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Elhienn Hovercast

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Posts posted by Elhienn Hovercast

  1. I will be sincere, the first time I recruited him he was just warming the bench, the second time I didn't bother because I didn't want the thiefs to steal the treasures and run away, Thracai 776 has a lot of boring and flat characters, and Trude is one of them, it's a good thing he has an B rank and a Silver Sword, Awareness is pretty useless thanks to scrolls effect to negate critical, his base stats are ok, but his growths are serious "eh" compared to the other swordfighters, well, they're ok, I guess, considering lol scrolls, he has a build of 20% which is nice, and Prin support him.

    Huh, all in all, I give this guy a 5.

  2. Here's yet another parent/child support. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the woman hater and his son, the skirt chaser. Ronku and Azure!

    [spoiler=Azure x Ronku C]Azure: Aw, Dad. I was just about to go on a tea date with a girl. Why did you have to come and stop me?

    Ronku: Because the army is about to march off. It can't be helped. It's your fault for focusing all your effort on flirting instead of keeping track of the time.

    Azure: Yup, I guess so. Sorry about that. Alright, let's do our best today!

    Ronku: ..........

    Azure: Hmm? What's wrong, Dad? Is there something on my face?

    Ronku: ...Were you always like this, even when you were still in the future?

    Azure: Like what?

    Ronku: For someone who came from a future of total despair, you have very few worries... Whereas Lucina has a strong sense of duty and the resolve to follow through on it, I don't see the slightest bit of that in you...

    Azure: Eh! What's up with that! I do have a proper mission, you know!

    Ronku: Oh? And what's that?

    Azure: But of course, my mission is to be popular with all the ladies!

    Ronku: Be popular with the ladies, you say...? THAT's your mission? That's the mission you came all the way to the past for?

    Azure: Come on, Dad. ... It's embarrassing so please don't talk about my mission with such a loud voice.

    Ronku: Don't blush like that... It's disgusting.

    Azure: That's a terrible thing to say, Dad. Especially when you like it so much when Mom blushes.

    Ronku: ... ... That's a completely different story. Phew... talking with you is exhausting. I'll be on my way now.

    [Ronku leaves]

    Azure: ....... ..Heh. I don't have any worries, huh... Dad sure says some pretty harsh stuff...

    [spoiler=Azure x Ronku B]Azure: Ow ow ow...Well, this is bad... I can't go back like this...

    Ronku: What's wrong, Azure?

    Azure: Whaa! D, Dad!? Umm... I just saw a really cute chick, that's all!

    Ronku: ...You're lying. It's obvious that you're just trying to hide the fact that you're hurt. Let's see, you're injured around here. [Ronku's poke of DOOM!]

    Azure: OWW...! OWWWOWW!! OWW...!! Jeez, you're really rough, Dad...

    Ronku: Hey...! That's a pretty nasty wound. Why didn't you just come out and say it from the start?

    Azure: Meh. It'd be really bad if a girl so me being that uncool.

    Ronku: ...Get a grip already!!

    Azure: Dad...?

    Ronku: Even at a time like this, you're still talking about girls!? Don't get carried away with this nonsense! Why did you really come to this time!? Even while Lucina is fighting so desperately, you're just... ... Frankly, it looks like I've misjudged you. You don't even know what this thing called "war" is, do you?

    Azure: ...... Don't talk like you know everything... The one who doesn't know anything is you, Dad...!

    Ronku: What the..?

    Azure: If I really just wanted to be popular with girls, I wouldn't have come all the way to this time. I wouldn't have kept fighting everyday... Day in, day out, all the while wondering if I'll be dead come tomorrow!!

    Ronku: ... Azure?

    Azure: Even I still had expectations to live up to in the future. Because I fought the Fallen everyday. Even though I'm shouldering everyone's hopes and expectations, I can never show any weaknesses. In that world... Even though we're all suffering, I alone can't afford to show any weakness. Even with you gone, even with Mom dead, I had to be alright... I had no choice other than to keep fighting all while smiling and acting like nothing was wrong...!!

    Ronku: ......

    Azure: Dad, you said that I had too few worries, but... Even now... to not feel suffering or agony is impossible for me. However, I don't want to show that... No, I can't show any of that, is all. If that offends you then I apologize... Sorry, Dad.

    Ronku: ... No, it's fine...

