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December Knight

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Everything posted by December Knight

  1. You know there's not alot of Virion fanart in this thread, let me fix that! ;D http://jinglebell-whistle.tumblr.com/post/51850331709 (Sorry for the link again, I just can't get the pictures work for some reason, I'm sorry.)
  2. I like Armshrift because I have other things I'd rather do than money grind in Golden Gaffe because most of my forged Brave weapons are out of uses or play Infinite Regalia and only get Wolf Berg, or hope that an event tile and/or the barracks has another rare weapon that you can only get from them. I feel it's very convenient to have, but not necessary.
  3. I found this and I thought that I should share this with you guys! :D http://calliptus.tumblr.com/post/51912862431/im-supposed-to-be-working-on-work-stuff-right-now (Sorry for the link, I can't make picture work for some reason, sorry for not being smart. )
  4. Second generation for me, because marrying any of the second gen characters just feels so wrong to me and I want two Morgans instead one.
  5. Happy Birthday Lucina! +STR/+Def 27 Exp Soothing Sword Not bad, not bad at all.
  6. I voted Chrom/Avatar(F) because I like this pairing, I would say why I like this pairing but it's mostly been said (also Red Fox of Fire and Charlie said what I wanted say) but what one of the things I liked about this pairing is that you can make Chrom a (love) martyr .... I mean Morgan(M) can have an sibling ~.
  7. In my first and third playthrough my Avatar (named Nyneve/Celia) married Chrom, mainly because I liked the pairing to begin with, and I wanted two broken adorable kids instead one. In my second playthrough My Avatar (named Finn) married Olivia, mainly because I wanted a shy wife, a ladies man son, and a toll of adorable daughter with a comically serious family man in my game, and I wanted a pink haired Morgan at least once. For my fourth playthrough my Avatar (named Neil) might marry Sumia (for a black haired and Hero!Cynthia) or Panne (gotta save them bunny people and for bunny!Morgan) but I dunno.
  8. I'm so sorry but this going to be my last support that I'm going to do, manly due to being sick and some personal stuff. If anyone has the other supports I've claimed feel free to take them I don't mind. Here's Lucina/Yarne - [spoiler=Rank C]Yarne - ....Pulse? Check. ....Arms? Check. ...Legs? Check! Whew! Looks like I'm all here. Ugh. Why do I keep fighting if I'm going to be such a coward?! Lucina - Yarne? Is something wrong? You look upset. Yarne - Oh, hey. No, I'm fine. I was just, uh... Reflecting on the horrors of war. Lucina - I often do the same. Thinking how everyone is suffering each day we let it continue... Farmers are slain in their fields, merchants are robbed, children become orphans... Yarne - Actually, I meant the part where everybody trying to kill me. My life's worth no more than the next guy's. I know that, but... It's still a lot of pressure being the last of entire race. Lucina - I can only imagine. Yarne - Don't get me wrong.... I'm scared, but I still want to help. I'll keep fighting. I just....really don't...want to, is all. ...Heh. Pretty sad, I know. Lucina - So be it. Yarne - Er, so be what, exactly? Lucina - I will cover your back. From now, you need only worry about foes in front of you. Yarne - What? Lucina - I swear to keep you safe. That way, perhaps you can fight without fear. Yarne - Lucina, everyone else is out there fighting on their own. I feel terrible asking, but... That would be such a great relief! ....Thank you. Lucina - I'm happy to do all I can to ease an ally's mind. Thank you for opening up to me. I'm honored by your trust. Yarne - Not at all! Lucina - I should be going. I'll see you, Yarne. Yarne - ....Oh, what am I doing?! Gods, why not just ask her to babysit you, you big coward?! This is low, even for me... [spoiler=Rank B]Yarne - ...Ow! For a shallow cut, my arm sure doesn't want to heal up.... Still really hurts, too. I knew I saw someone behind that tree, but nooo! I had to go charge in like an idiot.... Ah, well. I'm still alive, and the arm'll heal. I'll count my blessings. Lucina - Might I have a minute, Yarne? Yarne - Sure. What is it? Lucina - I wanted to see how you're recovering. Yarne - What, this? I'm fine, thanks. I'm sorry you had to see me fall for such an obvious ambush. I was doing so well, too. But you know me! It's not a battle if I don't screw up... Lucina - That's not true at all... But I'm just glad you weren't more seriously injured. I promised I would watch your back, and now... I am so, so sorry, Yarne. Yarne - What?! No! Don't apologize. We're at war! Nicks and scratches are bound to happen! Lucina - Still... Yarne - It's very kind of you, Lucina, but I'm the one who needs to shape up, not you. Heh, next time I'll show 'em this rabbit's no easy prey! Give 'em the ol' taguel one-two! Lucina - Just, please... Yarne - Hmm? Lucina - Please be careful. Don't do anything rash. In the last battle, it almost seemed like you were trying to protect me...? I'll be twice the fool if you get hurt trying to keep me safe while I try to keep you safe! Yarne - Well, I can't just sit back and let you do all the work. And I can't keep you all to myself. The others need your help, too. Plus, I want to keep you safe as much you want to keep me safe. We're friends! Lucina - No, of course. That's all true, but... Yarne - Believe me, I'm not eager to get hurt either. I'll do my best to stay out of trouble. Lucina - And I'll do my best to keep trouble away from you. [spoiler=Rank A]Yarne - Are you all right?! Lucina - Yarne? Yarne - Holy carrots, your leg! Did you get that trying to protect me? Lucina - No, I was just a bit careless. I, er...let my attention slip for a moment, and they were