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Elhienn Hovercast

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Everything posted by Elhienn Hovercast

  1. Eh, don'k know much about the Tales series, but if a character is a tsundere ther's the 90% chance of me disliking said character, I had bad experiences with this archtype in mangas, they're too much of jerks :/, and like I said before a lot of them are one-dimensional, stubborn in the wrong moments, beat the crap of characters even if they don't deserve it, selfish and tries the least to become better compared to other characters, but if they make characters that focus on others things beside their tsundere traits them they can become likeable, I just find it difficult to pull off. Then, again, it's Japan, they accept everything there :/ Ok, back to the topic because we're too sidetracked, there may be the possibility of people hating the most popular character simply because they are popular, Vake support with Nono was nice but people seeing his support with Tiamo might get a bad taste because of his arrogance. People might hate Krom for him being more "poweful" than Marth in his original game(well, I base it in Digimon experience, I dislike the fact that previous digimons from digidestineds turn into cannon folder in other generations, I feel ofended that they treat them as weaker, I prefer to believe that they're equal), also, his supports have a small range and if the person doesn't find a "suitable" support that satisfy their taste, some may find him boring. The same goes to Sumia, who has limited options too. Velvet for being "Miss.Fanservice" and for might cheating her hubby, and there's people that hate the furry fandom and will hate her because they know that she will be target for furry fandom :/
  2. Or the oposite gender MU that you don't use XD *Bricked* So, again, how many days left until Paris appear?
  3. BWAHAHAHAHAH, ROLF! Make that my vote, I loved this "little story"
  4. Her HP is abysmal, and her def is nonexistant, but she comes with a good set of skills that are Elite, Wrath and Prayer, she also has a high rank in staves, so training her wouldn't be a issue... 9/10, I'm a bit biased because I got insanely lucky in my last play, as she hit 10 movement(then I used the leg ring an that turned into 12), it was amazing! Amusing enough, I killed Elf using Dalshin + Master Axe, it was awesome. And well, it's rather difficult for the lame final boss to petrify anyone, but I guess that we should count the fact that her personal staff is the only one that can heal petrify geez, it's a shame that I wasn't feeling like it these days, because I love Homeros, but I will absolutely try my best to write when Cyas day comes, and I will bash his face with my fist
  5. PFFF... I bet that Sariya is too jealous of Krom closeness with MU and if she had a support it would be like FemaleMU(no-mother)/Lucina, maybe that's why she doesn't support with him? Sariya: Krom I noticed that you're always close to MU, stop it! Krom: What? Sariya: Don't play fool, he always looks the most worried with you! Krom: Well, he's my tactician, of course we should be close! Sariya: No, it's not normal, as I put a curse on you so that you wouldn't notice his presence, but yet you guys are still hanging around! Krom: Wait a second, is that why I didn't see MU recently? pFFFF... There's no way that they would support, yep,
  6. Haters will appear for every character, that's for sure. I don't particulary hate characters from FE, ok, I will admit, except FUCKING CYAS!! I HATE YOU MORE THAN YOUR FATHER AND THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING! I love klutz characters, but Sumia is too much~ Of course there's the problem people has with her being the most "canon" pairing(the cutscene with the baby doesn't help), people doesn't like the "set-for-stone thing", they like to have control in which you can choose and Krom has limited options, I think it's sad that he can't marry Sariya or Miriel, I think that their supports would be amusing. Like I said in another post if they didn't make the trait of being a "klutz" so strong on Sumia maybe she would be more likeable, can't she talk about something else besides sucking at something?Honestly girl, stop being one-dimensional, one may open a case off her being like "Florina", but Florina at least tried her best to work with men when she was with the Caelin soldiers and her support with Ninian was a nice view of things too. Gaia is known as being a sweet-tooth, but this isn't his major trait in his support, on the contrary, they explore different aspects of him, sweets come in second, if they do something similar with Sumia maybe I will like her more, Her support with Krom feels as far fetched as the Florina x Hector support, I must say that for being famous got me hyped when I first played FE7, I was very disappointed when I did it. :/ Tiamo, errrr I can say that people may find her boring and too Mary Sueish, I'm rather neutral and like her daughter more, but different from Sumia, she has three different traits, Being perfect, A-cup angst, loving Krom, and at different degrees, I liked her