    Azure: And also... thanks for worrying so much about me. I'll go get this injury healed right away...

    [Azure leaves]

    Ronku: ......

    [spoiler=Azure x Ronku A]Ronku: Azure, I'd like a word with you.

    Azure: Oh, Dad! Look, look. The wound from that time. It's been healed.

    Ronku: Oh... thank goodness.

    Azure: Yeah, sorry about worrying you like that.

    Ronku: I'm sorry too for saying all those inconsiderate things back then. Even though you were fighting all this time, I didn't understand any of that and I just...

    Azure: Oh, you're still upset about that. It's fine, I was wrong too.

    Ronku: But...

    Azure: ...Smile, Dad.

    Ronku: ?

    Azure: If you keep me making such a meek face, you'll get depressed. Come on, smile. Smi~le.

    Ronku: Geh, Ha ha ha...! S, Stop tickling me...!

    Azure: Ha ha ha! As I thought, you have a great smile, Dad. I've always wanted you to smile. After all, I came here to get back a world where everybody can smile.

    Ronku: ... So that's your real mission?

    Azure: That's right. Sorry about lying about it before. But...I've decided to tell you all about that, Dad.

    Ronku: Is that so.. That's great. I'm all ears.

    Azure: But if I talk about that, I'll probably get gloomy, right? You wouldn't know it looking at me but I get depressed really quickly. I'm also really pessimistic and cry a lot. Especially when I blunder while trying to pick up a girl, my eyes just get teary, you know.

    Ronku: ... Azure. You don't have to try so hard to make me smile.

    Azure: That wasn't about me trying to get a smile out of you, Dad. I really do like girls!

    Ronku: Heh... That's all well and good but... Hmm? Liking girls is a good thing...? ...Anyway. I'll also reclaim a world where you don't have to act tough. I'll protect you in place of the me who died in the future. That's why... whenever you're in pain, you can rely on me.

    Azure: ...Dad... .... Thank you! To think that you thought about me that much...!

    Ronku: Wha...! Don't hang on to my head like that... it hurts...!

    Azure: But, I never thought you'd say anything like that, Dad... I'll also protect you, Dad. This time for sure, I won't let you die. So... never leave me behind again...

    Ronku: ... Yeah.

    Whoa, I loved this support!I It got a interesting side of Azure, he has some depts besides being a skirt chaser and while I know that there wasn't much difference between support with son-dad I think that Ronku got the best personality to pull this support off!

    Huh, now I think it's weird to imagine this support with any other father besides Frederick, Krom and maybe MU...Ok, weird would be an understatment, how does this support work if his father is Viole? O___o

    I bet that at the "blushing comment" Henry would be "damm right son"

  3. Loving these supports, pfff...

    So...Because of how you can do all the support except S when you do a "S", it can be hilarious awkward depending of the order you do the supports XD

    So far, my favorite "awkward supports" goes to:

    1- Making the Rufure(female) x Lucina(no parent/child) then doing Rufure x Krom till A, XD(Lucina: Y-you saw dad naked and he saw you...And you say that you aren't interested in him?!)

    2-Doing Viole x Serge S, then Viole x Libera(Viole: B-but I wasn't flitirg with a girl! D:)

    3-Doing any male x Sariya S, then Sariya x Male Mu(Sariya: I love you MU! MU:B-but aren't you already engaged?!)

    4- (Maybe)Doing any girl x Henry till S, then doing Henry x Olivia until A(Pfff, at least until so far I only saw Henry x Olivia as the only pairing where he shows really concerned, just imagine he reaching S with another girl then he acts way more worried with Olivia than his waifu XD)

  4. Totally agreeing with this lol. I don't hate Alvis anymore after chapter 10, but that doesn't mean I like him.

    Travant actually had a more solid reason for acting like a bastard he was compared to Alvis. What drove Alvis to do what he did is his own perceived utopia and his fear for his heritage. Grandbell's condition was actually pretty stable aside from the Isaac invasion and people like Langobalt or Leptor was roaming on the land. So it was merely an ambition, not a necessity unlike Travant's reasoning.

    For all horrible stuff that Travant had done, he done it for the sake of Thracia's survival. He knew he was a bad guy and he didn't care as long it was done for his country, in that sense he was an extreme case of what Eltoshan could be (as if Eltoshan wasn't extreme enough). Jugdral likes to give its villains a Freudian Excuse.