quick with a blade. That's all. It's mostly healed, besides. You needn't worry yourself over it. Yarne - You're a terrible liar, you know that? After my arm got hurt, you've been guarding me nonstop. It's obvious. What happen to our promise not to do anything crazy, hmm? Lucina - Er, I didn't.... Don't be mad. Yarne - I'm not mad at you, but I'm furious with myself! Lucina - Yarne, no! Don't be. I really was careless. This is no one's fault but my own. Yarne - ...Heh. Ha ha ha! Lucina - Is...something funny? Yarne - It's just... The two of us, taking hits for each other. Then we both protest that it's all our fault and that the other shouldn't feel guilty. I don't know, it just struck me as funny. We're some pair, you and me. Lucina - Heh, I suppose it IS a little silly. But a part of me thinks that's the way it should be allies. Yarne - You think? Lucina - Sure. Helping each other.... Making sacrifices... Accepting responsibility for our failings and helping each other learn from them... That sounds like the ideal ally to me. Yarne - What you put it like that, it does. I guess we're doing pretty well. Lucina - Very well, I should think! You can continue to count on me to watch your back! Yarne - And on me to watch yours! [spoiler=Rank S]Lucina - Yarne! Yarne - Hm? What is it? Everything all right? You're all worked up. Lucina - I've just been so impressed with your performance in combat lately! I had to come and tell you! Yarne - Wow, I... Thanks, Lucina. The old rabbit "run for your life" instinct is still there, but I feel like I'm getting better. Lucina - You're a whole different person out there! It's amazing to witness. Yarne - Aw, you're exaggerating. But I'm glad. ... So, um... If I've been doing so well, Do I get a reward? Lucina - Hah! Of course, you name it! If it's within my power, it's yours. Yarne - W-will you be my girl?! Lucina - ...What? Yarne - I always hated being a coward and a burden on everyone else. I wanted to change, but... It wasn't until we started watching out for each other that I learned how. You thought me what real strength is, and I learn more from you every day... But I've got a long way to go, and that's where you come in.... Lucina - Yarne.... Yarne - I love you, Lucina! You make me a better taguel, on the field and off. I want to be you always... Lucina - ...I would like that very much, Yarne. Yarne - You would? Really?! Lucina - You've become so brave, so dedicated... It's true that when we first met, you were like as not to turn and run. But watching you conquer your fear has been an inspiration to me. Yarne - Huh... Lucina - Seeing you grow has filled me with pride, as much as if it were my own improvement. I want to keep sharing in your life, and I want you to share in mine. So yes, Yarne. ...I love you, too. Yarne - Ha! After hearing that, I feel like I just grew about hundred times stronger! With you by my side, I'll become a real warrior yet!
  9. I never done any thing like this before but this looks fun, so here's my try at this.... Name : Viviana (or Vivi) Gender : Female Class : Dancer Affinity : Dark Appearance - Has long black hair in the style of a hime cut (or how Say'ri's hair looks) that's tied up in a ponytail. Her eyes look like Tharja's but green. Has pale white skin and is slightly taller then most woman, is kinda skinny and busty (I know my wording is weird but what I mean to say is, think of Olivia's body). Her outfit looks like Laylea's (http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/c/cd/P034_-_Laylea.jpg) with the top looking like one of Olivia's concept art (http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/5/5a/Olivia1.jpg) and her outfit is colored iris, amethyst, and black. Personality - Seems cold but is rather nice and is bit shy, bit of a deadpan snarker, has a strong desire to help people despite being shy, very loyal to her friends and loved ones, always calm but can get very passionate about some things (like dancing), loves cute things and will try to hug them, and has a weird sense of humor. Recruitment - Joins at the start of a chapter (like chapter 7 or something). Starting Stats - Level 3, HP 22, STR 9, MAG 0, SKL 7, SPD 11, LCK 4, DEF 9, RES 3, MOVE 5 Growth Rates (As a dancer anyways) - HP 55, STR 49, MAG 20, SKL 40, SPD 49, LCK 40, DEF 39, RES 20 Starting Inventory - Concoction, Steel Sword Skills - Special Dance, Lucky Seven, Demoiselle, Ingis Reclass Options - Pegasus Knight, Mercenary, and Myrmidon Supports - Generic support list, though non-romantic would be with Tharja, Nowi, and Olivia. Quotes : Start of a fight - - How lovely.... - I'm sorry it must end this way. - Why are you wasting my time? - *Sigh* Idiot. Enemy defeated - - Now there's one less idiot in the world. - Farewell. - Good bye. - You deserved it. Dual Support - - You can do it. - I'll keep you safe. - Don't worry, you'll win! - I've got your back! - You're not alone. Dual Strike - - Wrong move! - Allow me! - Watch this! - Don't forget me! Support Block - - Are you all right? - Back off! - Don't even... - Stay alive! Critical - - Come, let us end this! - Let's do this quickly, shall we? - It's either you or me, and it isn't going to be me! Partner defeated enemy - - Nicely done. - You were great! - Excellent! - Thank you. Leveling Up - - Wow, that was surprising! (6-7 stats up) - I didn't know I had it in me! (5-4 stats up) - Pretty good. (2-3 stats up) - I have to try harder... (0-1 stats up) - Hmm, maybe I should learn a bit more... (0-1/maxed stats up) Class Change - - D-do I look weird in this? Retreat/ Death Quotes : (Voiced Part - No...) Retreat - I'm so sorry.... but I can't handle this.... again I'm sorry.... Death - No! Not like this! Everyone... I'm so sorry.... I should of tried harder... Confession - - *Giggle* I love you with all of my heart! I didn't think this would happen but I'm so glad that did!
