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Everything posted by Sw3Et

  1. I like these 2. The one character will have to be Chrom no? It could be changed to Chromination - Clear a map with Chrom only
  2. How can we prove you wrong when you didn't provide a link for us to hear it?
  3. nice one, that would have to be "hidden trophy/achievement" as it contains spoilers
  4. If the 3DS had something similar to trophies/achievements, what would they be for Awakening? I haven't played the game yet, but I'll go first Somebody please think of the children - Recruit every child character This fits better - Re-class a character The definition of Insanity - Complete the game on lunatic-classic mode without losing a single character. Look forward to seeing some others.
  5. GREGOR SMASH! The following isn't a battle quote, but a convo quote from Chrom which I just saw and liked very much. "The day he (Gangrel) understands peace will be the day death gives it to him... So perhaps I must be deaths agent." That line is just so badass.
  6. do characters auto-promote at level 20 or do you need to use a seal?
  7. That's ok, I thought there might have been a collection somewhere of everybodies EDIT: although if it's not much trouble, I would like to hear Gregor's Russian accent.
  8. The only character design/s I have a problem with are the mages all wearing big witches hats... I loved the hood in previous games.. BRING BACK THE HOOD!
  9. are there more of these for other characters?
  10. Classic no doubt, what I'm torn between is starting with normal or hard?
  11. Are there any children not worth getting?
  12. Does he still wear his armour as an assassin? I can't picture him in anything else. I'm guessing his portrait pic stays the same. They should have made 3 different ones for each character that changes with their class.
  13. Hopefully it becomes as popular as Mario and Nintendo makes like 10 different games a year
  14. OK I've found a list of possible classes for characters http://www.serenesfo.../class_set.html Virion can only be archer, dracoknight or mage EDIT: Beaten by Kon, sorry bout that
  15. Oh, I was under the impression that with a change seal you could make them any class (other than lord, manakete etc.) How far into the game do you get access to change seals? Is there a list somewhere of all characters and their possible classes?
  16. Is virion the best choice as an archer? I was thinking about dropping him and reclassing somebody else to become my sniper. Maybe Donny
  17. Nintendo take their fans for granted. They have some of the most loyal fans in the world, yet they don't do anything to keep them happy. They don't care how frustrated we get, as long as they get a bit more money in their pocket. One day people are going to stop being so loyal.
  18. I bought something called "freeloader' for my Wii which allowed me to play the US Smash Bros Brawl on my PAL Wii, as I didn't want to wait half a year for the AUS release. Is there anything like that for 3ds?
  19. hmmm, $300 is quite cheap.. maybe I'll get myself a bundle shipped to Straya. EDIT: is it possible to get your 3DS modded to play inter-region games? I know you can mod consoles to do it, but might be a bit harder with a handheld...
  20. I'll give you that one. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but to generalise the whole gaming industry in that way is incorrect.
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