    Actually I treated him like I did to Alvis, stop hating him but didn't like him either. Until Thracia 776 that is. I started to like this guy after I saw glimpses of him being a father to both Althena and Arion. He might killed her real parents, he might took her for his own gain, but the guy did love Althena as his own daughter. I believed Althena herself loved Travant as a father before the whole revelation and all honestly maybe even after that, 17 years of memories are hard to forget just like that after all , she wanted to help him, to make him proud and she looked up to him. They even have father-daughter bonding time like they did in chapter 9 of FE5. Travant might be a monster to some/most people, but you can't deny he also a good father to his children.

    Not that I'm saying Alvis is a bad father (he is just not the best or/and a lucky one), but to love the child of your enemy as if they are your own is pretty amazing. : D


    Lol, while Altena is Cuan's daughter Trabant said that she looked way more like Ethlin, I guess he couldn't kill someone that looked like his crush right? XD*headshot* Ok, ok, I'm kidding

    But as far as it go, I love to hate these guys, well, Alvis make me more annoyed, but Trabant is cool, I honestly don't know what else he could do to improve his country as the north(or south)? Wasn't welcoming with their trade taxes

  5. She has a cool prf weapon, good base(str is shitty) and growth stats, is a "myrmdon", receives Astra, has Luna and is from the Odo family...But....For some reason I'm not exactly fond of her, she can turn kickass and be a good boss killer but her build is very shit, at least Shiva has more build and better growths than her in this case, and there's a lot of scrolls when we reach her chapter.


    Funny fact, Fat_Bunny, the unit in my game that got blessed with +2 movement was the strangest unit, Dalsin.I'm still laughing that he has 8 movement and can catch with the rest of my army.

  6. I honestly must be a horrible person because I don't like him at all, the only thing I'm glad he did was giving Celice his Tyrfing, rescuing the children and being thr father of Yuria, otherewise burn in the hell.

    For some odd reason I liked Trabant way more than this douchebag, must be because he showed Diadora as his waifu to Sigurd after killing him and most of his army, that was really a douche thing to do, and didn't know she was Sigurd's wife?Well, thanks to her's and Sigurd's reaction now he knew or at least suspected, got me right in the kokoro.

    Yeah, there was the problem of being a Lopt descendant, but what proof Manfloy had?They didn't had the DNA exams to prove it, and Alvis is a descendant of one of the Crusaders, was acting as a nice guy before and C'mmon, I know that judging by the looks is a mean thing to do, but I would be pretty suspicious about how the lopt mages wear their clothes.

    Besides, why he didn't try to kill Manfloy before the birth of his children?At least Diadora would still be safe in case things went wrong because they wouldn't want to kill her before her giving birth, and he could organize a squad to hunt them.

    There's also the amount of suffering he caused for good people, civilians, royalty, geez...I heard about the "Sacrifices must be necessary to reach your goal", but he dirtied his hand so much by spilling the blood of good people that the bitch karma would come after him, that's for sure.

    Now for Trabant, I know that he was also a douchebag and holding Altenna hostage was a bitch thing to do, beside the whole Corpul hostage situation too, killing Cuan and Ethlin, my favorite character was algo a negative plus, but I blame Thracia 776, you can see how harsh is the enviroment to everyone, how to survive they need to be mercenaries or bandits and they're still hungry....Geez, he even said that he's going to hell, but it would be damn worthy if Thracia recovered, the difference between him and Alvis is that Alvis succeded while Trabant didn't. And Thracia had a a bad enviroment since ever...

    It still feels satisfying to kill Trabant with Leaf or Fin, but it felt way more better killing Alvis with Celice.

    But I'm ok with people liking Alvis, he gets you a shiny Silver Sword, and I like that sword.Besides, I'm really shallow, so the fact that you can forgive this bastard makes you awesome.

  7. I think that the arena in fe5 is easier than the others FEs because of the scroll, the Crusader Scrolls negates enemies critical so the only thing you should worry about is their defense and HP, so If you want to use the arena use your units that has the highest HP

    Capture is one of the most fun mechanic, as it let you capture an enemy and take his items/weapons.

    In escape chapters don't bother in trying to kill all the spam of enemies because it's infinity, that's why you need to escape ASAP, but when escaping be sure to make Leaf be last one, otherwise everyone will be considered captured and you won't have any unit to progress the story.

