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Status Updates posted by Folt

  1. Folt

    Given that Lianna is shown to be able to use a staff, and we seem to be able to use it separately from the actual equipped weapons, I think Cleric-type characters will distinguish themselves from other units by using staves instead of Vulneraries for their "item slot".

    This also means we could potentially get stuff like Lissa using Axes. (And I'd say the Fates little sisters are much more likely to get in with that change, with Sakura being a potential Bow wielder.)

    1. Jedi


      Yeah I think you're right on this, but I also would not mind a stave user using their stave as a bo staff just for lols as a difference.

  2. Hi, and thank you. Also, Lloyd is kickass!

  3. I tend to favour axe users and magic users myself. Still, Myrmidons and Swordmasters tend to be interesting units, and Lloyd looks very different from the usual Swordmaster type. It's a pretty unique charm.

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