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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Where was that mentioned? All the competition said was "Camilla", not the specific hero title of the original Camilla.
  2. Apparently Spring Camilla does not, in fact, count as Camilla for the bonus. Probably would have gone with a different team if I'd known that.
  3. Huh, I never realized what was determining which way they'd go. That seems really helpful, especially for dealing with those ridiculous Nino teams. Nino is actually a bit easier for my team to deal with this week because I had Camilla inherit Hone Atk, which lets Hector get just enough Atk to OHKO a lot of Ninos to take her out without allowing her to get in the lethal second hit. Bulkier Ninos could be an issue, though: I could have Camilla add Rally Attack back and maybe find a source for Spur Atk to boost Hector's Atk further, but I'd rather have her have utility skills if possible. I've been going with Reposition for now, but one of the HP-trade skills could be useful for keeping Hector's HP up, especially since Camilla isn't supposed to be getting hit anyway.
  4. I think it's a bit odd how Navarre is the only GHB character so far other than Narcian who only has skills available through regularly summonable heroes. It seemed fine for Narcian since he was the first, but by this point, it makes Navarre feel a bit underwhelming. Like, I'm going to raise him to level 40 anyway, but still.
  5. Yeah, every stat point matters. I haven't made a serious arena attempt with any units below lv40 in a long time, and lately I've been trying to make sure I can even have a 5* bonus unit. Without merges but with skill inheritance, I managed to get my Marth/Sharena/Hector/Priscilla team up to exactly 4600 points last week. Probably won't be able to match quite the same score this week because Camilla's rating is lower, but hopefully I can still get high enough in the 4500s to make the top 5k again.
  6. There has typically been two updates each month, one for each of the main banner updates. (As opposed to the secondary GHB/Gauntlet banners, since those get downloaded within the main updates.) The next update, and the first one taking place within the month of April, will be the one that adds the next main banner on April 14, about a month after the March updates happened. We should hope for the arena changes to happen then, and they definitely won't be any sooner. I also think you're assuming more benefit from the updates than they'll actually bring. The arena will change matchmaking, ideally to make it more accessible to teams with less stacked skillsets, but that doesn't mean any given team will necessarily have a much easier time. Team composition and level of strategy within battles will still make a huge difference in success rate, regardless of how matchmaking is calculated. And the promise of more Exp later (to an unclear extent, even) isn't a great reason to hold off on training now.
  7. I've also been doing fine on BlueStacks for free play.
  8. I used 5* Marth, m!Robin, and Sharena as well as a slightly underleveled 4* Olivia and did fine on Lunatic. Got a bit worried about the lack of a healer as my team's HP started getting low but then I managed to actually start finishing off the enemies and things got a lot more manageable.
  9. They said they may or may not become available in future events. So they're reserving the option to bring them back in the future, but there's no promise of it.
  10. Characters never directly learn new skills upon being upgraded.
  11. You'll probably just get a bunch of 3*s and wish you hadn't bothered.
  12. I've heard Roy is good for fighting Veronica because of his Triangle Adept, and you'll probably want whichever lance user can best deal with Xander. It can be tricky to make use of axe users in 9-5 because of the enemy weapon types not matching them well, so from the sound of it, I'd recommend using Frederick for his mobility so he can at least avoid getting killed. For your fourth unit, I think either Olivia or a healer is best. When I did that quest, I spent most of the second half of the battle running back and forth and using Priscilla to heal damage from Veronica's attacks until I could get Marth in a position to run up and take her out, so I personally found high-power healing valuable but Olivia could also help you get Roy over to Veronica much faster. Also worth noting that you do have the option of using Light's Blessings if you have any.
  13. There's at least as much to him as Narcian, Ursula, and Lloyd.
  14. Wolf Berg has 1-2 range in Awakening, so it could have Distant Counter built in. Some ultimate weapons that had 1-2 range in their original game don't have it here, like the Binding Blade and Echesachs, but Raijinto, Siegfried, and Gradivus all have it. No axes so far have Distant Counter built in, so that'd be a new thing for it to contribute. He's not a "bandit boss". He's the emperor of an entire continent and is the antagonist for the middle third of the game, and he's one of the five bosses you can recruit in bonus maps. He's more important than plenty of the characters already available, and a perfect candidate for a GHB.
  15. The previous Gauntlet started and ended within the first main banner of the month, and given that this one was downloaded in the current update, it seems to be getting handled the same way. Gauntlets last for six days, so to end before the spring banner, it'll need to start sometime this week. It's also possible that it'll coincide with the release of the next Xenologue.
  16. A lot of these types of quests have tended to have gaps between them rather than being back-to-back, so I wouldn't bet on it being too soon. That said, we'll probably have the Voting Gauntlet start in the next few days with its own set of quests.
  17. I'm relieved that I did these a while ago. Also my growing lv40 lineup means I'll be better prepared to take on any future challenges like this.
  18. I mean, they already seem to have decided to double up before releasing everyone, and we don't know the popularity threshold needed. If they released sword Elincia and then later released a special edition staff Elincia, I'm sure there would be plenty of excitement.
  19. That's the purpose of having two versions of Elincia.
  20. I hope we eventually get a flying staff user, but I wouldn't want to not get a sword Elincia with Amiti. So maybe two versions?
  21. I've been trying to focus my feathers on upgrading non-summonable units with ultimate weapons, since ultimate weapons are cool and that's more achievable than wanting to upgrade everyone. So I want to get Anna and Alfonse upgraded at some point, and it also means I should have enough feathers to upgrade some of the later GHB characters like Zephiel and Xander, especially if I don't pull focus characters so I'll have a 5* during their rotations. Xander could actually be particularly handy if his stats are good enough, since I want a sword unit with a distant counter effect to deal with Nino. (Maybe I can pull a Ryoma?)
  22. I think it's best not to jump to conclusions until we see if it rotates back to Anna after Sharena. They might start going into different free units instead, like Hero Battle units.
  23. My intention was to address the "it would have been a waste of SP once the April Update rolls in anyway" concern, not the rest of it; I guess I wasn't very clear about that.
  24. Right now, it makes the arena more difficult but also makes it possible to reach higher scores. When the patch hits, it won't affect scoring but it should make the arena easier, at least when equipped to characters that can get good use out of it.
  25. To be fair, Fury still seems to be a plenty powerful skill in its own right.
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