Henry/Olivia fanarts I stumbled across fanarts of these two, it was really nice, now I'm going to feel bad about minor bosses too, great~(list of guys that I really don't want to kill got bigger)

  3. It's not really what he said, I think Liz just didn't realize he was there, since all it was a "I'll have to give up." (because Krom and FeMU have a good relationship already)

    Oh, thanks, it saved the trouble to try and find the damn kanji/katana/hiragana(which I must say, I sucked trying, too many ideograms for my taste >__>) and use a dictonary, geez, I wonder how can people teach themselves in japanese/chinese/korean*sweatdrop*

  4. Well, I guess this is a good a time as any to say what I'll be doing: More Degel! Specifically, her father supports with Callum, and then her conversations with Azure.

    Also, that comic is hilarious.

    Krom: My cape is frayed!

    FeMU: Frayed...isn't it brand new?

    Lol HAHAHA, Hey Miscellany, do you have any ideia about what Paris is talking at the end of the comic to make Liz react like that?

    And Blumpen, I think I wish to read the support than know the spoiler~

  5. No; just Wood and Chambray. Similarly, female Mark's only supports with female Gen 2 characters are Noire and Nn.

    HE CAN'T SUPPORT WITH AZURE? NOOOOOOOOOOOO~there goes my dream to see Azure owned by all the guys in 2 gen in picking chicks *sobs in the corner*

    Ok, back to the topic, at first I was pretty much "Bleh" or "Don't give a phuck" about the support between Paris and FemMU, then I saw a fanart of Krom being jealous of FemMU for sewing Paris clothes, it was hilarious even if I didn't understand shit of japanese XD, now I support threesome FemMU x Paris 8D


  6. Hi guys, I'm back from Japan! Bad news is I got a cold right after getting back (this seems to be a repeat thing for me, sadly... sob.gif). REGARDLESS, I'll still try to translate supports.

    On my list right now:

    Chambrady gee_wiz_emoticon.gif (Chambray / Brady) - translating right now. Experimenting is fun, no?

    Grego x Nono - I have a feeling I know where this is going.

    Male Mark / Chambray - (Non-sibling from what I can tell) - Chambray is Chambray... yet again.

    Vake / Noire (Father/Daughter) - Probably after Vake x Sariya is up. If no one is doing that yet I might do that as well.

    "Blinks", Oh, so Male Mark can support with all of the others guys in the second gen?

    I want to thank you in advance for translating all of these supports~THANK YOU!!~

  7. He's a superb filler for the limited time he's around. 3 PCC, Moonlight and Starlight, 20's in Strength, Skill and Speed and dual A ranks in sword and axes pretty much mean most enemies will die if he can attack them. Even defensively, he's quite good with 54 HP/9 Magic/14 Defense/17 Luck, so only statuses and Hel Dark Mages are a threat to him. On top of that, he has 5 movement stars to cover a lot of terrain in one turn with his 7 Movement and he has a mutual support with Mareeta if she's still around after you recruit him.



    But I'm going to give him a 8.0 + 1.0 bias point = 9.0, Odo is awesome and being a daddy with a older enough daughter and still being sexy~

  8. Here we go again. Olivia x Krom, everyone!

    [spoiler=Olivia x Krom C]Krom: Ah, Olivia. What are you doing all alone in a place like this?

    Olivia: Ah, Lord Krom...! ...Y, y, yes! I, it's because I'm able to relax better when I'm by myself...!

    Krom: ... So you were trying to relax. Sorry for interrupting.

    Olivia: N, no...! I, it's alright. Please don't worry about that...

    Krom: Is that so... Alright then.

    Olivia: ........

    Krom: ..........

    Olivia: ........

    Krom: .......... I give up... I just can't seem to keep this conversation going, can I? After all, I never was all that talkative...

    Olivia: U, Ummm... Please excuse me!

    [Olivia exits stage left]

    Krom: Ah... Olivia!? ... Jeez. And I'm supposed to be royalty and the commander of this whole army? I'm the one who's always at the head of the vanguard, leading everyone around me, and yet I can't even hold a single conversation with one of my comrades? What the heck am I supposed to do about that...? Especially with someone like Olivia who seems to have closed off her heart. Man, this just makes me want to talk to her even more.

    [spoiler=Olivia x Krom B]Krom: Olivia's over there... Alright then, today I will hold a conversation with her until she opens up to me...! This is yet another of my duties as royalty and as the commander! [T/N: Yeah right]

    [Theatrical Blackout]

    Krom: I, if it isn't Olivia. What are you doing by yourself today?