  10. Here's Nah/Avatar(F) - [spoiler=Rank C]Avatar - HEY! Nah! What in blazes do you think you're doing?! Nah - Oh hey, Avatar. What's the trouble? Avatar - What's the TROUBLE? You! Turing into a dragon and crashing through the countryside! Nah - Oh.That. ....Sorry. Avatar - Sorry isn't good enough! Nah - Look, it's just something I have to do. Avatar - And why, pray tell, is that? Nah - Every now and then, I get this incredible urge to just...run amok. It's like a really horrible itch that HAS to be scratched. So I turn into a dragon and rampage for a bit. It's genetic or....something. Avatar - What about the people who get hurt on these little strolls of destruction?! Nah - Oh, gosh, I would never do that! Never! I always go something nice and quiet where there's no one around. Then I just sort of unleash myself on trees and bushes and stuff. My record is thirty giant firs in a single rampage! Pretty impressive, huh? Avatar - Well, I...suppose that is impressive. But are you sure it's safe? Nah - Er, like I might hurt myself on a sharp branch or something? Avatar - Something like that. ....Listen, Nah. You think I could watch the next time you do this? Nah - Oh, sure. That would be no problem. In fact, it'd make it more fun! Avatar - Er, fun? Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all.... [spoiler=Rank B]Nah - *Yawn* What a great rampage... I'm going to sleep well tonight! Avatar - I don't think I've ever seen anything so terrifying in all my life... Dragons are ferocious beasts when they want to be! Nah - I bet you're afraid I'm going smoosh somebody around here into jelly, huh? Avatar - Huh? Oh, n-no. Of course not. I'm sure it's quite safe... Nah - Lair, lair, pantaloons aflame! Just remember, I only rampage if there's no one around. It's perfectly safe. Avatar - I'm sure you're right. Who could you hurt in such an isolated spot? Nah - Exactly! I'm not idiot, you know. I've been doing this for a while. Avatar - ...Still, it makes me wonder why you have such urges in the first place. I assumed it was something instinctual in your species... But there's no record of your mother ever doing it. In fact, I've never heard of any manakete engaging in such behavior! Nah - Beats me. Hmm... The other manaketes have always been true-bloods, right? As far as I know, I'm the only half-human manakete that's ever lived. Avatar - You think it's something from your human side that compels you? Nah - Hey, I dunno. I just work here. All I know is that have to do it, whether we like it or not! Avatar - Well, if you don't mind, I'm going to keep coming on these little trips of yours. Nah - Hey, it's your funeral. Kidding! I'm kidding. ...Ha ha? [spoiler=Rank A]Nah - Hee hee! Oh, gods, that was fun! That was the best rampage EVER! Avatar - Here, Nah. Have some water. Nah - Thanks! Avatar - Gracious, you certainly took it up another notch today. It's a good thing we're in such a isolated spot here. Nah - Gods, yeah. Can you imagine me running amok in the middle of town?! Avatar - A grim thought indeed. But listen, I have a theory about why you need to rampage. I think they're a way for your dragon side to get some exercise. Nah - Hmm, yeah. Could be. Is exercise something you humans do a lot? Avatar - Most of us, yes. It's a great way to get rid of stress and blow off steam. And the healers say regular exercise is the key to good health. Nah - Do you uproot trees? Avatar - Er, no not usually. In fact, almost never. Nah - Oh. That's too bad Uprooting trees is favorite bit. Oh, so the other day in the village I saw a lady screaming at her husband. She was chasing him around the square with this huge rolling pin. Then she went in the house, threw his stuff out of the window, and stomped on it. Was that exercise? 'Cause it sure looked like a good workout. Avatar - Er, no. That's something different. Although I wager she was blowing off steam... Nah - Hmm. Well, it seems that my exercise needs to be destructive. I can't stop until I've splintered some trees or torn up a swathe of undergrowth. Avatar - It's good thing we have plenty of forest to spare. Nah - Oh, and I feel much better running amok if you're here with me. Avatar - Because I can make sure that you don't destroy anything important? Nah - Because forests are dark and scary and have lots of ghosts. But when you're around, I'm not scared one little bit! Avatar - Heh. Sometimes I forget there's a little girl inside that monstrous beast. Nah - So you ARE going to keep coming out with me for my exercises, aren't you? Avatar - Of course. I've grown quite fond of them, and of you... You're like the little sister I never had...and I guess the big monster I never had, too! Nah - YAAAAAY! Here's Morgan(M)/Nah, I'll get Yarne/Lucina after I get their S rank - [spoiler=Rank C]Morgan - Hmm? Hey, that's Nah... Why is she all hunched over...? Nah - .... Morgan - Nah! Are you all right? Nah - Um, yes? Should I not be? Morgan - You were hunched over! Are you sick? Nah - ...No, I was praying. Morgan - Praying? Nah - Yeah. Like this. You close your eyes, see? ...Well, keep yours open to watch. "Great and wise Naga, heed my prayer!" ....And then you offer up your prayer. Naga is an incredibly important deity to the manaketes. If you pray to her, she'll guide