support with Sol, even if she's a perfeccionist I felt that her level with Sol was "even", it had a nice balance and calm aura, so what could I say? I bet that if we see her support with Henry she will get more popular as with this kind of "perfect" character the best thing to do is trown them off their balance. I must say that Mariabel surprised me, I am not too fond of her design, but as for her personality I was really surprised, I don't think that comparing her with Clarine is fair, the closest to "stuck up" was with her support with her son, she was stern with Gaia for a good motive, I don't even know if she knows Ronku that well, but she was really caring and wouldn't let him be with his genophobia, she talked some good points that his problem might give and she her supports with Liz are rather nice too, I don't think "stuck up" fits her, so far, she showed that she has good reasons to distrust someone(in the case of Gaia) and she wasn't meddling with the problems of other for no motive(in the case of Ronku) Liz, phuck, I wouldn't lie if I say that I hated her character design, but now I'm neutral, I didn't like her support with MU, that annoyed me with no end, I like harmless jokes, but she was pissing me off in that support, the only supports I liked with her are Krom x Liz, Greg x Liz and Mariabel x Liz, I find her a bit boring, I dunno what would be good for her. Selena is a tsundere, type A, I usually loathe tsunderes for seeing mangas/animes and the amount of abuse they give to the Main Characters for no reason pisses me off, this and the fact that they often get the MC in harem genres and take less effort than the other girls to win the MC affection, but anyway, back to the topic. Even though Selena is the type A she doesn't punish anyone for no reason, she was a bit annoying to me in her support with Brady, her support with Wood was cool because of her making him hit the despair, her support with Jerome was... A bit like the Female!Mark one nothing new, then the support that I was dreading came, the Azure x Selena support, which made really amused and was way better than what I expected, Selena didn't hit the skirt chaser for no reason and she showed more her "deredere" side to him even thought she was dealing with the Sain 2.0, I'm really surprised that she didn't turn like a flat, annoying and boring character, happy with that. Wood is... A problem, he's over the top but not in a cool way, maybe if I see a non-sibling Female Mark x Wood I would like him, maybe they tried to go with the funy factor, but he only makes me embarassed and the kind of "I don't know him" vibe, facepalm hard, but for the little fanarts I saw, perhaps his support with Noire can be good, I liked his support of Him and Mark, for a change he showed another side(even if Mark sibling support are generic) besides the HAM and being a moron.(the names aren't even that cool sounding bro) The problem with Nono is more of the implications, I don't think that the character itself is that bad, and she's a manakete... Her support with Vake and Sariya was really sweet! Cullum/Callum, at first I was pretty meh, this guy looks ridiculous, but then I read his support with Miriel, found it very cute how Miriel linked her arms with him and the way he said that he didn't have a presence and that's he's happy with interacting with Miriel, I think I heard someone comment about how Callum was saying to MU that he was glad that he was noticed by her, gave me a warm feeling. There's only one support with Ritch so far, I don't have any opinion about him. :/ Brady hidden depts and with that face of a thug, want to bet that Persona fans will make Brady wear Kanji's clothes and Vice-versa?I liked his support with Lucina and he's interesting in his own thug-soft way XD Frederick, I know that you need to train, but he's a training maniac!He pisses me off because most of his supports are about training, it takes the dept of the character, even though his support with Miriel was interesting because it wasn't that training focused and he was a sort of charming, his support with Krom was rather hilarious, so that's a plus points for him. I sort of want to see his support with Sumia, the fanarts at least looks cute.
  7. Don't forget Lord of Pimps, Celice If you count the subs, Celice has way more wife options than Roy
  8. Of course you will Like Olivia x Krom because it isn't MU that has the swag, it's SOLID-SNAKE-OLIVIA!*Headshot* Ok, I'm kidding, but seriously, making the scary pyscho dark mage cry for you and making the love-sweets thief bake for you is pretty imprevisive! And she's going to make that damn theater, even if she needs to manipule the greatest tactician alive to do her biding! XDXDXD Azure, what genes you got from your awesome mother?Because I can't see the swag power from you!! *Headshot**Headshot**Headshot**Headshot**Headshot*
  9. Awww... Why the Pereziansexcept Jaffar...Er...I mean, Faudet can be strangely cute?In their own strange way? XD
  10. Lol, to be honest the first tme I saw Olivia's confession I thought that It was a scene right from a hentai XD Ok I can't wait for Paris, he will appear next month isn't that right?