    Olivia: Ahh! L... Lord Krom!... No, ummm, I was just... practicing my dancing... After all, dancing is the only thing I can do for the army... So it's only natural that I'd keep practicing it...

    Krom: ...You, you shouldn't sell yourself short like that. It's not like you'll be dismissed from the army if you stop dancing, you know?

    Olivia: ... I, I'm sorry...

    Krom: N, no... I wasn't trying to criticize you. ...Anyway, that's quite admirable, Olivia. If you hadn't practiced day in, day out, we would have all missed out on your wonderful dancing.

    Olivia: N, no... I'm still just a rookie...

    Krom: There you go beating yourself up again.

    Olivia: Eh... Um... I'm sorry~ ...

    Krom: No... it's fine. Having the desire to improve is certainly good... Well, I've gotta follow your lead, Olivia, and start working even more on my swordsmanship.

    Olivia: P, please don't praise me so much... I, it's embarrassing~ !!

    Krom: Ehh!? S, sorry...!

    Olivia: U, ummm...

    Krom: What is it, Olivia? Why do you keep staring over there...?

    Olivia: No, it's... just...! ... P, please excuse me!

    Krom: Ah, hey, Olivia!?

    [Olivia disappears]

    Krom: ... She ran off, huh? Olivia was still... a bit nervous. Oh well, today's conversation lasted a lot longer than yesterday's. Guess I'll just have to keep trying.

    [spoiler=Olivia x Krom A]Krom: Olivia.

    Olivia: L, Lord Krom!

    Krom: So you're practicing your dancing again today?

    Olivia: Ah... yes. I just finished actually.

    Krom: Is that so. And here I was looking forward to seeing it.

    Olivia: N, no way... I, I can't practice at all with someone looking at me...

    Krom: Eh...? But don't you show everybody your dancing on the battlefield?

    Olivia: T, there's no helping it when on stage or on the battlefield because it's my job... I, if possible, I like to practice by myself...

    Krom: Wow, you're really shy, aren't you, Olivia? And despite that, you still continue your work as a traveling entertainer. That's actually very impressive.

    Olivia: Lord Basilio said the same thing to me before. He'd say "It'd be another story if you were a bad dancer, but there's nothing for you to be embarrassed about if you're this good at it." ... B, but I still have a long way to go...

    Krom: Speaking of which, you and Basilio go back a long way, don't you? How did you get to know each other?

    Olivia: ... Lord Basilio saved me once. Long ago, when I was still with my troupe, a certain influential man came to our show. Unfortunately, he was a bit taken with me... He just kept trying to woo and flirt with me until Lord Basilio stepped in.

    Krom: To be honest, Basilio strikes me as the kind who'd also try to flirt with you, Olivia.

    Olivia: L, Lord Basilio once said... "A man who'd use threats or influence to try and claim a woman is not someone I can forgive!" ...

    Krom: I see... Sounds like something Basilio would say. He is the kind of guy who'd want to make his own charm well known in order to get people to fall for him.

    Olivia: *Giggle* Ufufu... Well, I'm glad the misunderstanding about Lord Basilio has been taken care of.

    Krom: ...Eh?

    Olivia: Huh...? U, um, did I do something odd?

    Krom: A, actually... No, Olivia. I was just thinking about how you were smiling.

    Olivia: Eh...? Ah, I, did I... smile?

    Krom: Yeah. You have a very nice smile, Olivia.

    Olivia: Eh!? N... no way! It's embarrassing when you say stuff like that!!

    Krom: I, is that so? My bad, my bad. But thanks for telling me such interesting stuff today. It also feels like I've... gotten a bit closer to you now. See you soon, Olivia.

    Olivia: Y... yes. I hope to see you again soon...

    [Krom disappears]

    Olivia: I was able to talk this much with Lord Krom... He looked scary at first, but he's actually a really nice guy...

    [spoiler=Olivia x Krom S]Olivia: ...Lord Krom. H, hello...

    Krom: Olivia... It's rather unusual that you're the one coming to talk to me.

    Olivia: ...Y, yes. Well, Lord Krom's always going out of his way to come talk to me, so I thought I'd just...

    Krom: I see. That makes me glad. Seeing you now, it's hard to imagine how scared and nervous you used to be around me.

