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Sidereal Wraith

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Everything posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. What? I was doing the same in the Scouts when I was his age.
  2. Minus -8C? I’ve got you beat there. Where I’m from it can get to being - 20C with a foot of snow on the ground where I’m from.
  3. It helps to build character, Benice, sleeping in the freezing cold helped to turn me into the upstanding, mentally sound individual I am today.
  4. Like I said, you got to have high guts to live in a place like that.
  5. Holy shit...people must be badass from where your from to survive that kind of heat.
  6. Gentlemen...please tell me I’m not the only person here who has gotten laid.
  7. Speaking of hot girls how is everyone’s love live going?
  8. I was going to buy her expensive jewel, but because of the virus she had to put up with my company instead.
  9. Speaking of Tiki my girlfriend got this for me for our anniversary.
  10. Please, I survived The Death March of 05 when I was 13 and it was 110 F outside.
  11. But why does she sound British when she is young and normal as an adult?
  12. Are we all of sudden British or something? 90 F isn’t so bad.
  13. So...what are you speaking about today my friends?
  14. Ah ha ha...twilitfalchion, my friend, I’m aghast that you would even say such a thing.
  15. *The shadow of the torturer falls over Shrimperor* Rejections can be remedied with the...right amount of persuasion.
  16. You can’t escape your torture DragonFlames, you will watch Twilight one way or the other.
  17. Doesn’t know that I really don’t care about the folly of youth.
  18. Doesn’t know about some of the...techniques which I can employ...
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