    If you want to be way more prepared you could consult the fireemblem.wikia, they even have the crusader scrolls growths.

    The Mag stat is for both offensive and for the Mdef of the others FE.



    If you don't have a way to open the doors like a thief with lockpick, Unlock staves(they have few uses) or the Door Keys the games are unwinnable, almost fucked myself in my game because I forgot to buy the door keys, thanks to God that I had a Lockpick.

    P.S: You think you hated Negal and the others douches a lot? Well, you will learn to hate Cyas, guy is a fucking headache to deal with.

  8. Hello, I'm new in this forum and I only made this account to thank the people who do they best to translate the supports of this FE, which is becoming my favorite.

    So, thanks "Fat_Bunny"(Or Lumi), Velvet, Vincent, Joshie and the others, I can't thank you enough, as I can't understand crap of Japanese and Chinese.

  9. It really depends, if you have a good main character, good plot or awesome "secondary characters" most of the things can be enjoyable,

    Speaking in terms of FE?Almost every FE has something to offer in some points.

    1)Main Character wise?Leaf, yes, FE5 Leaf.

    Why you ask?Well, why do you feel "afraid" when you play Thracia?Besides the unfair RNG, the mission escapes are nightmare because there's infinite reforces and you start with 0 money, unlike the others FEs.

    Leaf had the worst childhood of all the Main Lords, Even since he was small he needed to always flee so that he wasn't killed, Celice didn't had this problem.

    Also, he acts more human, is the youngest of the Lords and suffers a bit of inferiority complex because he compares himself with his father, his cousin Celice and the others "leaders" like Shanan and Sety(homestly who wouldn't, these guys are badasses), the others Lords didn't need to face so many harsh reality decisions like his.

    About his mistakes, I'm aware that people hate/doesn't like Eirika for her silly mistakes, I like her a lot, but I must agree with this point. Leaf did way more mistakes than Eirika and got scolded a lot, Heck, his mistakes ended in the death of Dorias and soldiers, but what makes him better than Eirika?(Again, I love her, It's not bashing ok?), simply, even with these mistakes in the end things turned out well in Magvel, with Leaf, not so much.

    Ex: When Leaf wanted to help Alster(I think that it's that) after taking his country back, he wanted to help the civilians because Alster helped to hide him in the past, and it was just the right thing to do to try and repay the debt, but it was reckless to try to go there with his units very exausted, Dorias and his troop ended dead because he wanted to help them in the place of taking care of the defenses of his coutry, and he got scolded for not remembering this fact, all of the others FEs except this doesn't have the Fadigue system, we forget that our units need to rest, another plus point for this game, as it's realistic.

    Leaf was also scolded by August when he didn't know about how hungry people in the South Thracia are and their political problems with the North, it isn't just the case of the other killing his parents for no purpouse Aside for Trabant being a sore loser for not having Ethlin, hahah I'm kidding

    Leaf made a lot of mistakes but learned with them, Leaf affected the lives of the others and was more of a leader than the other FEs lords because he had way more responsabilities than the others, Leaf managed to surpass so many difficult tasks since the beginning of the game than the other Lords, he grew a lot, his character development was one of the best.

    ...But in trade, everyone else in his game had a a shit development, well, everyone except Linoan, Dean or Olwen, the others that didn't have good development or shit are in the "average-almost-sucking"

    2)Secondary characters

    Awakening, they have a lot of support convos so it's easier to see many faces of their personality, so of course they had interesthing character development and dept, Sacred Stones may had some crappy character dept/development for their main characters but I must say that they had good supports, they felt less random and boring than the others I did in FE6 and FE7, so far, I think that the secondary characters are ok.


    Seisen no Keifu, aka Genealogy of the Holy War, and that's because of the Villains, Malfroy may not be the final boss but the sneaky bastard was one of the best and smartest villains of the FE genre, Alvis is a son-of-a-bitch, he had depts, Ishtar...I feel really bad for killing her, this FE had some memorable villains and Douches, Nergal comes close, he's also a good villain, I would love him even more If I could complete the Extra chapter and Kill Kishuna in all of them so that I knew more about the secret scenes, aw nuts.

    All, in all, I liked Thracia and Awakening the best so far.

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