    Olivia: Y, yes... It's taken me by surprise too... ... I never thought I'd ever go up to talk to someone or reminisce... ... The old me would have just ran off before any of that could have happened...

    Krom: In that case... Looks like we owe Basilio a thank-you. After all, it's because of him that we met and got this close to each other.

    Olivia: Y, you're right about that... Thank goodness that I got to know you, Lord Krom...

    Krom: Indeed... If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have had the chance to see your smiling face.

    Olivia: ... I, I too never thought I'd smile like that. Because... unlike all the other guys, when I talk to you, Lord Krom, it feels like courage is filling my heart.

    Krom: Eh? Is that because you still think I'm scary?

    Olivia: U... Ummm, that is... Lord Krom is our leader and,... when you go to battle, you get this really scary expression on your face and the air around you becomes very unapproachable...

    Krom: ...I, I see.

    Olivia: Yes... But I don't think Lord Krom is scary anymore. ... Ufufu *giggling*

    Krom: Hahaha. Olivia... You're laughing again. And just like before, your smiling face looks great...

    Olivia: Yeah... I, I just can't seem to stop smiling around you, Lord Krom...! Besides... you're smiling too... You never show it during your battles but you have a really kind smile, Lord Krom.

    Krom: You're the one who's making me smile like that, Olivia. That's why...

    Olivia: Eh...?

    Krom: ... Hey, Olivia? If it's alright with you, I'd like to keep gazing at you like this from now on...

    Olivia: L, Lord Krom...?

    Krom: And it's not just while you're dancing either... I want to always be able to look at you and protect you. ... I want to make you happy.

    Olivia: Eeeh!? Y, you mean~ ...

    Krom: I... like you...! Won't you please... be my wife?

    Olivia: Uh... I, I'm so embarrassed... But, if you're fine with me!

    Krom: You... you really said yes!

    Olivia: Yes. I, whenever I talk with you, my heart feels at peace, Lord Krom. I always hoped to be with someone who made me feel like that.

    Krom: I feel the same way!...! A, Ah, that's right. I had this made just for this occasion. Here... This is proof of my feelings. Please... take it.

    Olivia: T... this is, a ring? And it has the crest of the Iris royal family engraved on it. Isn't it incredibly valuable?

    Krom: Yeah... Apparently, my parents had this made for me when I was born. I've always carried it around me. And, once I found a partner for me, I was to give it to her. So... that's why I'm giving it to you.

    Olivia: T... Thank you so much. I too... swear to always... love you forever and ever, Lord Krom.

    Krom: I'm glad, Olivia. From now on, we'll always be together. I'll do my very best so that I can always see your smile.

    Olivia: ...Yes. And, let's try to make everyone around us smile too. A world where everybody can smile... I think that'd be a wonderful place...

    Krom: A world where everyone can smile, huh. If the two of us are together... I'm sure we can do it. I love you, Olivia.


    AW~I loved this support, but I was loling my guts out when Olivia said that she found Krom "scary", pffff.... She dealt with the smilling psycho Henry but was scared of Krom BWAHAAA LOL

    "Head of Vangurad" Huh?~

    STANDU UP! VANGUARD!*Headshot*

    Loving Olivia even more, huh~ I wonder why my favorite female characters tends to be pink-haired chicks~

  9. Actually, someone already said that before. Unless that was you again.

    Yep, I'm the one who said that, just making clear because the release day is today XD And because that if I'm right I want to appear in the "Hilarious in Hindsight" page


    The guy is awesome, his bases are good, his growths are awesome(mage with 15% build growt?WHOA!), has A on every magic and staffs, which means that if you stored Meteor, Bolting or Blizzard tomes and didn't have anyone to use them Sety can use!, the guy has also a leadership star, 2 movement stars and and a PCC of 3, which is quite excelent! And there's Holsety, 50 uses and sexy bonus,he also has base 8 of movement, pratically a horse movement, what else do you want from this guy?

    Oh wait, he can support Machua, Karin and his broken pupil, Asvel

    9.0 for being late unit, but with my 1.0 bias it will turn into 10/10

    and he's better than that fucker Cyas

  11. Pffff.... Ok, if we need to make crazy assumptions then I'm going to assume that Paris is going to be the default-other-gender MU that you didn't chose 8D*Headshot*

    What?Everyone thought of everything, that's the only thing I could come with!even if it's a pretty stupid ideia

  12. Yes, what Xjezhekijr and Enaeius said. Have another support to talk about. (It looks like I messed up the C Support instead of the A this time -_-;;)

    [spoiler=Male MUxSerge]

    [spoiler=C Support]

    Serge: How's this one? ...Worthless? Then, how about this one? But I think he's quite handsome. Alright...they're not to your taste. How troubling...

