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Everything posted by Nemitri

  1. Mordecai with a few levels of Bexp can do wonders, especially if he caps def (22 untransformed) 22 def in normal is quite good, just watch out for mages! Give him taunt and watch the enemies crawl to him!
  2. Correct, I've searched all of Serenes forest, and to my knowledge, the wiki doesn't tell you what does the affinity bonus do, so maybe this is the bonus? I would like to try to test out my theory, but without a camera to record it, it would just be my word for it, if anyone is interested in trying out my theory, please do so. And if this does work, it wouldn't work in hard/maniac since the affinity bonus (the glowing) is disabled there, so it would only work in easy/normal.
  3. Veyona, druids, just,look,soooooo cool in this game! too bad you see like 5 total, such a shame, good model and all.
  4. Greetings Serenes Forest I've been looking around the forums for quite some time, but now I decided to join! I have a hunch regarding a hidden use of coins, not sure if this has been discussed before, but here it is. In chapter 2-final, there is a priest that matches the thunder affinity that is holding a coin... the oddity arises when I try to kill it, you see, the killing hit -misses- every playthrough I've done, it happens all the time. In my last run, I noticed that after evading the killing blow, the coin vanishes from its inventory! So my question is, could it be it has a hidden effect related to the map's affinity bonus, or could it be a hidden effect of all coins? Your thoughts?
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