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Sidereal Wraith

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Posts posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. So why are you complaining? That's one way to bypass the censorship imposed on the game and if it makes you happy, good for you. The game has been terrific so far for me, with colorful characters and splendid gameplay, and the typical RPG elements of running around and doing errands also adds to the enjoyment. Being unable to see Tsubasa and Kiria in bikini or Itsuki and Touma in shorts does not detract any of the mentioned elements so I have no problems at a

  2. I think that at least during the time of FE4 and FE5 the developers were willing to try more risky and daring story ideas then what is found in later games. That being said, I think the games that came out even after Kaga's departure are of better quality then most other JRPG series on the market today.

  3. The real X factor is going to be Kimishima and his philosophy towards software. Iwata was willing subsidize more niche products to make their ecosystem more attractive rather than relying exclusively on hit software. If Kimishima chooses to follow that path I think it's a question of when and not if TMS2 happens.

    Fair enough Hardin, although I'm still highly skeptical.
  4. About the new stuff :

    1. Lots of mirages would make the balancing of the game pretty difficult. And I feel like if they put too much mirages, just like if they implement it like they are demons or personas, it will make all of them feel less special. Having different ways to purify them is interesting though.

    2. The mirage-exclusive items, carnage forms etc... isn't a bad idea in my opinion, but as I said previously, having multiple mirages per characers plus having tons of them and specific items for each of them would be a tremendous amount of work, balancing, designing, etc... I'm not sure they'll be able to do that with a game as focused and well done as #FE currently is.

    3. "The Side Stories are already a really good "Social Link" experience" was what I thinking when I played last night, and even if you don't do a lot of things (mostly walking back and forth multiple points) it's already more interactive than in Persona. But of course, if they can improve it, they should go for it.

    About the improvements :

    1. Songs aren't easy to do, but if they manage to do more with the same level of quality of #FE, it would be great. Seeing more sides of the entertainment industry theme of the game and more interactions with it would definitely be a great addition, but this is a turn based RPG first, so they must be careful if they decide to integrate things like that.

    2. I don't mind the current number of active party members during battle personally, the ability to switch them without spending your turn makes me feel that 3 is already fine.

    3. There are already a lot of them, but more customisation options is almost always better I agree.


    I had a feeling that your contrition wouldn't really last, can't say I'm surprised. And funny that you mention something like that a few days (or is it already weeks ?) after something like Mirror's Edge Catalyst was released.

    There are more reasons to make games than that (even if it's indeed the primary), we are talking about Nintendo here, not Ubisoft, Activision or EA. They already have funded multiple projects that obviously weren't going to sale great just because they needed more games (a few of example, The Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, both Platinum games, and we know how well Platinum games sell... Fatal Frame 5, Devil's Third, etc...).

    This one has really passionate fanbase (enough to fill a concert hall twice the same day at least), reviewed really well both in Japan and the West, and all people on the project are interested in a sequel, that's much more than what I can say for most of the other games I referred earlier (not having anything against them though).

    I can't say that you are wrong for saying that it is unlikely though, but there are definitely reasons if that ever happens.

    Its fine that the staff are passionate about making a sequel, but again this doesn't mean it'll happen. Even if the game is getting alot of accolades and has a passionate fan base, if said audience is not big enough in Nintendo's eyes they'll never green light the creation of another game. It happened a Code Name S.T.E.A.M., and unless TMS # FE miraculously sells over half a million copies worldwide, the same thing will happen to this fledgling I.P.
  5. Mostly because sales is not the only thing that can determine the potential of a new IP, and in the specific case of TMS #FE it had a lot of things going against it at the time of release. It was a game that started development very early on the Wii U cycle, but Nintendo had essentially lost hope on the system by the time it was finished, so it was released on a system that was already on the way out (and with news on the successor already revealed), it got a terrible release date in Japan, and it got little to no promotion. This is stuff that could be fixed on a potential sequel.