    Rufure: Serge? Who are you talking to?

    Serge: Oh my, Rufure. You came at a good time.

    Rufure: Eh, are you having trouble with something?

    Serge: Rufure, you're her friend, do you think she's a beautiful wyvern?

    Rufure: Eh...I'm friends with a wyvern? Are you seriously asking me that?

    Serge: Yeah, of course. I've been looking for mate for Minerva-chan, but...she hasn't exactly liked anyone yet.

    Rufure: Minerva...Serge, you say she keeps rejecting them? Matchmaking, huh...I heard that it was the beginning of the season for that.

    Serge: That's correct. I also...no, I'm probably the first in human history.

    Rufure: Incredibly magnificent, you say, it sound like your plans are going smoothly huh?

    Serge: The great step of mankind, shouldn't try to cooperate in it? [angry Serge is angry]

    Rufure: I, I see...I'll try to cooperate.

    Serge: See, Rufure said he'll cooperate. Isn't that great, Minerva-chan? (Minerva growls) ...Ufufu, we're delighted about it.

    Rufure: Yeah, delight...seems more like mad rage...

    [spoiler=B Support]

    Rufure: Serge. I looked at information about wyverns from various places.

    Serge: Oh, thank you! Would it be okay for me to look, I wonder?

    Rufure: Yeah.

    Serge: My my, they're like caricatures...Say, Rufure. I wonder, is this all the information on everyone about girls?

    Rufure: Eh, yeah, did I do something wrong?

    Serge: ...Rufure. Minerva-chan is a girl.

    Rufure: Eehh, she is!? I thought for sure...so she's not a boy...

    Serge: Geez. No matter how you look at her, how could you not see a pretty girl?

    Rufure: Where are you looking...but, you really got that angry when I asked...

    Serge: Did you say something~?

    Rufure: N-no, no! Sorry, it seems like I misunderstood! I'll gather information on the right gender of wyvern next time.

    Serge: I looks like Minerva-chan is actually a sucker for handsome men, so try to find some for her, okay?

    Rufure: How do you even find a good or bad-looking wyvern...

    Serge: By the shape and length, by the gloss of his scales and his bulk, by the sharpness of his fangs and claws, by the size of his wings...The overall contour and the beauty of his cry is important, too.

    Rufure: I, I see. I have no confidence in this...but I accepted.

    [spoiler=A Support]

    Rufure: Serge. Here, how's this guy? I think he's pretty handsome, don't you?

    Serge: Well! He seems perfectly fine at first glance. Here. Look, Minerva-chan. Would he satisfy you from now on? (Minerva's cry) ...Ufufu, so you like this kind of guy.

    Rufure: Thank goodness...I would been in trouble if she didn't.

    Serge: Thank you, Rufure. I'm happy you were so empathetic for Minerva-chan's sake.

    Rufure: Then, maybe my name will go down in history for this feat, huh?

    Serge: Yeah, of course. Rufure's name will go down as a great matchmaker.

    Rufure: Me, a matchmaker!? Moreover, a wyvern matchmaker? How can that be, when I've never even hooked two humans up? [Lies! MU pairs off everyone ]

    Serge: Rufure, you shouldn't consider that.

    Rufure: It makes me happy to hear you say that, but I wonder if I had such an important role...

    Serge: It's alright. It's thanks to you they'll be able to meet face-to-face now.

    Rufure: Thanks...I don't know what to say. I'm not entirely sure I've succeeded, but... (Minerva's cry) Uwaaah!? Wh...what, what!? My ears are starting to feel weird...!! Se-Serge!! Is she happy to be going? You're not going to fly into a mad rage at me, are you?!

    Serge: I won't fly into a mad rage. It'd be like abandoning one of our own.

    Rufure: Eeehhh!? That wasn't a threat!

    Serge: Well, Minerva-chan and I owe you that much.

    Rufure: But I feel cheated somehow...Alright, since I've come this far already, I've decided to see through until the end.

    Serge: Fufu, thank you. Isn't that great, Minerva-chan? (Minerva's cry)

    Rufure: Yeah...happy to help...