you to happiness. Morgan - Wow, sounds impressive! She must be awfully busy. Nah - Yes! But she still takes time to speak to my kind every so often. Morgan - Really? That's amazing! Nah - She spoke to me just now, actually. Morgan - Wow! What did she say? Nah - "Kids your age shouldn't stay up so late." Morgan - Ha ha! Your god is a real mother hen! So, um, can I ask what you were praying for? Nah - I wished for happiness and peace in the world. Morgan - And did she respond? Nah - No. She never does when I ask for that. Morgan - Hmm, I see.... Maybe that's her way of saying we shouldn't rely on divine intervention. We need to build happiness and peace with our own hands! Nah - Hmm... Maybe so. That's certainly a very Morgan-like interpretation. You're always so gung ho and optimistic. Morgan - Better to have more hope than less, I always say! Nah - No arguments there! [spoiler=Rank B]Nah - O great and wise Naga... Morgan - Oh hey, it's Nah... Nah - .... Morgan - She's hard at prayer again today. Nah - ..... .....That should do it. Oh! Hello, Morgan. Morgan - Hey there. Any responses from Naga today? Nah - Yes, but not exactly the revelation I was hoping for. She asked me for more offerings! Morgan - Oh! Hey, what do you offer a jealous god, anyway? Fatted calves and such? Nah - Naga is not a jealous god! ....And I was told to bring a flower. Morgan - Oh? Any particular kind? Nah - Naga's bell. It blooms once every 200 years, and only beneath a full moon. ....That's what the legends say, at least. I've never seen one for myself. They only grow in remote, craggy terrain far removed from human settlement. Morgan - Wow. That's a pretty tall order. Very specific, too. Nah - It's supposed to near impossible to find. I'm afraid Naga's given me a doozy this time... But you can't exactly ignore a direct request from a deity, right? Morgan - Say, do you want help looking for it? Nah - That would be great, Morgan. But at the moment...I don't even know where to start looking. Give a little time to come up with an idea, all right? Morgan - Hey, yeah! And I'll find some dusty old tomes to read. ...Just in case. [spoiler=Rank A]Morgan - Hey, Nah! I was looking for you. Nah - Er, sorry, Morgan. I stopped to pray a while ago, and Naga told to not move from this spot. Morgan - Hmm. Interesting. ....Maybe it was because she was THIS coming! Nah - Huh? Morgan - Ta-dah! Nah - Oh my gosh! That's the Naga's bell I was ordered to find as an offering! Morgan - Ding ding ding! Correct! You win a meat pie! ...Oh, and the flower. Here. Nah - Morgan, where....? How did you...?! I...I'm absolutely stunned! How did you know where to find one? They're legendarily impossible to find. And even then, they're supposed to grow only along high crags and cliffs! Morgan - I guess I just got lucky. I found it entirely by accident, really. Just walking down the road, minding my own business, and there it was! I plucked it up on the off chance this was your flower, and what do you know? I guess sometimes they take pity on us and sprout up right under our noses! Nah - ....Do they? Morgan - Yup! Pretty fortunate thing, huh? Maybe Naga sent us a bit of good luck. Nah - Well, thank you for doing this, Morgan. I'm sure she'll be pleased. I know I am! Morgan - Well, if you're happy, I'm happy! Let's hope Naga will decide to grant that prayer of yours now! Nah - I'm sure the message will get through with this! Morgan - ....Anyway, I should get back to work. So long, Nah! Nah - Good-bye, and thanks again! *Morgan leaves* Nah - Oh Morgan, you generous fool. Don't think I didn't notice those cuts and bruises.... [spoiler=Rank S]Nah - Morgan! Morgan - Heya, Nah! Still chattin' up the big lady upstairs? Nah - No. I got what I was asking for. Morgan - Oh! Well, congratulations! That's wonderful! Er, wait. You were asking for world peace and happiness, weren't you? ....Did I miss something? 'Cause I'm pretty sure the bad guys are still trying to kill us. Nah - ....Oh no, I meant my other request. Morgan - You had a second wish? What was it? Nah - ...For the person I love to love me back. But now there's no need to ask Naga, because he cared for me all along. Morgan - Oh, that's... That's great, Nah. But, hey I don't think I can... Er, it would be rude to pry any further. Nah - No! I want you to hear this! I... I'm in love with you, Morgan! Morgan - ....What?! Nah - When I saw you, how you'd risked your life to find the Naga's bell for me, I... I was overjoyed to know you cared! Even Naga is happy! ...She told me the flower was delicious. Morgan - Really? That's great news! And I'm really, really happy to hear you saying all this to me, Nah. ....Still feels a little ticklish coming out and saying I love you, though. Nah - But you've said it through so much more then just words, Morgan. When you handed me that flower, I could feel it rushing through me like wave! Morgan - Good... I'm glad. B-but word are still important, too, so lemme try those too: I love you, Nah! Nah - I love you, too! Morgan - ...Yeah, that's gonna take a while to get used to. But it feels good! So, um, did Naga have anything to say about all this? Nah - Hold on, I'll ask. .....She said to get a room. Morgan - Ha! I'd say that counts as giving us her blessing! Nah - I would say so!