    But now that I think about it, you know what I could see happening? An enhanced port. A "Definite Edition" for NX with a few extra stuff that also fixes some of the game's minor problems. It could definitely help the series expand to a larger audience and raise the chances of a sequel.

    On topic: I definitely like the idea of using Fates characters for a Rival School-setup, specially if the game is about joining one of the schools and that choice doesn't happen until the near end. It could lead to some interesting stuff.

    It all boils down to simple economics. Nintendo created a product which did not have a great demand on the market and thus it didn't turn a profit. I can see Nintendo possibly remastering TMS # FE on the NX or a future system, however I still think it will be a good number of years before such a risk is taken. Before such a time, this game would have to gain a large enough cult following for Nintendo to deem that there is a large enough preexisting audience that will buy their product which in turn means they'll make a healthy profit.

  6. I disagree. If there's anything that the Macross series has taught me, it's that you don't need an idol agency make the music to have fantastic idol music, you just need a good composer and a good recording artist. In fact, given how the Macross Frontier soundtracks sold, they should just get Yoko Kanno to do the soundtrack for a TMS sequel if they do end up sticking with the idol theme. Either that, or just get Ryouta Kozuka, who did composing and remixing work on Dancing All Night.

    Even so that still doesn't solve the fact that Nintendo lost a lot of money on this game. Also, the whole idea of hiring Avex Group in the first place was to bring a greater sense of authenticity to the J-Pop music in the game. Nintendo went to best because they wanted the music to sound professional, as if you could actually hear the music from the game being played over the radio or being casually listened to by the people of Japan. Whether a new composer could create a soundtrack which could emulate the immersion of TMS # FE remains to be seen.

  7. Well, the budget would be handled by Nintendo, not Atlus. Development time should also be lower on the sequel given a lot of time went on deciding what type of game would TMS actually be, plus they already have the game engine.

    I feel that there are tons of things, gameplay-wise, that TMS #FE did a fantastic job at, and it would suck to see all that go to waste after only one game. Since Nintendo is going for a larger audience on the NX, I don't think it would be a bad idea to give the series another shot before canning it entirely, as the potential is clearly there and we know the reception for this game was good. I can concede the future does not look very bright, but I wouldn't completely discard the chance of it happening.

    What makes you think that Nintendo would even give Atlus the chance to make a sequel to a game that they lost a lot of money on? At the end of the day Nintendo is a corporation and what matters most to them is their profit and appeasing share holders.
  8. I could actually see this game pulling a Baten Kaitos and getting a sequel despite its bad sales thanks to good reviews and word of mouth.

    I'm highly skeptical of this game getting a sequel. Between the three years of development on the Wii U and the large amount of money that Nintendo had to pony up in hiring Avex Group, the premiere music company in Japan, for the music I highly doubt there'll be a sequel. Even if by some miracle a sequel is made I don't think Atlus would have a budget that would allow them to make more J-Pop songs on the same level of quality as the songs already in TMS # FE.

  9. I don't think this game will have a sequel based upon its sales. TMS # FE only managed to sell around 33,000 physical copies during its first two weeks in Japan. The game got onto the U.K. sales chart at #18, but the top 10 games only sold around 65,000 copies combined, meaning sales couldn't have been that strong. I haven't found any data on the U.S. sales yet, however I'm guessing it'll be a similar case to what happened in the U.K. and Japan.




  10. Run, run, or you'll be well done~! :P:If you have to watch ANYTHING about this game, I'd recommend Chapter 3. Favorite stage music, and you'll see why having a bad sense of direction is a huge detriment!Generic side quests are pretty simplistic. Not all of them require fighting.I have yet to play a character side story that I regretted.

    You're not turning me into a Cortex Reaver you insane A.I.!


  11. One of my typical dreams:

    Thro’ the ghoul-guarded gateways of slumber,

    Past the wan-moon’d abysses of night,

    I have liv’d o’er my lives without number,

    I have sounded all things with my sight;

    And I struggle and shriek ere the daybreak, being driven to madness with fright.