    [spoiler=S Support]

    Serge: Rufure, sorry about earlier. After all the trouble trying to introduce that wyvern to Minerva, it didn't go well.

    Rufure: That was a quite a fierce fight they had.. I thought the world was going to end. ...but I was even more anxious about how you stopped those wyverns from fighting

    Serge: Ha ha.. well. I just scolded her a bit

    Rufure: We'll try to find another mate for her, so don't give up yet.

    Serge: That's right, I can't let her miss her chance to marry like me. (lit: Serge is saying that she's past her marriageable age)

    Rufure: Miss your chance? I take that it means you've been through marriage interviews once?

    Serge: Yes, but those never went well. They fled the moment they saw Minerva. Minerva and I are one set, so if they can't get along with Minerva than I can't accept a marriage. Maybe I'm just stubborn about that. I guess that's why I missed my chance.

    Rufure: I don't think so. I must thank Minerva for shielding you away from other men.

    Serge: What do you mean?

    Rufure: This is what I mean (gives something to Serge)

    Serge: Oh my.. a ring.. is this?

    Rufure: I love you Serge. Let's be together from now on. Of course, it goes without saying that I'll take care of Minerva as well. Will you marry me?

    Serge: Rufure.. I.. thank you.. this is the best proposal I ever had. I accept it.

    Rufure: Thank you. I'm so happy.

    Serge: What a twist.. I intended to find a mate for Minerva, but I got one for myself instead.

    Rufure: Well then.. let's announce this to everyone

    Serge: Yes, I'm sure they will be delighted

    Serge: I love you. I must have survived this long to meet you.

    About marriageable age in Japanese fiction


    Credit for the S Support goes to ColdBrand.

    I think someone wanted Callum supports, but then someone faster then me did a couple of them already...Anything else anyone wants?

    That was... A very weird support O__o, I don't know why, but I felt a bit lost reading this support

  13. Irrelevant, she's not human so your analogy is broken.

    As evidenced by n_n existing, Nono IS old enough to mate at 1000, so... yeah, you haven't proved much.

    In the end, 1000 still is 1000, so unless age itself is totally arbitrary, you're dealing with a 1000 year old dragon.

    Some children can get pregnant, there was a case in Brazil when a child was raped and she got pregnant, so Nono having N_n doesn' mean that she has the ideal age to mate.

    Ok, back to the topic, I sort of liked Soiree x Frederick, at first I thought that it would be they being hilarious seriously about training but I'm surprised that this wasn't "the focus", it was more with being rivals of sorts, I like Teacher-Stundent thing in some occasions, so this is a plus~

    Thanks a lot Eaenius I can't wait till Swag-Snake Olivia x Krom supports, so far I'm shipping her with everyone

  14. Regardless, she's still 1000+. Unless you're making the claim that age as an entirety is arbitrary, your point doesn't really mean much at all.

    Like someone explained Dogs has different lifetime than humans, 3 years for a dog may be older enough to mate, but to humans it isn't, the same can be applied to dragons and humans, Nono acts and looks like a child, if she isn't a full manakete then her aging would be less problematic, but if she's a full dragon then she will age too slowly, Tiki only reached teen/adulthood after another couple of thousand years, ad then there's the problem with her clothing that's too skimp for her looks, of course it would leave a bad taste in some people mouths.

    I loved Valhart support with FemMU, but I can't help but think it's weird when someone makes their FemMU a bit short which makes the difference with Valhart's size wider, it's feels sort of awkward trying to figure out how er... "it worked" to make Mark be born >__>

  15. MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHA*Laughs like the most insane villain ever*

    Well, first off, even thought I hate him with all passion and would wish to give him a "0" I'm going to be fair and not do that(Unlike you, you cheating bastard!!)

    His bases are sort of nice, and like Silvercrow said, he can use Resire, but I think that you are probably going to use it with Homeros/Linoan/Sara than giving it to him, he's a staffbot with A ranks, which put you in the list of awesome in Thracia, he has 3 movement stars, which mean that he can spam more staff or dunno, attack someone. Oh, there's his "worldwide charisma -1%", as with 3 leaderships stars he offers 9% of more dodge and hit for your units. His HP are a bit poor, as are his shit base defense and build.

    I'm giving him a 5 -1.0 bias point, which means 4,0, and I'm being nice as if you recruit him you can't have access to MOTHERFUCKING SETY KAIBA!

