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Everything posted by Wist

  1. This thread stirs within me a sense of amusement.
  2. Your group... its color is pink. Haha, hahahahahaha.

  3. Shawn_Johnson_Fanboy's real name is Lyle Dayek.
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_StarCraft I do not think this was contested.
  5. Shouldn't you be at school? 8]

  6. No, that makes sense as Roxas is also the name of a Kingdom Heart character.
  7. 저글링 러시! 가자! 가자! 가자! While I'm here I may as well ask, what does Namine stand for?
  8. Wist

    "I claim 8]" - What, /the fuck/, is this heresy?

  9. I refuse to make a forty-eight word sentence.qwiuuanzl
  10. Etrian Odyssey III definitely won't be released in Japan on March 4th. If it was to exist though, it would have completely new classes and take place in... the ocean...?
  11. Forced me to change my post when I refreshed the page right before pressing the "Post" button.
  12. Are you willing to leave the US for South Africa to pursue this?
  13. 現代の日本語に必ず助詞の「は」はひらがなで書くけど・・・万葉仮名の助詞の「は」が普通「和」でしたよ。 ワープロ馬鹿。
  14. I've paid attention to trickles of news that have surfaced regarding this title because I've enjoyed some of tri-Ace's earlier games, but I'm not yet sure if I'm more likely to pick the game up at its launch or wait a few weeks to see how it's received by players.
  15. Wist


    Florina has an image that functions as a Doom emoticon, but it doesn't match the style you adhered to.
  16. I heartily implore anyone with an interest in this experimental approach to addressing population concerns to volunteer to participate in relevant trials.
  17. David Kim is even more imbalanced than Jaedong. And Cracklings.

    Also, I edited a 7v1 FASTEST RUBBISH MAP so that resources in some of the bases are hallucinated by default. It's wonderful, they act just like normal minerals until two minutes into the game when they inexplicably disappear (even in melee).

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