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December Knight

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Everything posted by December Knight

  1. Here's Siegbert/Kana. http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/143368739977/can-you-translate-the-siegbert-and-kanna
  2. I do. My castle code is in my signature. Everyone is on hold and no one is on the throne, so feel free to stop by anytime.
  3. Here's Orochi/Kana. http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/143136511942/can-you-translate-the-orochikanna-conversation
  4. Well duh, Captain Karnage. It's clone!Azura.
  5. The dream... http://alphina.tumblr.com/post/143080294203/the-disaster-that-would-happen-if-i-could-get (More then one image so I just left a link, hopefully no one minds).
  6. I really like having Troubadour, Dragon, and Spear Fighter as second class, personally. Troubadour because I love Maid/Butler design-wise (they are my favorite looking class for Shuriken/Dagger users). Dragon and Spear Fighter for the skills and for the designs.
  7. Here's a summary of Peri/Ophelia, Sophie, Percy, Midori, and Siegbert convos. Link : http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/143080018972/um-maybe-a-weird-request-but-i-was-wondering-if Peri/Ophelia sounds pretty cute.
  8. Alright. Flora is up, then I'll make it so Setsuna is up for you tomorrow.
  9. I have Renewal and Quixotic on... Renewal : Flora. Quixotic : Kadan, Setsuna, Flora, and Keaton. Which ones do you need the most (out of ones I have)?
  10. Anyone got Bowfaire and/or Tomefaire on Shigure? I have an Anna equiped with Vantage, Death Blow, Bowfaire, Counter, and Rend Heaven. She also has Astra, Sol, Luna, Pavise, Life and Death, Certain Blow, Spendthrift, Quixotic, Lifetaker, Salavge Blow, Profiteer, and Aptitude.
  11. Not a problem at all. (Also thank you! I thought it would be a cute little nod.)
  12. I can help you with Ophelia, she has Savage Blow and Death Blow. My castle code is in my signature. Everyone is on hold and no one is on the throne, so feel free to stop by anytime.
  13. I got another bond unit. Link : https://d3esbfg30x759i.cloudfront.net/ss/WVW69jH-FWQd48lzXL. Basil (Sisterhood) with AddictPunk. Starting class and skills : Troubadour, Dragon Fang and Nohrian Trust. Basil would have Death Blow but I didn't know I was going to him now.
  14. Yes, you are the only person in this whole fandom to feel this way, I'm sure. But really, there have been threads (both here and other places) that had this thought as well, so no you are not the only one. If it makes you feel any better, and if the other games are telling, then Yusuke Kozaki most likely won't be back for FE 15. I personally don't see how the art style is any darker and dreary then the other games but that's me. In fact, I love Yusuke Kozaki's art style. I think it's nice to look at. (Also, I'm so sorry if I came off as rude but I really don't think you are the only one to feel this way.)
  15. Alright, I have Hisame ready for you. Everyone is on hold and no one is on the throne, so feel free to stop by anytime.
  16. If you are still looking for a Hisame with Renewal and a Niles with Aptitude then I can help you with that. I can't help with anything else, though. My castle code is in my signature. I don't have a Revelation file yet, so if you want Hisame or Niles then please tell me which one you want for today. I have my Hoshido file as my main castle.
  17. Here's avatar/Ignatius. http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142974305937/corrinasugi-or-corrinignatius-from-festival-of
  18. Ohh neat. My summary was somewhat right! Uhh more topic, aww it's so cute~! One of my favorite convos. Also, I can't believe someone mentioned me on that ask. I knew it wasn't good and all but...
  19. I have a Benny with Aptitude. My castle code is in my signature. Everyone is on hold, so feel free to stop by.
  20. Here's avatar/Percy and Arthur/Kana. http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142918952137/if-youre-not-too-busy-could-you-translate
  21. I have a Anna with Vantage. Can't help you with anything else though, sorry. My castle code is in my signature.
  22. Yo, came to tell everyone that I have updated my castle once more (and it might be the last until I make "ultra" file). I changed my castle name to "Dawn Castle" since I think it's sounds better and I've got some new skills for almost everyone in my team. I now have a Nohr file so I'll put that team up as well. Remember if you see any skills you like and want to have, then PM me. It's no trouble at all, so feel free to ask me anything. Also, after a while I will delete my Nohr file so if you want any skills from that file, please PM me. Also, I hope it's easy to read. Please tell me if it isn't, then I'll try to fix it.
  23. Here's avatar/Rhajat and Hinata/Kana's convos. http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142851541942/please-do-kamuisyalla (avatar/Rhajat). http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142853453182/hi-i-was-wondering-if-you-could-translate (Hinata/Kana).
  24. Got some more bond units.~ Link : https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAADVHlGISRhRQ. Ayu (Quick Draw) with Jin. Starting class and skills : Dark Mage, Death Blow and Counter. Naruto (Wind Disciple) with Lemui. Starting class and skills : Spear Fight, Death Blow and Vantage. Inaho (Optimistic) with BlackOnSlaught. Starting class and skills : Samurai, Death Blow and Renewal. Kurumi (Prodigy) with Roflolxp54. Starting class and skills : Cavalier, Death Blow and Replicate. Shoga (Lucky Charm) with Aarux. Starting class and skills : Wyvern Knight, Death Blow and Rend Heaven. Katsuo (Evenhanded) with Jakkun. Starting class and skills : Wyvern Knight, Death Blow and Locktouch.
  25. I don't think it's not that bad (other then the mom flirting thing and a few lines here and there), I kinda liked it after this line. Soleil : "Really, when I’m together with mother I feel very relaxed." I dunno, for a Soleil/mother convo, it's not that bad. Maybe it's cause it doesn't focus on Soleil's gimmick that much and/or maybe I don't exactly hold Soleil to any high standard but for a Soleil/anyone convo, it's not that bad (in my opinion anyway, of course). I can almost say it's cute (in a way) and I can't say that for any other of Soleil/mother convos (other then Peri/Soleil).
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