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Everything posted by ragnell.

  1. I pass math or my parents give me a present in Christmas. If my parents do not love me then they do not give me a present in Christmas. In consequence, I pass math or my parents love me. Guess if this is a tautology, a contradiction or a contingency :D
  2. I hope you keep the toilet clean, there is nothing more repulsive than a dirty toilet
  3. Recently I have been playing FE. 3 and being near the end I look back and think about which chapters were the hardest for each game I have played,( this of course is my personal experience) considering that I do not use arenas, warpskip ( although I used warp in chapter 24x and final of FE 5) and side battles, but I do use star shards, boosters and scrolls; also I recruit all characters and reset when someone dies, so here are my thoughts: FE 2--> The death mountain with the zombie dragons in the third battle in chapter 4 was annoying because of a bunch of misses I got in one try. My strategy consisted in having Zeke, Pasion, Robin, Cliff and Silk in the lower left corner luring most of the dragons while a Alm dealed with the others that went to the right part of the map and Teeta with the prayer ring using reblow. The problem was that I needed to kill one of the dragons that attacked the lower group but cliff and paison missed, resulting in zeke's death, something similar happened the next try and it was in the third that I could finish it. Aside from that, the game was easy, with Paola, Katua and Est trivializing Celica's route and Alm, Zeke and Cliff for Alm's route FE 3--> I have not finished it but currently on chapter 20. For now chapter 19 is the one I had most problems; the first time I got surprised when a bunch of paladins and mages appeared from the fortresses and killed Malliesia, considering that those enemies hit like a truck almost no one in my team can sustain more than two hits I had to lure the first bunch of paladins with demon Chiki and then rush-kill- conquer with the peg sisters and a Marth with 11 mov. Before this chapter the game as been really easy ( I think that it is more than 2 thanks to how ridiculous are stats boosters and shards, that practically fixes any unit in the game) FE 4--> this one is on the easy side, so I would say that chapter 3 was the most difficult trying to keep Tiltyu and Claude, and maybe Eltshan. FE 5--> Now this was a challenge! I struggled deciding which chapter but in the end I decided on chapter 24x. There I got my ass kicked the first time with the warping bishops, the warping tiles and the berserk staff; then I had to warp a Leaf with pure water to the center of the map to kill the bishop with the berserk staff, Silence the 2 enemies in the lower pit and rushing some units to the respawn point, rescuing warped characters and then rescuing those that were blocking the stairs.this was one huge saff-fest and I can not think how could someone complete this with everybody escaping without using the staff users. Special mention to chapter 22 were Cyas and Rinehart are, the first one is standing there like a boss with his 10 leadership stars saying that he only needs his presence to screw you, the latter has Big shield, ambush, dime thunder and 5 leadership stars, why the hell do you serve Ishtar when you alone could conquer all Trachia, pissing on Tabrant, or you could overthrow all the Freeji nobles and make yourself the king; Julius must be blind ditching him when he was a better soldier than Ishtar, think about it, if in final FE 4 Rinehart was in the place of Ishtar, only Celice, Aless and Holsety could kill efficiently this guy. Anyway, I had to play extremely careful this chapter to the point of going like a turtle and gang banging Rinehart with Leaf, Homeros and Asello. Inb4 someone says that warpskiping would trivialize this chapter. ( Oddly enough I did not found chapter 4 that difficult, but maybe I feel that way because Machua dodged a lot and Leaf got like 3 second movement thanks to luck) Next time I will write the rest, so which chapters did you feel were the hardest and why?
  4. No good in it , but if you don´t mind playing with a total novice then I could (Now that I think about it , people complaining about the poor balance in FEs regarding units should play chess...)
  5. DQs and FEs are system sellers for me so I got one for 13
  6. I am playing FE 3 for the first time and I got 6 lvls up in a row of pure skill and luck (1 from Marth, 2 from Rody , 1 from Paola, 1 from Katua and 1 from Cecil). I guess the game wants to make me feel Lucky har har har...... .......(the sad thing is I don´t)
  7. I need to be in 65 kg , sadly I am 60 kg...
  8. I don't care what modern artists say, the image in the first post will never be art for me...
  9. I remember that some time ago there was a parody of chapter 1 of FE 1, could someone give me the link of said comic? Thanks beforehand
  10. Could you give me some of them so I can achieve enlightenment and become a better person in life ? Thanks!
  11. I got zeke and this guy is too great against the dragons on alm's route and an excellent replacement for Machilda. Also got Norma and is my primary healer for celica's group ( along with the magic ring). Also I knew about the 1 number for the RGN but when I passed one player phase without hitting anything I felt trolled hahaha . On the other hand, Paola, Catua and Est dominated Celica's route.
  12. Now I am in Chapter 4 and I think this game is not that easy ( maybe because the game is trolling me with almost no growth besides Alm, Est, Catua and occasionally Celica and the absurd amount of misses I have been experiencing ) . For me Alm's route is more difficult because my peg ( forgot her name) could not keep up with the rest and the only one that can take a bunch of hits and kills in counters is Alm ( Ruka can withstand physicals attacks but witches laugh at him), and sadly Machilda as been great until now, but her non existence growth in this run is hurting her utility.
  13. ^ I am thinking of doing a basic course, I am sick of the same food almost everyday and no one in my house knows how to cook. Basically we eat to survive
  14. I found some capybara in the market and just made it with rice, the problem is that I did not like it ( I can not stand my own food). Guess I will feed it to my parents when they come.
  15. I am curious of which FE is the least used for drafts in this forum. Maybe 1 or 2? What do you think?
  16. FE 5 > FE 4 > FE 3 > FE 2 > FE 1 FE 7 > FE 8 > FE 6 FE 12 > FE 11 [Flame]
  17. thanks! One more question. Should I promote early like in FE 5? or if I do that some units will get behind late
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