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Posts posted by Xixiel

  1. Personally, the only time I watch a non-action, non-comedy movie is when it has a gripping plot. And no, I'm not an action movie maniac. I watch some stuff where theres no action for the longest time, but important stuff happens. Kiki's Delivery Service may not be a BAD movie, but it's not the kind of thing that appeals to me for the reasons I've just said. Spaceballs, on the other hand... ... I can safely say that Kiki's Delivery Service cannot go so fast it turns plaid...

    P.S. I don't want to buy a movie I'm not sure I'll like, and by the time I watch enough of it online to know it's good I don't need to buy it... Unless it's a series on Netflix. I like Netflix.

    P.S.S. I can understand the need for randomononimity, but why make a topic about Kiki's Delivery Service into a poll between it and a Mel Brooks movie?

    P.S.S.S. Crazyheadman will do horrible things to those who defy him! The end.

  2. The ability to morph into anything and everything I can imagine... used for evil of course. Obviously this rules out Gods, as they are beyond human imagination. But transforming into a thing resembling a tentacle monster with jagged spiked blades on the ends of the tentacles would still be burtal enough for me. Really the only way to kill me would be to kill ALL of me at once before I killed you or to use a power that negates powers and then kill me... MWUHAHAHAHA!!11!!11!1

  3. I read part of a book.


    I was on the road for 3 hours going to a relative's house.


    I read more of that book.


    I ate an early dinner.


    I read more of that book.


    I opened presents, and gave people presents.


    I finished that book.


    I slept.

    The end.

  4. Even THAT doesn't answer the question, since both Samus and MC's speed and technique are left entriely up to the guy who animated it... Plus, they didn't even finish the fight.

  5. I really think we should make a forum for it. I know the result of the last thread like this was the Entertainment sub-forum, but even that's getting a little bit clogged up with anime topics (I'm referring to Ooglybear posting 7 of them in quick succession, along with the others mixed in there).


  6. Indeed. It's Breaking Benjamin.

    My favorites by them are So Cold, Breath, Blow Me Away, and Diary of Jane. My only complaints are that some of their lyrics make no sense (I'm used to the poetic styles of the other bands I listen to) and that they swear too much in weird places.

  7. Name: Slayers

    Type: Manga Anime

    Genre: Comedy, some romance and action? ( I'm not good at doing this)

    Lenght: 26 episodes for each part. 3 parts finished 4th part in progress

    Content: minor blood.

    Summary: Basicly a group of ppl go and fight againts evil spirits that want to destroy earth.

    You mean the Slayers with Lina Inverse and Gourry?

    I've seen only 2 episodes because I couldn't find the others... But it WAS funny.

  8. Naruto isn't well know XD

    *Random assortment of eye twitches*

    *High pitched screams*

    *Twists head 360 degrees and lets it spin back into place*


    Heres another one:

    NAME: Monster

    TYPE: Manga and Anime

    GENRES: Drama, Mystery, Mild Mind****

    LENGTH: Manga--18 Volumes, Anime--74 Episodes

    CONTENT: Blood, Death, Conspiracies

    SUMMARY: At Eisler Memorial Hospital in Dusseldorf, West Germany, there is a Japanese surgeon named Kenzo Tenma. He is highly skilled and has a great future ahead of him. One day, the morality of the hospital comes to question when they switch him out right before an operation to save a celebrity. The celebrity lives (and donates money to the hospital), but the other, a Turkish construction worker, dies. His friends say he was a fool to believe that human lives are equal. Across town, the police go to investigate the home of an escaped East German politician and find him and his wife dead. Their daughter is in a state of shock, standing over the body of her brother, who was shot in the head but seems to be alive. Tenma gets called in to operate on the boy. However, just before the operation, he gets called out again to operate on the mayor. After much consideration, he goes back and operates on the boy. The boy lives, but the mayor dies. Tenma is chastised by his fellow doctors and has his position stripped away. He goes to visit the boy before he leaves. In a fit of anger and frustration, he curses them, saying that it's their lives that aren't equal and they all deserve to die. That night, a drunk Dr. Tenma answers his door to find the police there, informing him of the murders of the people he "cursed".

    10 years later, Dr. Tenma is the Head Surgeon at the hospital. However, just when things start to settle down for him, a new string of murders occur. Dr. Tenma is drawn into a strange mystery, and at the center of it all is a certain boy...

    I'm sorry for the long summary, but this is my favorite anime. The anime is great to watch, as they didn't change anything from the manga besides ADDING dialogue.

  9. Changes in interests don't necessarily make you more mature. My uncle is a professional photographer, yet plays Grand Theft Auto 4 and Call of Duty 4 on a regular basis. He's over 50.

  10. I'd like to see how many people know really good material that's generally not well known, and what that material is.

