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Sidereal Wraith

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Everything posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. ∞-0.10798765432112345678998765431734612566048592759264966294620462946195628454859264068261836592750572518393940506837352427485060382625152748505928475957259390000000000000000000000000000000000569420348008513337519
  2. We move further from the Emperor everyday/10
  3. Banned because: I am your father.
  4. Wait Rubenio/Shrimp-kun/Kaga…if you’re an old man like me with a grey beard and no hair I know what will bring back your sanity! Nostalgia!
  5. Banned for Shrimp-kun/Rubenio’s madness.
  6. Right Shrimp-kun…I mean Rubenio…I mean…what should I call you again?
  7. …So the truth comes out at last. Rubenio…and Shrimp-kun…are the same person!!!
  8. Come puoi dire cose così cattive su di me Shrimp-kun? Non siamo destinati a essere fratelli?
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