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Posts posted by qwernst

  1. The only issues I have with the Switch is how loose the dock is with the console itself. It wobbles too much when you try to take it out, when it should be snug in there, like a game cartridge.

    The other one is the AC power outlet has a large box at the end. No AC cord should have a box on the end, where you plug it in an outlet. If you need a box, do what the X-Box 360 did, and put the box in the middle of the cord.


  2. Really good successor for VC1. Story is weaker in my opinion, but the squad stories are a great addition. It makes you care more about the entire squad instead of a select few like what VC1 did. I would say the gameplay is more polished, but APC spam replaces the Scout spam from the first one. 


  3. I have been seeing some great creations, with that Magikarp one being my favorite. But all of the FE fans making characters like Lyn, Hector, Lucina, and even Raven, have been great.


    Here's an Indian I made.

    punjabi bandit sc6.jpg


    And now for the finale. Thank you to everyone that like and disliked this series and giving me motivation to finish this.
    I'm curious if a Q&A is appropriate or not, but I would like to hear from you guys on your favorite moments, what you found to be the weakest parts of this series, and criticism for the future.

  5. On 6/10/2018 at 10:09 AM, Jotari said:

    Well if you're looking for feedback, then without even watching the video I'm going to say try to be more succinct, or if that's impossible, at least break it into several parts. Because an hour long video is not going to draw in a massive audience.

    Unless he puts things like fidget spinners, dabs, fortnite, or whatever dank things in the thumbnail.

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