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Angel Valentine

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Everything posted by Angel Valentine

  1. Somebody pointed that out already. I am just saying fine some character you like, and have a kid or kids. I picked Krom but I'm not so worried about which stats are the best. I'm not saying don't let the kids fight, I'm saying just don't worry about the stats, "sigh". That's what I'm noticing too :D
  2. lol u got me there, still if I had kids I wouldn't let them fight.
  3. Liz looks better without her pigtails. I'm also glad to see portraits of some of my favorite characters. It looks like Mark will only look a current way with a change in hair color, "sigh". I wish I at least had a guide book to read as I wait half of a year or more for Fire Emblem in america.
  4. From what I'm reading it sounds like everyone wants to have kids that are perfect for war. "sigh", Oh well.
  5. OMG I want the game in america already. I have played Fire Emblem multiple times in the highest difficulty to further increase my tactical skills. From the sound of it you are having a trouble and for me that is a challenge and I have to conquer that challenge.
  6. Do you mean people like Gangrel, Inverse and Valhart. I don't mind have them because I can never have enough units, plus Valhart is the only Overlord class.
  7. Yeah..I'm not gay for serge, but if I were gay I would pick Olivia, Sumia, Tiamo or Anna. In that order. But nothing can separate me and Krom <3
  8. Lol, trust me, he's is not as evil as you think. I really hate men who jump all over girls too, but Azure isn't really the type to get it on with multiple or different woman. He is really a sweetheart <3 Oh, and don't read the supports if you can resist. I know everything because I read everything there is to read about. I can't wait for the game to come out so I read :D
  9. I would love to have a kid like Azure, especially after I read the support conversation between him and his mom. He is such a sweet kid inside. I rather have my kid not be shy of woman. Lol, but that's just me.
  10. I really love the conversation between MU (Female) (Mom) and Lucina. Oh, and Lucina and Krom. Also I don't think men with really deep feelings for each other are gay, especially if it's father and son.
  11. If there were guy marriage in the game then some of the children wouldn't be born. Imagine a Chrom and My Unit (male) getting married. Where would Lucina and Mark be?
  12. I've got a question? How many items can a unit carry? How many items can you store? Also after you beat the game, can you wander around the map facing random enemies or is it, Start a new game time? Opps one more question? Can you marry any of the characters you received from spotpass, like Roy.
  13. Yeah I know, people back then had to marry siblings to keep their family as the only rightful rulers of the throne. But we are not in that era. I not a fan of incest. Sorry if I offend you in anyway.
  14. nvm! what i post before broke the rules, it was a face :D good thing I read
  15. No because I don't have a choice, but if I have a choice it feels weird to pick male, idk i'm just weird. Omg I forgot about Sumia.
  16. Guys can have nice asses :D For me, I never really care if my character has a cute butt. Maybe it's a guy thing?
  17. I just don't feel comfortable playing as a dude, it just feels weird. Maybe guys don't care and maybe I'm the only girl who feels like this but idk it's an issue for me.
  18. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=32301&st=0&p=1961413entry1961413 here are some supports people have been able to translate to English :D
  19. Most of you guys are gonna do both sexes huh? Well if I do decide to make a male my unit I will marry Olivia or Lucina. But I will only marry Krom or Chrom for my unit (female). Ok also if I do make a male my unit I might pick Sumia idk for sure.
  20. Oh I didn't read all the way. Lol. And that children is why you should read the whole thing thru
  21. Wait what? Are you gonna be a guy or a girl?
  22. I know that My Unit can marry anyone and I want to know who you are marrying. I just like getting into other ppl's business :p I'm marrying Krom or Chrom, how ever you spell his name. He's the only good guy. And he's a lord :D
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