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Matt Snow

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Posts posted by Matt Snow

  1. did have another problem, however. I decided to start a new game, an Ace only run. Since on my first playthrough I went to chapter 13A, I decided to go to 13B. I had Ace block of the bridge so that only he would receive the pain from the mercenaries and the cavalier units. Naturally, all the enemy units got clogged up. Some of the enemy units would retreat on the nearby fortresses in order to heal. Well, when it came time for reinforcements to appear, they couldn't because they were blocked off by the units who were trying to heal. So, in response to this, the game froze.

    In chapter 13B on turn 28 the game freezes, Blazers working on it.

    I have a solution. You see that green mercenary guy in the top right corner? Well, that's where Noah is supposed to come in. Just wait until that spot is unoccupied and then talk to the captain. Noah should appear then. That puzzled me too, but it seems to work fine if the space is free. Blazer should probably fix that as well as issues like that(like the one I had earlier).

    It actually says in the conversation right before turn 1 that calling the reinforcements right away wouldn't work because they would get in the way of the ones already there. This is why if you talk to him on the first turn or if there is a unit on that space it doesn't work.

  2. Ok so the patch with chapter 7x is 1.0, the other versions block it for some reason (well no one has gotten it anyway). You get Noah by stepping on the little cliff on chapter 7 that's directly under your starting point.

  3. Hmm.. I can't seem to get Chapter 7x to appear. I cleared everyone out and visited all the houses. Does blocking enemy reinforcement deployment affect this? Or must I visit all houses before I kill the leader?

    What version of the patch are you using?

  4. I know holding it gives some sort of stat boost, I'm not exactly sure what it bosstes but Holding it should increase you hit or something. It's pretty good, give it to someone who you use but could be better. I myself gave it to Tekun and he started preforming way better.

  5. Anyone not get chapter 17x even though the target is only 21 turns? I did it in 16 and didn't get the chapter. ._.

    You mean the one were you rescue Sieg? That's chapter 17 and I got it so maybe you had an extra turn or something like that.

  6. No I meant like, uhh I don't know of an in game example but say I have 2 enemy groups, one is called mercenary and the other one Laus. You could make it so that after a certain number of bad units die, the mercs don't want to risk dying and they flee and the Laus units stay and fight (I'm not sure if you can do this since I don't know much about hacking). That's what I meant by separate group.

  7. Soldiers that can use swords; bows; or axes. My reasoning is that I just don't understand why mercenaries are helping the enemy army like a loyal soldier. I don't see any reason why they can't abandon them and run from the battlefield.

    Well soldiers first, I think the axe and sword thing makes sense but bows kinda don't work, you already have archers, why would you need to have a special soldier using a bow?

    On the mercenary thing for people who are a separate group or by the story are mercenaries than yes it would make more sense for them to retreat if things got bad (unless they're the golden company).

  8. Name: Matt

    Gender: Male

    Cass: Myrmidon

    Personality: Is brave and clever but gets reckless when people are in danger, also makes a lot of mistakes.

    Affnnity: Dark


    HP: 45

    Attack: 55

    Skill: 65





    I'll post the Mug later, I' m trying to make it better, also if growths are too high let me know and I'll change them.

    EDIT: Man why does this post keep messing up

  9. 1 Emblem Lance: vist the bottom house (I think its this one if not try the other ones) in chapter 1 with Corben

    2 Emblem Blade: Open Top right Chest in the Chapter where you, briefly, get Anakin

    3 Emblem Axe: Kill a Warrior in the chapter where Ivan show up, sorry don't know the number

    4 Emblem Bow: Make Haas talk to Storm in chapter 23x

    Hope this helpsmellow.gif

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