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About Janus

  • Birthday 03/31/1988


  • Member Title
    Prince of the O(wl) Rly Clan

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  • Location
    In the land of toasters, dinner and spaghetti

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

Janus's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday!!! (sorry for a couple days late)

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  3. Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!

  5. Happy Birthday!

    Getting older, eh? Soon you will grow into the coolest magician ever created in video game history.

  6. Dheginsea's was so terrible, it spun the little pointer back to "awesome".
  7. It might be possible for the attacks to score criticals?
  8. Haar is awesome, and if you save the Speedwings you get for him, it will remedy some of the Speed issues he has. He's always been an integral part of my team from when I get him. He only really loses his luster in 4-E-4, when everything starts doing magic-based damage and can move the length of the field in one turn (goddamn Spirits) or hit him from a mile away (goddamn ), and thus targets him due to his abysmal Resistance stat. In 4-E-3, he's still pretty useful, since as pretty much everyone can double all the enemies except .
  9. Ah, triangle attacks and their ability to bypass the Fortune aspect of Mantle.
  10. I think I've settled on doing a laguz/required-only run. From what I can deduce, the laguz units to bring to the Endgame would be (besides royals/Giffca), and this will be on Easy difficulty: Volug Mordecai Ranulf Reyson Janaff Ulki Skrimir But perhaps I could make good use of Vika, Muarim and the other slackers?
  11. Wisdom of Ages - It has that "OMG EPIC" yet "Awwww so sad" feel to it. Also, I'm a Dheginsea fanboy. Ascent - I can really see the group hurrying up the winding stairs of the Tower of Guidance to this theme. On Glory's Wings - Probably the best one to dance to. King of the Sky - Definitely suited to a soaring fellow like Tibarn March - It's badass. Unstoppable Destiny - It's the BK's theme. 'Nuff said.
  12. Dheginsea. There is not enough love for Mr. "GOLDOA WILL NOT MOVE".
  13. Aether -> Unless you're willing to wait for Wrath/Resolve, this and Provoke is all Ike needs. MUST HAVE. Astra -> Meh. Swordmasters are better off with Adept or Wrath. Pass. Boon -> Very helpful if you forgot a Restore staff in Chapter 29 and Endgame. Keep, since it's already there. Blessing -> Reyson's already got it. It's pretty nice, though. Keep, since it's already there. Cancel -> I don't use the hawks much, and Tibarn is around for too brief a time to really make use of this. Pass. Colossus -> Boyd already deals lots of damage, he doesn't need this. He's better off with Adept or Wrath. Pass. Deadeye -> Snipers should be scoring criticals on enemies, not putting them to sleep! Pass. Flare -> I don't use mages to attack a whole lot, and Occult can be put to better use. I'd rather have Soren keep Adept. Pass. Lethality -> If only Volke scored criticals more. Pass. Luna -> Decent skill for Generals and Halberdiers, and cool to watch. Defense-piercing is a nice touch as well. First time I used this I stuck it on Brom, with good results. Keep. Roar -> Why stun an enemy when you can kill it? Pass. Sol -> Great skill for Paladins, who are already pretty godly in this game. I always stick two of my Occults on Oscar and Kieran. For Mist, I'll pass. She's better off healing anyway. MUST HAVE for Oscar and Kieran. Pass for Mist. Stun -> Not exactly great. You might as well just kill the enemy rather than stun it. Pass. Vortex -> I never use Naesala in the last battle, but I suppose it can be useful. Keep, since it's already there.
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