  11. *Clap clap* Bravo IS, I was expecting too little of this support because a tsundere and a flirt can be a very boring and annoying conversation, but I'm happy with the way they handled this, I'm surprised that with his personality Azure brought way more of her deredere side, it's truly amazing*nods* Lol, these two are the only ones that had the wedding ring in hte second gen. This support plus the one with Noire gave me higher points for Selena, I think I like her better than her mother now XD Pff...I can't help but want to see all the supports with Mark(both female and male), he is such a cuckoo weirdo that I find it adorable. I feel a bit sorry for Noire, she has a bit of mom issues, poor thing, and I agree, she's really cute but I don't think that she's like Florina, can Florina scare our pants making a angry face like her?Noooo...Noire is a very cute Yandere, less scary than most of them which is nice, ffff Fire Emblem Awakening stop to give me feels, otherwise I will melt in a puddle, I love to read supports!*_*
  12. Oh, interesting, thanks Othin! Huh...Now I wonder what they talk about~ Lol, at the silent MU, if I ever do a Silent MU I'm going to call him "Red" XD*shot for reference* Huh, I bet that those who didn't want and managed to avoid the spoilers, will name the MU Mark then they will notice too late that their son/daughter name is also Mark, how awkward it can be? XD
  13. There's something bothering me since I knew that you could pair Olivia and Krom, as it's know, Krom will marry the girl that that has the highest support with him right?Well, because the reveal happens at the end of the chapter that Olivia is recruited, can you still do the BAS support with KromxOlivia after the reveal?As in, Olivia is the mother of Lucina, but can you do the rest of the supports?Eh, I hope that I made sense
  14. Ooh...I liked his supports with female MU, One could mistake the C support as the S XD, Didn't know that this creeper could sound romantic lol, he's one of my tops for MU pairings, jeez, it's only me or the Spot Pass characters that can support with MU have nice pairing folder?I can't wait when Paris appear, you guys made horrible curious to see what this guy looks like.
  15. I am not that fond of Florina x Lyn but ok. I do like Tana x Marisa, NepheneexHeather, LuciaxElincia and maybe there's others couples that I don't remember now. Ok, back to the topic again, Azure x Rufure, Rufure can wipe him around pretty well, I bet that Degel can put him in line too~ So far my favorite character is Mark(even though some find him/her more annoying, but I think that it goes more to the female than the male), he's such a weird kid. Pfff....If I ever put my hands in this game I'm going to call my MU Yu Narukami/Souji Seta, can't deny his swag XD
  16. hiding in the closet Girl on Girl is also hot, it's just a shame that so far I only like yuri in FE, the others don't have much interesting things, girl can express closeness way more than guys without things being strange, so it's pretty hard to see lesbian undertones...Ok, I also ship Yukiko x Chie, but that's it. Yeah, some fandom are a bunch of big douches that takes things too far, I'm really glad that you guys aren't like that, you and the CardFight Fandom where the fandom agrees to ship everyone with everyone. I wish I knew japanese or chinese~ Can't wait to se Henry x Sariya!
  17. I do have a distaste for some ships, but that's it.(unless they are really creepy, which I would ignore) I don't like Sumia x Krom but if they have people who like them then it's ok, everyone has a different taste. I don't think I would bash a person or call them bad name for shipping someone, but... The only pairing that makes me rage have more to do with poor character development or a really badly wirtten story than the pairing itself. Nowadays I'm neutral or ship everyone x everyone depending of the media. Ok, back to the supports, so far, whith Azure we saw how he was trying to pick girls with Brady and Jerome(and being fail lol ), so what do you guys think that will be this time with Male!Mark? As in... What trait of Mark will make he be a fool again while picking girls? XD
  18. Funny thing is that I am reading some Fire Emblem rps on tumblr which a "Magic Anon" switched the gender of a certain male mage and made him/her pregnant, it's higly amusing to say the least.
