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Hawk Queen

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About Hawk Queen

  • Birthday 08/21/1993

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  • Location
    New Hampshire

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. If you're picking for Hawk King in the FE10 draft he's in, it's your turn.

  2. I cleared draft # 37103 FE8 Super Duper Kickass Draft in 136 turns. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37103&page=5
  3. Chapter 14: 9/114 Cormag promotes to Wyvern Lord. Franz promotes to Great Knight. Epraim and Colm go to the right. Duessel goes to the chests in the middle for the hammerne. Everyone else goes to the left. Ephraim recruits Rennac and Cormag takes the member card to the secret shop. Ephraim and Artur kill the boss. Chapter 15: 7/121 Colm and Cormag go north and Colm kills caellach. Everyone else goes east and Duessel kills Valter. Rennac gets the boots. Chapter 16: 3/124 Cormag uses the boots. Cormag rescues Ephraim and Artur warps them into the castle after Tethys dances them. Cormag moves into the throne room. Cormag kills Orson with a killer lance and Ephraim seizes the throne on turn 3. Eirika and Ephraim promote to great lord. Chapter 17: 1/125 Artur warps Cormag up. Larachel uses hammerne on the warp staff. Cormag attacks Lyon and kills him. Chapter 18: 6/131 Myrrh is warped to the far right. Cormag rescues Franz and Duessel rescues Colm and they are warped up top on turn two. Everyone kills stuff. Chapter 19: 1/132 Artur torches the bottom left corner, Tethys dances him and he warps Cormag down. Cormag kills Riev with a critical from his killer lance. Chapter 20: 2/134 Artur warps Myrrh to the castle. Myrrh kills everything and Ephraim is warped over on turn 2 to seize. Final Pt 1: 1/135 Artur warps Myrrh forward after L'Arachel uses barrier. Tethys dances Artur and he warps Myrrh in front of Lyon. Myrrh Kills Lyon with one critical and one normal hit. Final Pt 2: 1/136 Ephraim attacks first and Myrrh second. Myrrh is rescued, danced, and attacks again. Eirika finishes him off. My final turn count is 136. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS EPHRAIM Great Lord 20/03.03 43 18 22 21 18 13 08 EIRIKA Great Lord 18/03.06 33 13 22 19 20 15 12 COLM Rogue 20/10.10 36 20 21 23 25 14 10 ARTUR Bishop 15/17.27 41 25 24 21 07 12 30 FRANZ Great Knight 18/05.74 41 17 14 22 17 17 07 CORMAG Wyvern Lord 18/10.06 48 27 19 22 11 20 06 DUESSEL Great Knight 11.99 44 19 13 14 08 19 10 LARACHEL Troubadour 9.88 19 08 08 13 17 07 14 DOZLA Berserker 4.41 46 18 14 10 05 13 07 MYRRH Manakete 18.23 41 20 16 16 09 20 12 SYRENE Falcoknight 2.00 28 13 14 16 13 10 13 TETHYS Dancer 4.43 21 01 02 15 13 05 07
  4. When did the rules change to allow Franz to be used starting on chapter 4? I was under the impression that we weren't allowed to start using him until chapter 5.
  5. Chapter 7: 5/56 Colm stood in the river and rescued and dropped Eirika across. Colm steals the energy ring and they both go straight to the castle while Franz and Artur take the long way around, fighting enemies. Eirika kills the boss with her rapier on turn 4 and she seizes the castle on turn 5. Chapter 8: 8/64 Colm opens the door and the chest with the angelic robe. Ephraim shows up and goes solo against the enemies on the left. Colm and Eirika go ahead to the throne, Colm kills the boss with the armourslayer, and Eirika seizes. Chapter 9: 15/79 Took Ephraim's route. Eventually got lucky and the enemy with the sleep staff missed. Artur goes to the top right corner with a chest key for the ocean seal. Franz, Colm, and Ephraim went to the