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Posts posted by Rei

  1. So the company S2 has decided to port Defense of the Ancients from WC3 and gave it a new graphics overhaul as well as new buying system, etc. They're still currently in the closed beta stage, but from what I've played, it's a LOT of fun.

    Some upgrades it has from Dota.

    - You have up to 3 minutes to reconnect to a game after you disconnect for any reason.

    - Stats are all recorded, wins, losses, total kills, total deaths, total assists, INCLUDING LEAVE/RAGEQUITS!!! You can safely leave after either one team wins, or either team concedes.

    - Auto balance feature for hosts to have near-even teams.

    - Amazing netcode. I can play on europe servers which say 150+ ping, and still creep block and it really feels like no delay at all.

    - The graphics are amazing, it kinda reminds me of what I've seen from Diablo III.

    - Personal Banlists: Don't like someone? add them to your banlist and you can kick them if they try to join your games.

    - VOIP. That's right, voice over IP. You can talk to your team in-game, call out ganks, missing heroes, etc.

    Though of course, there are cons as well. Such as the game isn't always stable. People tend to disconnect because their game crashes (but thank god their team can send their character to base and they still have the chance to reconnect), or there are chat server issues, etc.

    So yeah, the game is really fun and I'm having a blast playing the closed beta of it. There are some vids on youtube, I'll see how my comp can handle it with fraps recording, but I should be fine.

  2. I won several games online back in the day with Rocketeer rushes. I stopped playing the game afterwards lol. The game is fun, don't get me wrong, but when they got rid of Red Alert 1's online service, it just wasn't the same.

  3. Commmand and Conquer? I'm sorry--you must be mistaken--the last Command and Conquer released was Red Alert 2 in '99. Then Westwood closed. This is just EA fucking it's corpse.

    I agree. Westwood C&C is where it's at... Though Command and Conquer Red Alert is my favorite, especially with it's expansion packs Counterstrike and Aftermath.

  4. On auto-elitism: people don't automatically use post count for elitism because it is there, but what else does anybody use it for? If you want to know how often somebody posts, you are free to quietly use the powers of observation and common sense to look at how often you see them post, which gives you a better idea of that anyway.

    If you want to know something like how long they have been there, why would you actually want to know that, since that doesn't really give a valuable indicator of what they have to say, as has been admitted? I would be guessing because the way forums have generally made this a standard statistic that shows up ever time you see the person's name, you have been given and accepted the implication that a thing like that matters, by having indirectly been told it matters every time you go to the forum. It doesn't. It doesn't add anything, and only has the theoretical power of letting somebody be a piece of shit to somebody else here or there. Just because it's a standard in a lot of forums doesn't mean it's good or serves any purpose.

    Completely totheside point: don't put this in the kind of terms SWF put people who wanted MK banned vs not banned, proban vs antiban or any emma&julia cuntery like that, because I am nowhere near as emotionally invested and willing to put people down over this argument as people such as they were and are. :)

    That might apply on other forums, but that stuff doesn't happen here. Which is why I can't fathom to see why there's a need for it. Even if it happens, one post elitist is going to bug you THAT much when we have plenty of trolls and elitists on the site anyway.

  5. I'm 100% serious. I'm willing and eager to endure a mechanic that upsets and alienates tourneyfags.

    kk troll. Yet what about every other casual player who also gets upset and alienated from the same thing?

  6. I haven't been in an SSBB tourny and I don't like it. It's just as annoying against CPU's as it is against other players.

    Perhaps more annoying, as the SSE was that much harder with me tripping everytime I wanted to attack.

    He's just trying to troll tourney goers. Everyone hates tripping.

  7. Just seriously leave it how it is, there's no problem, I don't know why people are telling us to defend keeping it when they can't even defend removing it. Auto-elitism? Please tell me you're joking. It's a dumb thing to suggest that when no one does anything like that anymore. Plus it really shows how people are. Either way, is there really any harm in having it? No.

  8. Get rid of it. It just causes the e-peen maggots to go "HURP I HAVE LOTS MORE POSTS THAN HIM SO YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO ME" when they're blathering on with their box of tard.

    Except I've yet to see an example of that here. If I'm wrong, please link posts to me. There really isn't any good reason to get rid of them.

  9. Monsters > everyone else in your party... They level faster and just rape. I had mine kill Lloyd in the beginning when you're supposed to lose to him. This game was poorly made IMO. Emil and Marta were annoying and the returning characters capped at certain levels when you got them. The game was mad easy since you could just juggle monsters all day long with Emil and be safe when you land.

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