  19. Serge(calm fury face): What did I say about flirting with other womans? Viole: B-But Viole isn't a girl... ;A;
  20. Huh, I don't like Krom x Sumia not for it being the closest to cannon, my biggest problem with them is how their support went, it was so dull and unromantic that I was higly dissapointed, well, at least Frederick x Sumia fanarts looks like it can be good, but Frederick is another unit that piss me a bit because all of his supports seems to be about training(with the exception of his support with Krom, which made me like him a bit better) The same can be said about Lyn x Rath or Hector x Florina, the first time I heard that they are a popular pairing it got my curious to know why's that, I got very dissapointed when I saw it, heck, Will, in his support with Rath got way more reaction, Florina and Hector...Ehhhh trying to do your best to apologize for landing on you?What? I also don't like the way they handled Sumia, they stated that she was a klutz, ok, but there's no need to make that the biggest deal in all her supports, Gaia is stated to like candies a lot but that's not his major trait when they did his supports. In my case I ship the character based in the impact they cause in the other like Henry x Olivia, so far I didn't see any other female affect Henry so much as Olivia did. Well, while MU can marry with anyone my "Launcher of Thousand ships" in this game is Olivia, because she's sweet, cute, kind, funny and her supports so far seems really good. As funny as it sounds so far I have too little of favorite pairings with the MUs, for female I like her with Krom(mostly because of funny conversation between Mark and Lucina), maybe Gangrel and Valhart, for male I like him with Sariya or TikiAnd him being a worried waifu to Krom, lol, kidding The second way I ship people in this game is based in the haircolor of the children, I see what fits them the best, which is a stupid reason but I can't help myself(Orange-haired Jerome looks really weird to me, he looks like a blue haired guy) So, far I am neutral agaisn't the ones that isn't my favorites, the only one that I have a big issue is KromxSumia and MUx Saria(the swordmaster), but if they make a well written fanfic maybe I will like them. And because of how you can reach A with everyone in your support list I bet that we will see a lot of threesome/harem fanfics than the others FEs XD*Bricked*
  21. Uh, it's a good example, I choose that order because of how Lucina says that Female MU is too close to her father and fears that she might steal him from her mother, then just imagine what would happen if Lucina was there when the B and A supports between Krom and Female MU happens. ^^
  22. The way Fire Emblem is made with their support system can make some conversations really really, weird depending of the order you do them, but Awakening takes the cake, so let's imagine how weird things can get! Like: -Do Sariya support with any male(except MU) until S then do her suppports with MU until A. - Do Sariya support until A, marry her with someone else and reach MU support til S with her Daughter XD -Do Female MU(not mother) and Lucina until A and then do the supports with Krom. Ready? GO!
  23. Easy, fangirls like to ship everything and having feels for it, because of stupids stereotypes about how strange is man showing affection at that level and because it's amusing and can be lol inducing to see guys being bros and call it GAYYYYYY... It's honestly like taking what a character says out of context and have a laugh at it, I honestly do this a lot with YGO, I can't help but say "GAYYYYY", "Geez, how this can be so homo but be ambiguous at the same time?", "So...He uses in his deck a Pink Cat, a Flying Unicorn and his Ace Monster is called Raibow Dragon...Ok", "Wait a second, are you kidding me, for real that the team's name is Team Satisfaction?HAHHAHAHA" You don't even need to like shounen-ai/yaoi to be highly amused by these kinds of things. On topic again, I liked the Krom x Male Mu, I am highly amused abou how worried he acts, I doubt that it would happen, but seeing a support between Male Mu and Frederick acting like overprotective mamas can be really funny.
  24. Even though I think she's a bit annoying and gave the crappiest level ups ever in my run(4 level ups with no stat at all?ouch at lvl 20 with only 20 hp?OOOOUCH), she has 4 movement stars and 2 awesome stafs that I use to snatch the cool shit my thiefs can't because both thiefs got build screwd, an her unlock stave was a life saver because I forgot to buy door keys for the defense of Lenster. Eh, 9.0/10 - 1.0 bias/low hp -> 8.0/10 Also her pretty sister Safy makes her look ugly XD *Headshot*
  25. Wait a second Awareness block the prayer skill? I didn't know that O__o*lolnoob*
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