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Posts posted by Wist

  1. AceNoctali: Wow, that's really neat. In your journal entry you noted that most electronics stores tended to focus on new media. Was it particularly troublesome to locate older games, or was it easy enough to discriminate between the stores that you didn't lose a great deal of time in your search?

  2. The thread is about whether or not the Fire Emblem series could be fit to the gameplay of Valkyria Chronicles, and if it would potentially be interesting to play. I don't believe your immediate opinion that you don't find Valkyria Chronicles a visually appealing game is relevant because you did not relate it to the aforementioned topic. My previous response was also directed towards The Blind Archer's response.

    Well it will need some work for the double atacks and how much each unit will walk.

    Same for how hits and Miss will happen if the char will be able to block depending on the class etc...

    Hits and misses could be loosely decided by the size of the target circle. I'm not sure if there would be as easy a solution for character speed other than perhaps introducing varying cooldown delays. A deeper mechanical change might be necessary to accommodate that.
  3. I think a clearer outline of how such a thing as this might be organized would be useful (if you can spare the time to perhaps come up with a more thorough example plan). A fair degree if planning would be necessary for a proposition like this to function well. At the moment it sounds too haphazard to be considered in a positive light.

  4. I've read hypothetical suggestions that if the amount of time some Americans and Canadians invest in watching television were redirected, these people could learn a new Romance language to fair fluency each year. Because of my own positive experiences and my having read about the experiences of a variety self motivated individuals, I've come to believe that this may be very a realistic claim. This doesn't directly tie into what you've said, but I think it's interesting to point out.

    I don't have much a basis on which to state reasons why some people may spend spare time in lazy pursuits, but I can try to speculate anyways. A lack of motivation or interest is likely involved for at least few. I'm inclined towards autodidactism because many of my interests demand the acquisition of new skills and I have a biased disposition against classroom environments. Other people, however, may not see the allure of learning a new language if they've no interest in traveling, they may not see any benefit to learning to cook well when many meals can be microwaved, or they may believe it's too difficult to write a decent novel. In addition, the social acceptability of watching television each day likely plays a role. There may be little in some peoples' environments to inspire engaging in pursuits outside of school, work, and or family life. As ZXValaRevan said, they may very well be content with what they have available to them.

    I'm not experienced enough to make any speculations about the most likely motives of those who choose to drop out of school.

  5. The only word I stumbled on on Wil's example was "convinces" which for a second I had guessed was "continues".

    I'm not sure if Wil's looking for other people to upload examples as well, but students in high school sometimes commented that my handwriting was neat but small. My father sometimes has trouble reading it, though, so I'm not sure how legible it truly is.

  6. Oesday igpay atinlay ountcay?
    Mi pensas Esperanton estus pli valida. I had to use a dictionary for that sentence because I don't know Esperanto, but it's neat how easy it is to read thanks to my very passive familiarity with a couple of Romance languages.
  7. 거기에 목적이있다는 생각하지 마. 번역자 어쨌든 많은 사람들이 사용하고있습니다. 난 그렇게 한국어 나쁜거야, 하하.

    No escribía la lengua de español para dos o tres años.... No sé si esa frase es correcta. Christopher, FE11 es decente.


  8. I'm looking forwards to seeing this movie, Casino Royale was of unexpectedly good quality. I envy you, Razgriz. But... I have the Kanon game and DVDs, so HA!

    If you liked old movies, you'd know that Roger Moore is the best James Bond actor alive...
    I watched Live at Let Die so many times when I was a kid
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