    OBS: Ah Cyas? I don't give a phuck about the Blaggi Sword, for all I care you can shove it right throught your A**

  16. I'm wondering what exactly Gimle blood does anyways. All of the other holy bloods did something special, but Lopt. and Gimle only seem to make one posession-bait.

    Don't forget the bonus in Mag growths too! And well, a higher rank in black magic?

    Huh, speaking like that sounds like Gimle and Lopt shares similar traits, think that Gimle was also a "Earth Dragon" like Lopt?

  17. WHOA! I go to a trip in a place where I can't reach internet and there's a lot of new supports to read? NIIIIIIIIIICE~

    At first I thought that I wouldn't like Callum that much, but he's so sweet! I 'm loving all of his supports!But his support with Miriel is still my favorite!

    Sariya too, he's a creppy cute, she's way nicer than I thought that she would be!

    Lol, yep, MU conquers everyone thought stomach, that's why he's the perfect waifu but it looks like the one's that appreciate his cooking are people that needed to eat anything at hand because of difficulty to find food(N_n) or people with different paladar(Velvet)

    Pfffff..... Only Wood to not be phased by the sudden yandere attack, that's the level of nonsense the guy has XD

  18. She has high rank in Fire, which is one of the heaviest and most useless magic, promotes to Mage Knight, but unless you use a lot of scrolls and get lucky her sword ranks wouldn't be too much of help, is a Est done wrong, as, even if some high grownths in some stats it's hard for her to catch up.

    2/10 -> As I refuse to let her be ranked lower than Shanam because at least she can batle shit and because I have mage bias.

  19. I liked Female!Mark and Chambrey support, I saw a fanart of said support and let me tell how funny it was, it's a shame THAT DICK PIXIV IS HAVING PROBLEMS NOW AND I CAN'T SHOW YOU GUYS!*Sobs in the corner of sheer frustration*

    I can't hate Mark, I love Cuckoo characters, they are so random! But yeah, I must admit that I like Male!Mark better, which doesn't mean that I don't like Female!Mark, on the contrary, I love everything related to Mark, since I never saw a fanart of him on Pixiv before Kakusei ;__;

  20. I'm finished with translating the Velvet x Sol support conversation.

    Sorry for the delay... been busy playing a bit too much Gravity Rush.

    I hope you guys enjoy this one as well.

    [spoiler=Velvet x Sol C]Sol: Hey Velvet... It's time to eat.

    Velvet: I don't feel like eating yet, just leave the food over there.

    Sol: B-but... Velvet's portion has already been prepared.

    Velvet: Nobody asked you to prepare it.

    Sol: ...I understand that Taguels find it very hard to associate with humans.

    Humans and Taguels would get along better by strengthening relations... it would also promote better collaboration during battles.

    Umm... Velvet has also become hungry, right?

    Velvet: Really now... you humans and your way of speaking.

    Sol: Eh... what do you mean?

    Velvet: Saying things even when you don't really mean them.

    Your pretty words are insincere and mean nothing.

    Sol: T-that is...

    Velvet: Get lost.

    Sol: I'm so sorry! I'll speak words true to my heart...

    ... I... I really want to get along with Velvet!

    It's the first time I've ever met a Taguel, so I'm unsure of what to say...

    I wanted to start off on good terms.

    I'll be fighting alongside you now, so I really want to understand you better!

    Velvet: ...

    Sol: If you have a change of heart... please come have dinner.

    Velvet's share will always be prepared... I'll always prepare Velvet's share...

    Velvet: Wait... even if you prepare my share, I won't eat it.

    I... don't eat potatoes...

    Sol: Oh, so that's why...

    Sorry, I didn't know.

    Velvet: Do not mind, I didn't tell you.

    Also, it's really not really right for me to be picky about food...

    Sol: Well...

    Velvet: Thanks for being sincere.

    Sol: No, no need to thank me.

    I should be the one thanking you.

    Velvet: Thank me...? What a strange human.

    [spoiler=Velvet x Sol B]Sol: Ah, Velvet... I'm happy that you came.

    Velvet: You have business with me?

    Sol: I wanted to ask... if you could taste my cooking.

    Velvet: Why should I taste your cooking?

    Sol: I want to find something suitable for Velvet to eat.

    You would then be able to eat a meal with everyone.

    So... I tried cooking a few dishes.

    Velvet: ... Well... okay.

    I just need to taste your cooking, right?

    Sol: Thank you! Okay, please try.

    Velvet: Uhh... I already said no potatoes.

    Sol: Ah, you can taste it?

