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Posts posted by ragnell.

  1. Thanks for the tips! I just finished chapter one and this is my current team : Leaf lvl 3 --> 23 hp/ 6 str / 1 mgc/ 3 skl/ 7 spd / 8 luck / 4 def ( nice level up!)Othin lvl 3--> 28/8/1/8/10/4/5. Tania lvl 3 --> 21/4/1/7/12/8/2. ( the rest is at base lvl)

    In general a liked this first chapter, I feel this is a good starting team and the only one struggling is Maati ( only using him for chip damage ). Also, I liked the capturing system and I had fun getting the javelins and vulneraries ( makes me wonder why it was not used on subsequent games)

  2. Good morning SF. Today I an going to begin FE 5 and I am thinking of doing a blind playthrough (I always do this on my first run). So my question is if It is possible to end this game with anybody, keeping everyone alive and recruiting all the units? Or there is the risk of picking really bad units that could prevent me from fulfilling those conditions. Thanks beforehand.( Some tips would also be appreciated)

  3. I agree with tenkiforecast, here where I live some people see Americans as bad persons, ignoring the complexity and variety of that society, just wanting to simplify their lives with general conceptions of other persons. It is really difficult to discuss with them about how we can not judge individuals as if they were cattle, with just some stereotypes of mass conduct.

    I think that one point to become a wise person is trying to know a bit of everything that surround our life, trying to comprehend a bit those who are different from us, so we can prevent tragedies like social conflicts from religious to political matters.

  4. The quote that Nietzsche does from Socrates is: "Consider the consequences of the Socratic maxims: "Virtue is knowledge; all sins arise from ignorance; only the virtuous are happy"--these three basic formulations of optimism spell the death of tragedy.

    Furthermore, Nietzsche adds that said "sins" that Socrates mentions are the cause of tragedy. So by simple comparison: if sins cause tragedy and Ignorance causes sins, then ignorance causes tragedy.

    Another point is the "suffering" , from my point of view It is completely intrinsic of human nature. There is no suffering outside of man. In consequence, it is born from us. Natural phenomena (defining phenomena as all possible occurrences within its own axis that intersects the plane of time, creating the actual events that happens in existence) can not be considered as cause for our suffering, nor blessings from a divine entity. They are void of human meaning and only are what they are.

    In that context death is just a natural phenomena and can not cause suffering, but humans beget poverty , so it could be considered a real cause. Moreover I interpret suffer as the metaphysical feeling that brings spiritual or moral pain, not of flesh.

    Finally, "tragedy" defined by Nietzsche is the child begotten by Apollinian and Dionysian art.

  5. I just finished reading "The birth of tragedy" by F. Nietzsche and one thing that picked my interest is his quote of Socrates about the real cause of all the tragedies in our life is ignorance. I thought about it for a moment and completely agree with Socrates. The tragedies in our lives are the consequence of our ignorance, and thinking that part of the human essence is it as part of our imperfection, we are destined to suffer.

    Although we can strive to overcome our ignorance to some extent , it is a path that takes all our lifespan, a path of personal growth were there is no end. Maybe one day the tragedies that plague humanity like poverty and discrimination will be things of the past as we achieve harmony in our collective existence.

    So what do you think about the origin of all tragedies? Do you agree or think about other causes? Please share your thoughts about the matter.

  6. 1344008306[/url]' post='2083841']

    whats the origin of your name

    Nothing special, I just liked that sword.

    1344012200[/url]' post='2083891']

    Yo~! What do you think of Marthipan?


    I just finished 4-P in my RD run. I should not have problems with the rest of the game.

    So, how is FE 5?. Considering I do not do LTC .

  7. Hello SF. I am new playing Fire Emblem and I like this series a lot. I already played 4, 6-11 and currently playing 10 on hard. Next I will try 5. I do not think I can complete a draft, but maybe I will try one someday. Nice to meet you and hope we can get along.

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