boss. Colm weakened the boss to 10 Hp with a critical hit and Franz is finally catching up and finished him with the axereaver next turn. Chapter 10: 7/86 Colm promotes to a rogue. Ephraim recruits Duessel. Tana recruits Cormag and then hides. Duessel rescues Ephraim and brings him to the boss. Ephraim kills the boss with a critical hit from his Reignleif. Chapter 11: 7/93 Artur promotes to a Bishop. Cormag rescues Franz and drops him on the enemy boat on turn 2. Ephraim recruits L'Arachel to heal units. Artur spams torches and kills the boss when it shows up. Chapter 12: 5/98 Everyone moves up the right dock. Cormag flies to the left alone and recruits Ewan. Colm kills the boss with the killing edge. Chapter 13: 7/105 Tethys joins and goes with Franz to the left. Cormag goes straight for the boss and drops Artur across the river. Dozla crosses the river. L'Arachel, Colm, and Duessel go around to the left. Colm steals the speedwing. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS EPHRAIM Lord 17.84 35 13 16 17 16 09 03 COLM Rogue 20/5.48 35 17 18 21 22 11 10 ARTUR Bishop 15/4.46 32 19 17 16 06 10 21 FRANZ Cavalier 18.29 34 14 10 18 15 13 06 CORMAG Wyvern Rider 18.35 38 20 12 16 08 15 04 DUESSEL Great Knight 9.05 42 18 12 13 08 18 10 LARACHEL Troubadour 4.14 18 06 06 10 13 06 09 DOZLA Berserker 2.51 44 17 12 09 04 11 07 TETHYS Dancer 1.30 18 01 02 12 10 05 04
  6. Prologue: 2/2 Eirika criticals everyone. Chapter 1: 5/7 Seth avoids enemies. Franz rescues Gilliam and hides in corner. Seth joins them. Eirika moves to the castle and kills Breguet on turn 4. Seizes on turn 5. Chapter 2: 6/13 Vanessa rescues Ross. Franz trades his iron sword to Eirika. Eirika moves down to the enemies while everyone else hides in the corner. Vanessa drops Ross and Eirika recruits him. Ross and Vanessa join everyone else while Eirika goes solo. Didn't bother visiting any villages. Chapter 3: 9/22 Everyone moves to the bottom except Neimi and Eirika. Neimi recruits Colm. Colm opens the door before the boss, and Eirika destroys almost everyone. Colm kills the two enemies with the bow and the hand axe while Eirika beats the boss on turn 8 and seizes on 9. Chapter 4: 8/30 Artur and Colm stay up top working together and Eirika goes solo across the river. Didn't bother with the villages again. Chapter 5: 9/39 After several long and very frustrating tries, Franz got the bottom village. Colm stayed to attack the bandits. Eirika moves forward with Artur backing her up and lets the enemy units attack. Joshua is recruited for the Killing Edge and he and Natasha go hide. Franz gets the other lower village. Colm moves up and gets the last two villages. Eirika kills the boss with the armourslayer. Chapter 5x: 7/46 Orson carried Ephraim to the throne. Orson kills the boss. Ephraim takes his items and seizes the throne. Chapter 6: 5/51 Eirika, Colm, Franz, and Artur are sent up and then to the right. Colm goes ahead of everyone else and OHKOs the boss with the killing edge. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS EIRIKA Lord 15.23 25 09 16 15 16 09 05 COLM Thief 12.47 26 09 12 19 15 04 04 ARTUR Monk 7.08 23 10 09 11 03 03 08 FRANZ Cavalier 4.21 23 08 07 10 05 07 01
  7. How do you put pictures into posts without having to attach them? And sorry if that's a dumb question... I'm new to this.
  8. That sounds fair. I want LArachel and Dozla for my last two
  9. Quick question. The trainees first promotion will also be random? And they have three options instead of two for their first promotion as long as you have beaten both Eirika and Ephraims routes so how will that be handled?
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