  11. Here's Avatar(F) - Lucina mother/daughter version - [spoiler=Rank C]Lucina - Mother, guess what? I found a wonderful dress in the town market. Avatar - Oh? Lucina - It was gorgeous! I thought it'd be just perfect for you, so I bought it. I was thinking you could try a different style for once. Avatar - Why, Lucina! What a lovely surprise! Now let me get a look at this gorgeous... Er...dress? Oh dear. I've never seen so many...unusual colors and shapes in one piece of clothing. Lucina - I know! It's very modern. See all the giant polka dots? If you look carefully, you'll see that each one is a portrait of Emmeryn herself! I wager when Father sees you in this, he'll just scream with delight! Avatar - (I bet he'll scream, all right...) Lucina - Pardon, Mother? I didn't catch that. Avatar - I'm sorry, Lucina. It's just that... Well, this isn't exactly my...style. I'm very grateful for the thought, but...I don't think I can wear it. Lucina - Oh? I was sure you would like it... Well, perhaps next time I go to market, you could come and pick something yourself. I know it seems frivolous in times like these. But in the blighted future I come from, I often fantasized of such simple pleasures. Avatar - Why, Lucina. What a considerate daughter you've grown up to be. I'd be delighted to go to market with you. ....Delighted and honored. Lucina - Wonderful! And when we go, I'll wear the new dress! Avatar - (Oh, gods, no...) Lucina - Pardon, Mother? [spoiler=Rank B]Lucina - Everyone in this town is so stylish. I wager we'll find you the perfect dress here. Avatar - Er, yes. Just so long as it's not TOO stylish. Frankly, dear, you have much more... flamboyant taste in clothes than I do. Lucina - I favor the tasteful and understated. For example, what about this one? Avatar - G-gracious! I don't think I've ever seen such a...shimmery magenta. Lucina - Hmm. I suppose it IS a little bright. Well, what about this one? Avatar - Oh, my.. That's very lacy. ...In fact, it's nothing BUT lace. Lucina, I can see right through it! Lucina - Oh, all right. Well...how about this one, then? Avatar - Well, it's a nice color, I grant you. But I'm not sure about the whole octopus motif... Lucina - Oh. I thought you liked octopi. ...This is not going well, is it? Why don't I come back another day and pick out something nice for you? Avatar - Er, well, I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but...all right. Let's try it. Lucina - Wonderful! Then I shall not rest until I find you the PERFECT dress. Something that you will truly, truly adore! Avatar - Oh, yes, I'm sure you... Hmm? Oh, look at this... Lucina - Which one? ...The baby garment? Avatar - Oh, isn't it just adorable? Look at the tiny little bow, too! ...Well, enough shopping for today. We should really be getting back at camp. Lucina - .... *Avatar leaves* Lucina - ...Hmm... [spoiler=Rank A]Lucina - Well, Mother, I've done it. I've found your ideal outfit. I just know you'll love it! Avatar - Oh, goodness. I didn't think you'd find anything quite so quickly... But..I'm sure it will be just fine. I can hardly wait to try it on! Ha ha...ha. Lucina - And I can't wait to see how it fits! Are you ready? TA-DAAAH! Avatar - ...Huh? It's...tiny. Almost like... Lucina, these are baby clothes. Lucina - Yes! I saw you admiring them in the shop when we visited the market together. I didn't understand why, until I realized you must've been thinking of your daughter. The one you have in this era, I mean. Your REAL daughter. Avatar - .... Lucina - You could send it to her back at the castle. I'm sure she must miss you. Avatar - Why, Lucina... Lucina - I've been so happy here, despite having to fight this war. Being able to see my mother again has been like living a dream. I didn't want to wake up and remember that you have a different life in this world. Avatar - .... Lucina - Whenever I think of your little girl, I can't help but feel...jealous. I know it's ridiculous to envy myself, but I can't help it. Avatar - Oh, Lucina....don't be silly! I've thought of you as my daughter from the moment we were reunited! Believe me when I say I love you just the same as I love that child at the castle. Lucina - ...Honestly? Avatar - Yes! You are a true daughter to me. I want to give you happy memories to make up for those you lost in your future world. And I know your father feels the same way. Lucina - If anyone knows how he feels, I imagine it would be you... Avatar - Of course! Your father and I are alike in so many ways... We're both parents to the world's wonderful daughter, for one. Lucina - ...Thank you, Mother. For everything. Here's Morgan(M) - Chrom father/son version - [spoiler=Rank C]Morgan - Hmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my father... All my memories of Mother are so crisp and clear... I remember what an amazing tactician she was, all the time we studied together... But nothing at all about my father. It's one big blank. Chrom - What are you up to, Morgan? Morgan - Father! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you! Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate! ...Wait, no. How did Mother put it? "We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's invisible ties we forge that bind us." So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link... thing! Chrom - Heh, is that so? Morgan - Yup! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us. Er, but that reminds me... I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Father. Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back? Chrom - I'd be happy to try. After all- Morgan - Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started! Chrom - Well, he's certainly got energy to spare... [spoiler=Rank B ]Morgan - Father? Do you have a moment? Chrom - Yes, of course. Morgan - Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Dad Back! Step one--figure how we're going to trigger some flashbacks. I've already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing. I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories. What do you think, Father? Perhaps a stone wall would work better? Chrom - Let's just...hold off on the head smashing for now, shall we? Perhaps you could try just staring at me for a bit? Right into my eyes. Morgan - Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius! I must have seen your face a million times in the future. It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough. Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but... Here goes... ..... ....... ......... ............ Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing. It's like... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart? And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!" Except here it's "Is that what Father looked like?" Chrom - Er, right. Perhaps that's enough of the memory project for one day? Morgan - Sure... I'm still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest... But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Father! [spoiler=Rank A]Morgan - *Sigh* No luck today, either... I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless! I'm just so... *sniff* Why can't I... *sob* Chrom - Come now, Morgan. No tears. Morgan - B-but I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Mother. I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them... I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I... *sob* Chrom - Morgan... Morgan - *Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there... Ngh! M-my head! ...Wha--?! Chrom - What's wrong?! Morgan - I...I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but... I remember! You were smiling at me... and you called my name...Ha ha! Yes! You looked a little bit older, but it was DEFINITELY you! Oh thank you, Father. I never would have remembered without your help. And hey, this is great! If I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest! It may take time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you. Chrom - Take all the time you need. I'll always be here for you... You know that, right? Morgan - Aw... Thanks, Dad. Here's Morgan(M) - Owain, I'll get Nah/Morgan(M), Lucina/Yarne, and Nah/Avatar(F) tomorrow - [spoiler=Rank C]Owain - Ah ha! I've found you, Morgan! Morgan - What? What's wrong? Has something happened? Owain - Aye, the second I saw you, something happened! I knew you for my one and only rival! Morgan - Beg your pardon? Owain - My soul sensed your powerful aura, and at once realized our cosmic incongruity! Morgan - Wow, I...must not have noticed. Owain - You are the only one who could ever stand as my equal in battle. Now...ANSWER MY CALL! Morgan - I'm still not sure what you're talking about, but you sound absolutely convinced. And to be honest, I found myself...intrigued. Even though it makes no earthly sense. I can't see how any self-respecting warrior could turn away such a fiery passion. Owain - Just so, my eternal ally-versary! Morgan - Yes, it's so clear to me now. So obvious! Truly, we were fated to clash as rivals! Owain - The gauntlet is thrown! Let our extremely protracted duel to the death begin! But let us not, in our haste for glory, forget to observe the one sacred rule of combat! ...When I'm shouting a move name, you have to wait for me to finish. I shall extend the same courtesy to you, as a fellow brother of the Justice Cabal. Morgan - I agree to your terms, mortal foe! ...Though I doubt the enemies I've encountered would be quite so patient. Owain - I fear the scum you've faced are berserkers, their honor lost to blood madness! Morgan - I never knew... Owain - Now, let us begin... Have at you, sir! Morgan - Face me if you dare! [spoiler=Rank B]Owain - Come, my ordained ally-versaery! Let our battle cries rend the very heavens above! Morgan - May the song our crossing blades echo unto eternity! Owain - I shall be the first to strike! Radiaaant...DAAAAAAWN! Morgan - Too slow! I parry with ease! Owain - Y-you do?! Morgan - Is that all you've got, fiend?! Owain - Impossible! How could he have defeated my ultimate special move?! Morgan - Ha ha! My turn! Flamingo...PUUUUUUNCH! Owain - I don't even need to dodge such a pathetic fireball. I deflect it back at you! KA-PWING! Morgan - Waugh?! Owain - Heh heh. Child's play. Morgan - But...how?! How did he return my arcane magic?! Owain - It seems we're at a stalemate, my rival. Till next the fated hour is tolled! Morgan - I'll not let you off so easy nest time! I swear it! I SWEEEEAR! Owian/Morgan - ..... Ha ah ha ah ha ah ha! Owain - That. Was. AWAZING! Morgan - Oh my gosh, right?! You were great, Owain! Owain - Hardly! For being new to this, you nearly blew me away! Morgan - Please, you're too modest. I'm nowhere near as good as you. I'm surprised how much fun it is to think this stuff up on the fly. Owain - And it only gets better from here! So...same time next week? Morgan - Sure! I can't wait! [spoiler=Rank A]Owain - The bell tolls for thee, Morgan. The fated hour is upon us. I ready my true ultimate move... Morgan - Actually, can you hold that thought for just a minute, Owain? Owain - Craven! You would flee from this sacred duel?! Morgan - No, no, I'm all set to go. I just thought I'd go invite some of the others, too. Owain - The...others? Morgan - Sure! Games like these are best in groups. The more the merrier, right? Owain - ...A game? A GAME?! You dare insult the sacred affairs of the fated hour?! You dare compare our battle to the capering of fools upon a gilded stage?! Morgan - No! I have nothing but respect for it! It always picks me up on slow days. Owain - That is so not the point, Morgan! Morgan - It isn't? I don't understand. Owain - Oh, forget it. Just...forget it. And besides, the others wouldn't come anyway. They all treat me like an idiot when I make up moves. Morgan - I've certainly never heard anyone say anything. Owain - Trust me. They think I'm just a big kid. That's why I chose you as my rival. You take me seriously! Morgan - Owain, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect by it. Owain - No, it's fine. I know I'm pathetic. Just forget I said anything, all right? Morgan - I don't think so. Owain - What? Why not? Morgan - Because it makes me happy to hear you speak from the heart. We may be eternal rivals, but we're friends first and last. You can tell me anything! Owain - You... You mean that? Morgan - Of course! If I can withstand your Nephenee's Lance attack, I think I can handle your feelings. Owain - I still call no fair on that. I totally had you. Morgan - Ha ha! You're dreaming. You've always been a dreamer, Owain. Everybody loves that about you. And they respect you for marching to the beat of you own drum. Owain - I guess so. Morgan - Well, I know so, friend. So have some confidence! Owain - All right. I will! Thanks, Morgan. So, uh... Do you think we could still... Morgan - The code of the Justice Cabal demands no less. Our rivalry is undying! Now help me come up with some new moves! Owain - You get it!
