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December Knight

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Everything posted by December Knight

  1. Here's avatar/Veloria. http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142762763452/if-its-ok-can-you-translate-the-flannelkanna-and
  2. I have a Ophelia with Aptitude. My castle code : 09811-12883-80662-36129.
  3. I have a Flora with Aptitude, I have everyone on hold and no one is on the throne so feel free to stop by. My castle code : 09811-12883-80662-36129. Also, if it doesn't say Karin and/or Dusk Dragon, please tell me. I'll try to fix it as soon as I can. Edit; Here's a castle with a Yukimura with Aptitude. Castle code : 12120-18342-97244-57663.
  4. Jakkun, I think that Saria might be me. Tell me, was Saria's castle code 09811-12883-80662-36129?
  5. Here's Niles/Kana. http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142646076717/excuse-me-sorry-if-im-disturbing-your-time-now
  6. Okay, some of you guys better give me child bond support! Link : http://imgur.com/a/1xZIe. Miiverse version : https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAADVHlFi_fd9g. Aren't they cute? If you don't want to see the images then here is list on the bonds units. Kiku is from Morgan (Captin Karnage). Personal skill : Natural Cover. (Starting class : Wyvern Rider). Nori is from Bone (Ndsferrari). Personal skill : Haiku. (Starting class : Ninja). Kogane is from Cassia (SageOfAnys). Personal skill : Optimist (Starting class : Wyvern Rider). Nori is from Juan (VeryAngryBisharp). Personal skill : Haiku. (Starting class : Ninja). Koumei is from Sieghart (Sieghart). Personal skill : Shurikenbreaker. (Starting class : Wyvern Rider). Sumire is from Xueqin (Xueqin). Personal skill : Astra. (Starting class : Spear Fighter).
  7. Yes? If you mean that only be married Chrom that female!avatar can have two kids and one of the possible dads would be forever alone (isn't that the same with male!avatar if you married a first gen woman as well?). If not, then I'm not sure what you mean by that (I'm sorry if that come off as rude. I didn't mean to sound rude... if I did anyway). More on topic (I guess), whenever I'm playing as a male!avatar on Hoshido, I have Hinata be forever alone since I don't really care for Hisame (well that, and I can't stand Hisame's map). I haven't started a male!avatar on Conquest yet but I think I'll have Jakob be forever alone on that run.
  8. If you don't use the Prison at all then I think Orochi and Niles' personal skills are pretty useless. Selena's personal skill is also pretty bad as well.
  9. Oh yeah, I should add a few things before I forget (sorry I didn't mention anything before...)! Avatar name : Sariya. Boon/Bane : HP/Defense. Second Class : Wyvern Rider. Birthright, Conquest, or Revelation : Birthright. Skills : (Equipped) Replicate, Swordfaire, Death Blow, Live to Serve, and Rend Heaven (Last skill slot is Death Blow). (Non-equipped) Resistance +2, Dragon Ward, Demoiselle, Profiteer, and Aptitude. I believe I have everyone's castle cards but if I don't then please PM me. Also, if you want me to change any skills then PM me. It's no trouble at all, so feel free to ask me anything!
  10. I have Subaki with Amaterasu, Life and Death, Trample, Renewal, Lancefaire, and Rend Heaven (I have him equipped with Amaterasu, Trample, Renewal, Lancefaire, and Rend Heaven). I don't think I have any neat skills for Saizo but he does have Swordfaire, Vantage, Duelist's Blow, and Astra (he doesn't have Duelist's Blow equipped). If any of these skills look neat or anything then here is my castle code : 09811-12883-80662-36129. I have everyone set up and ready to go, and everyone is on hold and no one is on the throne. So feel free to stop by.
  11. No problem at all, jaldaen. Ah I see, sorry about that. I do admit that I did misread Salvage with Savage. Sadly I don't have Salvage Blow on anyone but Rinkah.
  12. I have Kaze, Reina, Hinata, and Kagerou with Savage Blow. Hayato, Setsuna, and Kaden with Quixotic. I have everyone set up and ready to go, and everyone is on hold and no one is on the throne. So feel free to stop by. I have Caeldori and Asugi with Astra. Here is my castle code : 09811-12883-80662-36129.
  13. I'm so sorry if these were posted before but I've checked the thread and it doesn't look like they were so... Here's Kana with Yukimura, Gunther, and Fuuga. http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142465390977/can-you-do-too-for-yukimura-and-kanna-please (Kana/Yukimura). http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142432174542/hey-would-you-mind-translating-the-fuugakanna-and (Kana/Fuuga and Gunther).
  14. Wow, I lose internet for three and half days and everyone has bond units already... Anywho on topic, my avatar's name is Sariya and I'm playing on Hoshido.
  15. That's okay, I should have added the strike to make more clear. I'm sorry, that I ruined(?) Tsubaki/Nyx for you.
  16. I was just making joke. What I meant was that in their S rank, when Nyx turns down Tsubaki after he tells her that he has a crush on her and says that she doesn't have room in her life for romance, is that after two lines after "What about friendship? It's not like I'm proposing.", Nyx will bear his child anyway. I just thought it was weird, so I made a joke about it. (Hopefully that made sense, I didn't know how to word it without it sounding or looking weird...)
  17. I think, in a sense, having both Kanas and Soleil "marry" anyone not named Selkie/Kiragi (for Kana) or male!avatar/Forrest (Soleil) is kinda sad. Think about it, you are stick with someone you don't love (or you do love but they don't love you back) and you can't be free to be with someone else since again, you're stick with this person. You can't move from their crush (or you can't move from your crush) because you're permanently stick with them. But hey, who cares about that when you can have Shiro as a Hero (and not playing as a female!avatar) and/or Soleil as an Sniper (and not as a male!avatar)! I would have also mentioned Tsubaki/Nyx as well but I think the game makes it pretty clear that their only friends with benefits and nothing more.
  18. Okay, so here is a god awful summary of Odin/Kana. Take this with a grain of salt, as my Japanese is not the best and chuuni is one the worst things for me to read. Odin/Kana : ...I hope that was easy to read. If not, then I'm so sorry.
  19. Made another thing (a friend asked me to make this). (Insert Ryoma going all "That's my sister!").
  20. Thank you, karasu3. Hopefully finding that wasn't too much trouble (and if it was, then I'm sorry). Edit; Oh gods, Tsubaki!Kana does the "~" thing as well. That's so cute.
  21. Off the top of my head... Mikoto, Garon, Iago, Arete, Sumeragi, Candace, Daichi, and Nichol. I heard that Zola and Kilma also have unused blushing portraits but I can't find anything for them. I want to say that Lucina and Robin also have unused blushing portraits but I don't have amiibo so I don't know if they blush or not ingame. From here : http://www.spriters-resource.com/3ds/fireemblemfates/.
  22. (I hope no one minds that I'm posting again). Ahh, this one was really cute.~ Now that's got me wondering about Odin/Kana now (I hope it mentions Lissa and/or the brand). Also, does anyone know where I can find Odin/Kana? I want check it out myself (and maybe post a summary of it here).
  23. I think you may have misread that part. I believe Camilla meant Azura (and/or her other possible Nohr siblings), since I think something like that would have be mentioned somewhere in the game (or in the Making of Fire Emblem book). On topic, I really liked Camilla/Nina! It's really sweet and it has a bit of a sadness to it (or maybe that was just me, eh). Makes me love Camilla with Niles even more now.
  24. Anyone have a Ophelia with Renewal and/or a Benny with Movement +1? (Also looking for a Percy and/or Arthur with Tomebreaker but not as much as Ophelia with Renewal and Benny with Mov+1).
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