    Make sure you say the name, whether it's anime or manga, the genres, the length, and where you can find it (online, download, store), and give a brief summary of what it's about and what kind of content it has (so that people who don't want to see sex and blood don't have to).

    I'll start it off.

    NAME: Kurozuka

    TYPE: Manga

    GENRES: Action, Post-Apocalyptic

    LENGTH: 10 Volumes

    CONTENT: Graphic Violence, Sex

    SUMMARY: In Japan, A man named Yoshitsune, or "Kurou", and his servant Benkei escape from Yoshitsune's brother who has just ascended to the throne (I believe his brother is Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first Shogun of the Kamakura period. Yoritomo had an actual half brother named Yoshitsune). Deep in the mountains, they find a cottage where a young woman named Kuromitsu lives alone. I would say the dramatic "This begins an epic adventure..." blah blah blah stuff, but I'll just say some stuff happens and the main part of the story takes place about 150 years from now...

    AVAILABILITY: I've only been able to find it as a download from Izumo no Ryuu (You can download Volumes 1 through 10 HERE)

    It may not be the best, but it will give people soemthing to read at least. If you like this, another one to try would be the OVA Mnemosyne, which I won't get into.

    Kurozuka has recently been made into an anime. I have yet to see it. Also, the manga is adapted from a novel which I can't find.

  11. Uniqueness that I happen to like, a mind of her own and that she likes me.

    Yes! I don't care what people think about me doing it this way, but that's the only type of girl I like.

    Unfortunately I live in the middle of nowhere, so most of the girls I know are rednecks, average girly-girls, and the high-and-mighty type (whom I loathe). The girls that don't fit smoothly into any of those are usually my friends.

  12. My presents are a new computer (some of which I'm getting with my own money) and Crysis and Spore to play on it.

    I say ARE because my parents just straight out asked me what I wanted, because it got the point where my interests ventured into areas they knew nothing about, like anime for example.

  13. The DotA Topic

    Click there.

    Holy 6 pound, 8 ounce baby Jesus! I've been on here almost nonstop since 6:00 PM! So long that Yesterday turned into Today in the same topic!

    DING! 1:00! Time for bed!

    Is 30 posts a new record for new members who've been signed up less than 36 hours?

  14. Why don't you recruit more Moderators? 3 Moderators for 494 people (I counted; minus the three Mods and the Webmaster) is only one Moderator for 165 members (approximate, it was actually 164 2/3). I think you should at least have 2 more Moderators for purposes like I said. That way, 2 members get to experience what it's like to have PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER and the 3 Global Moderators have to do a little less work. Then again, maybe I'm mistaken and it's prefectly managable to have only 3 Moderators since the forum is only moderately sized and centralized around FE?

  15. Mu record is 16 hours playing Dota(A custom map of warcraft) and 5 hours for a forum.

    You should post your info in my DotA topic! Then all the DotA players can get together and see who's the best!

  16. I think it would be a good idea to put a list under each of the forum sections of the Moderators that oversee that section. I've seen it on plenty of other forums, and I don't see what harm it could do here.



    Anything not related to Fire Emblem or any of the other topics should probably go here.

    Moderators: *insert Moderator name here*

    Subforums: Entertainment

  17. 12 Days Later...

    Well I used to watch anime on Anime6 and AnimeThat mostly... But then Anime6 turned into virus-filled and hard-to-navigate Movie6 and AnimeThat started refusing to play a lot of videos because I didn't click subscribe on that stupid pop-up that assaulted me at every corner... Zango, was it?

    Then, I found a site called Kumby. I'm still not sure if it's virus free, but it's pretty easy to navigate, up to date, and has a lot of anime.

    I'm using it to watch Ghost in the Shell SAC: Second Gig and the first season on Tokyo Majin... At least I think...

    The site I went to to look it up (MyAnimeList.net) was very confuzzling about which season was the first season. It says they came out in different parts of 2007, and each points to the other as the first season. So I decided to go with the one Kumby said was the first season.

    Not much of the new anime interests me, except Gundam 00 Season 2 and maybe Shikibane Hime. I may try Casshern Sins once new episodes come out, but not until then. The post-apocalyptic anime/manga that really got me were Kurozuka (relatively unkown, but totally awesome), Ergo Proxy (only the parts up to where Vincent's identity is revealed; the end got pretty weird and I dropped it after the thing happened in the room with the statues. It seemed at that point like it was trying too hard to force it's mind**** on you.), Basara (more of a fantasy, but takes place 300 years in the future at least), Utawarerumono (Try saying that ten times fast!) (I found out it's based on a hentai RPG, but whatever...), and, if you consider what happened in "Continuing On My Own" post-apocalyptic, Full Metal Panic as well.

    To tell the truth, Marth117 asked me to join just so our group of friends could be on the same forum. I'm more a fan of anime and video games than FE (although it's fun), so that's why I don't post in the FE Forum.

    EDIT: w00t! Midnight!

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