  12. I hope it's okay to put this here, if not then I'm sorry for being idiot. Here's the chapter 11 bonus scene between Chrom - Avatar(F) and the two years later scene - [spoiler=Chapter 11 bonus scene]Chrom - Avatar... Avatar - What's wrong, Chrom? You look so serious. Chrom - I...I think I owe you an apology. This wasn't your war to fight. Avatar - But I chose to fight it. Chrom - All I've been thinking about is stopping Gangrel, no matter the cost. Even my own life would not have been too high a price to pay. Avatar - It would have been for us! ...And for me. Chrom - I've been thinking a lot lately, about everything. And about you, Avatar. In many ways, you're the best fighter I've ever known...and the best friend. You are a special woman, and I...I wonder if you think of me as more than your leader? Avatar - I think of you as a great man, and...dear to my heart. Chrom - I never want to let you go, Avatar. Does that make me selfish? Avatar - If so, then let me be selfish, too. I would be with you, always. Chrom/Avatar - .... Chrom - Avatar? Avatar - Yes, Chrom? Chrom - We met under unusual circumstances, but lives have been made from far less. My sister always followed her heart, so now I'm going to follow mine... What I want to ask you.... Well, what I mean is.... Will you marry me? Avatar - ...Yes. Chrom - Ha ha! With a word you've made the happiest man in all the realm! Now I'll need to ask for a bit of patience for the near future... My first duty must be to heal the scars of war and assume my role for the people. But then, we can begin our life together. Avatar - That's all right. I'm a tactician, remember? I'll figure something out. Chrom - Thank you. Avatar - I can't help but think back to the day we first met... Strange, isn't it, the way fate brought us together? I am a lucky woman to have met you, and luckier still now. Chrom - I know together we can bring joy back to the royal palace. I'll do everything I can to make the castle a happy home for us...my love. Avatar - My love. [spoiler=Two Years Later scene]Avatar - Chrom... Chrom - I know what you're thinking, Avatar, but we owe Regna Ferox a great debt. I must apprise myself of the facts there before deciding on a course of action. Avatar - Nope, not what I was thinking. I was actually going to suggest we discuss strategy as we travel. - CG of baby Lucina - Chrom - B-but Lucina is newly born! She needs her mother now. Avatar - You told me House Ylisse has a tradition of wet-nursing. And you and Lissa turned out rather well from where I stand. Lucina is a strong child; she takes after her father. The Brand in her left eye proves it. Chrom - I'm not just worried about her. ...I'd worry about you as well. Avatar - All the more reason to keep me close at hand, no? Together we can be more than we can alone, remember? Lissa - Aw, let her come, Chrom! You could use her strategic thinking anyway. Chrom - All right, Avatar. Just promise to stay safe. Lissa and I had Emm of course, but we lost our parents when were young. I want Lucina to grow up with her whole family around her. Avatar - As do I. You have my word. Here's another scene, the scene where we find who Marth really is and a little talk between family. I'm only putting the mother scene (in this case with Avatar(F)), I'm sorry for not getting everything. - [spoiler=End of Chapter 13 scene/The mother part of the scene]- CG of Chrom finding out "Marth" is Lucina and having father/daughter moment - Chrom/Lucina - .... Chrom - Better, Lucina? Lucina - Yes, Father... I'm sorry it just all rushed back at once. Chrom - Father.... Lucina - Should I call you something else? Chrom - No, it's just strange to my ear. ...I like it. Lucina - ....Father! Heh heh.... Chrom - Hah! Yes, it will take some getting used to! Avatar - I'm sorry-- Chrom? Chrom - Hmm? Oh, Avatar. What is it? Avatar - It's just that... You two are out here alone, and Marth is...crying. This is how ill rumors are born. I trust you, Chrom, but is there a reason you and Marth need to be alone? Chrom - Can we tell her, Lucina? Lucina - Of course. Avatar - Lucina?! Chrom - Avatar, this is going to come as a shock, but... I'll just say it: This is our daughter. Avatar - ...What?! Have you gone mad?! Lucina - It's true, Avatar. Please, look closely. Prove it with your own eyes by looking into mine. - Lucina's brand CG shows - Avatar - Ah! You have the Brand! Chrom - The same Brand carried by all House Ylisse's bloodline. Avatar - Lucina's eye bears the exact pattern.... Chrom - Do you see now? Avatar - ....No, no I can't say that I do. If this is Lucina, what has befallen our baby back at the palace? Chrom - Nothing. She's fine. Lucina - Your Baby is right where you left her, and perfectly safe. I am her from another time. From a time that is yet to be. Avatar - You mean...the future? Lucina - Yes, more than 10 years hence. After history takes a dark and most destructive turn... - CG of the future shows - Avatar - .... My daughter... Lucina - Yes, Avatar. Your daughter. Avatar - You have grown into such a strong and beautiful woman... Chrom and I are truly blessed. Lucina - Thank you...milady. Avatar - Will you not call me Mother? Lucina - I...thought you might mind. Avatar - Of course not! I love you with all my heart! Lucina - *Sniff* Oh, Mother... - Lucina and Avatar hug - Avatar - You are the finest daughter a woman could hope for, Lucina. Lucina - Mother... Oh, I've missed you more than you'll ever know...