    I have whirl’d with the earth at the dawning,

    When the sky was a vaporous flame;

    I have seen the dark universe yawning,

    Where the black planets roll without aim;

    Where they roll in their horror unheeded, without knowledge or lustre or name.

    I had drifted o’er seas without ending,

    Under sinister grey-clouded skies

    That the many-fork’d lightning is rending,

    That resound with hysterical cries;

    With the moans of invisible daemons that out of the green waters rise.

    I have plung’d like a deer thro’ the arches

    Of the hoary primoridal grove,

    Where the oaks feel the presence that marches

    And stalks on where no spirit dares rove;

    And I flee from a thing that surrounds me, and leers thro’ dead branches above.

    I have stumbled by cave-ridden mountains

    That rise barren and bleak from the plain,

    I have drunk of the fog-foetid fountains

    That ooze down to the marsh and the main;

    And in hot cursed tarns I have seen things I care not to gaze on again.

    I have scann’d the vast ivy-clad palace,

    I have trod its untenanted hall,

    Where the moon writhing up from the valleys

    Shews the tapestried things on the wall;

    Strange figures discordantly woven, which I cannot endure to recall.

    I have peer’d from the casement in wonder

    At the mouldering meadows around,

    At the many-roof’d village laid under

    The curse of a grave-girdled ground;

    And from rows of white urn-carven marble I listen intently for sound.

    I have haunted the tombs of the ages,

    I have flown on the pinions of fear

    Where the smoke-belching Erebus rages,

    Where the jokulls loom snow-clad and drear:

    And in realms where the sun of the desert consumes what it never can cheer.

    I was old when the Pharaohs first mounted

    The jewel-deck’d throne by the Nile;

    I was old in those epochs uncounted

    When I, and I only, was vile;

    And Man, yet untainted and happy, dwelt in bliss on the far Arctic isle.

    Oh, great was the sin of my spirit,

    And great is the reach of its doom;

    Not the pity of Heaven can cheer it,

    Nor can respite be found in the tomb:

    Down the infinite aeons come beating the wings of unmerciful gloom.

    Thro’ the ghoul-guarded gateways of slumber,

    Past the wan-moon’d abysses of night,

    I have liv’d o’er my lives without number,

    I have sounded all things with my sight;

    And I struggle and shriek ere the daybreak, being driven to madness with fright.

    - H.P. Lovecraft, Nemesis

  12. For the "back to RD" argument... More mechanics doesn't necessarily mean more fun gameplay.

    People like the broken 3rd tiers, but all it was was stat inflation and insta kill lethality with a different name.

    The elevation would encourage empty choke point spamming gimmicks.

    Conquest has been very creative in its map design and it was all properly scaled on each difficulty... more than I could say for Radiant Dawn's inflated system. Especially with the Laguz stats and transformation.

    If you ignore the waifu and self insert stuff that is largely exaggerated save for a few (Etika and a newcomer in this forum come to mind) FE has been the same.

  13. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/114533-fire-emblem-fates-conquest/73950013

    Seriously, what the fuck? Marisa is literally the top swordfighter in Jehanna in her ending with Joshua, she's faced 1,000+ men and never lost, and she has literally dedicated her entire life to improving her swordsmanship. She's even famous enough to have earned a title and a reputation. Seriously, her skill with the sword can't be understated.

    Yes, this basically me telling you guys to fix it, and yes, I am being a bit petty..

    Sword Saint Cidolfus Orlandeau, the Thunder God, is best swordsman!

  14. While I haven't moved from Chapter 3, I did some side stuff. However, my shitty sense of direction is holding me back. I guess I could use the extra farming materials?

    Well I'm about halfway through... wait, you're username is Eclipse...which means...WHICH MEANS...SHODAN!?!?!

    *Runs away screaming for his life*

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