    I even cut it very thin and mixed it in with the other food...

    Velvet: ...I'm leaving.

    Sol: Wait, wait! Try this dish!

    Velvet: ...I don't want to eat it.

    It smells horrible.

    Sol: B-but, you can't smell the potatoes in this dish right?

    Velvet: There are too many spices.

    ...I'm leaving now.

    Sol: Wait, please try this last dish...

    These are some rice balls that I made.

    Velvet: ...is it really the last dish?

    Sol: Well...H-how is it?

    Velvet: It doesn't taste good.

    Sol: So this won't do as well...

    Velvet: Although it doesn't taste good... it doesn't mean that it's not edible.

    Sol: Eh? Then...

    Velvet: If it's occasional... I guess... it would hurt tasting your dishes.

    Sol: Yay, success!

    Thank you, Velvet!

    Velvet: Thanking me again...?

    You really are a weird human.

    [spoiler=Velvet x Sol A]Velvet: ...why do you keep following me?

    Sol: I wanted to eat with you to see what kinds of foods Taugels eat.

    If there are foods that I could eat, then I would be able to add it in my list of recipes.

    It wouldn't be good only eating rice balls all the time.

    Velvet: Hmm... then let's try eating together?

    Sol: Ah, okay. I'll be digging in then...

    Velvet: Be careful of that fruit. It will make your skin itch if you touch it directly.

    Sol: Eh? Waah...!

    Haha... the juice splashed all over my face...


    Velvet: I told you it would irritate you, right?

    Don't bite or chew on that fruit, you need to swallow it whole.

    ...? What happened?

    Sol: I-I apologize. I'm too nervous...

    Velvet: If you're nervous over something this trivial... How are you going to eat a meal?

    Sol: No... It's because Velvet suddenly started licking my face...

    Velvet: ...I'm a Taguel.

    It's not like you were licked by a wild beast.

    Sol: H-how could you even think like that!

    I see Velvet as a cute girl... not some wild beast.

    Velvet: Hmmm... you really are a strange human.

    I'll give you this fruit then, humans should also find it also good to eat.

    Sol: Oh, Thank you.

    Ah... but Velvet already ate half of it...

    Velvet: ...You don't want to eat the fruit that I already bit into?

    Sol: No! I didn't mean it like that...

    It's just that Velvet is a girl...

    No, nevermind... it's nothing.

    I-I'll dig in then!

    [indirect Kiss]

    [spoiler=Velvet x Sol S]Sol: Velvet... thanks for coming to eat a meal with everyone.

    Velvet: The food smells normal after all, there's also nothing in it that I don't like to eat.

    Sol: Ah... It was a good idea to beg everyone to let me change the menu.

    The types of dishes I learned from Velvet the other day were also liked by everyone.

    Velvet: Is it really appropriate to suddenly change the menu entirely just for me?

    Sol: Everyone was glad that Velvet would eat with them and were pleased to accept.

    I'm really happy that the distance between us like this has shortened.

    Velvet: Mmm...

    Sol: Eh... what's wrong?

    Velvet: Since you were working so hard for me, let me shorten the distance between us some more.


    Sol: Haha... I usually felt nervous before, but now I'm more relaxed.

    Your mood is also more calm than before.

    Velvet: Really? I was also thinking and feeling the same.

    Sol: Yeah. It's like that, right?

    ...I'm really happy.

    Velvet: So I'm calm and you're happy?

    You're really... interesting.

    Sol: Are you becoming more interested in humans now?

    Velvet: Who knows... I only have an interest towards you.

    Sol: ...I've made up my mind after hearing those words.

    Would you accept this ring?

    Velvet: Ring? Why?

    Sol: Please... marry me. A bond between a human and Taguel will further improve relations...

    Velvet: Don't tell me nonsense... I want to hear words from your heart.

    Sol: I-I apologize, I wanted to cover up my embarrassment...

    I want to be together with you...

    I love you, Velvet. Stay with me, forever.

    Velvet: Love... so this feeling really is...

    This feeling isn't a bad thing.

    I'll accept your request then.

    Sol: Thank you... Velvet.

    Velvet: Mmm... thank you Sol.

    I also... love you.

    Yesh! Thanks a lot Velvet!

    Ah~ I only saw S Rufure x Sol and this support and I'm already loving this guy, he's such a sweetie~ Huh, now I remember Gaia x Olivia support, do you think that Gaia and Sol can support too?

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