  13. Nowi/Henry - C - B - A - S - Nah/Henry - C - B - A - Lucina/Morgan(M) brother/sister version - C - B - A -
  14. I want to claim some of the Future of Despair conversations (yes, I know a little soon to claim them but whatever) manly Morgan(M/F) - Avatar(F) and Lucina - Chrom/Avatar(F), I may do the other child/parent conversations but I really want to get both Morgan(M/F)'s and Lucina's conversations first. Also I want to claim Miriel - Lilina (Champion of Yore 1).
  15. Ahh that was pretty cute, thank you SPSEliwoodGabriel for sharing this support.
  16. I'll wait till I get my copy of the game (which I will hopefully get on February 5) to do any supports. I'd rather do all of them at once then have them be all over the place.
  17. Hey Pichupal since Quillbell posted Avatar(F) - Chrom C~B, does this I can't post the support between them or can I? I'm sorry if this a dump thing to ask but I just want to be sure.
  18. Bride!Kellam and Bride!Virion would be very lovely brides but I think Bride!Validar and Bride!Walhart would be more lovely and beautiful out of all the other brides! Yes even more then Bride!Oliver.
  19. Some of those may change but here are my choices - Avatar(F) - Chrom Lissa - Gregor Olivia - Virion Maribelle - Vaike Sully - Gaius Sumia - Henry Cordelia - Libera Cherche - Lon'qu Panne - Kellam Miriel - Frederick Tharja - Stahl Nowi - Donnel Lucina - Loran Nn - Morgan(M) Selena - Jerome Cynthia - Chambray Degel - Brady Noire - Azure
  20. Since I like helping out and this is kinda fun, I want to claim the Future of Despair conversations between both Morgans - Avatar (F) and Lucina - Avatar (F) and Lucina - Chrom. If it's okay with you anyway.
  21. Leliana ( Bioware's Dragon Age ) Gender - Female; ( Body type - 1, Eye type - 1, Hair - 4, Hair color - 19 ) Class - Trickster Best Stat - Luck Worst Stat - HP Skills - Lucky Seven, Sol, Magnificent Flame, Miracle, Lightning Speed Weapons - Brave Sword, Silver Sword, Ragnell, Leif's Blade, Heal Lover - Riviera Alistair ( Bioware's Dragon Age ) Gender - Male; ( Body type - 1, Eye type - 1, Hair - 5, Hair color - 19 ) Class - Paladin Best Stat - Strength Worst Stat - Magic Skills - Luna, Sol, Defender, Holy Shield, Carrier or Quick Slash Weapons - Swordslayler Sword, Wyrmslayer, Balmunk, Brave Sword, Beast Killer Lover - Sumia or Say'ri Morrigan ( Bioware's Dragon Age ) Gender - Female; ( Body Type - 3, Eye type - 5, Hair - 4, Hair color - 9 ) Class - Sorcerer Best Stat - Magic Worst Stat - Luck Skills - Vengeance, Astra, Luna, Crimson Curse, Lighting Speed Weapons - Nosferatu, Il, Holsety, Thorhammer, Falaflame Lover - Henry or Chrom Zevran ( Bioware's Dragon Age ) Gender - Male; ( Body type - 1, Eye type - 4, Hair - 3, Hair Color - 7 or 17 ) Class - Assassin Best Stat - Skill Worst Stat - Luck Skills - Vantage, Astra, Lethality, Picklock, Quick Slash or Hot Start Weapons - Brave Sword, Armourslayer, Sol, Killing Edge, Silver Bow Lover - Everyone Flavia
  22. Since it seems no one wants to claim it, I guess I can take Chambray - Lucina.
  23. Since I forget to put this on my other post, I'd like to reserve Avatar(F) - Nn and Morgan(M) - Wood. I'm sorry pichupal.
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