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Everything posted by Othin

  1. You get one in Ch11; I think it's your first. Don't know how many more you get, but I don't think it's a huge number. There's no easy way to get unlimited quantities, for sure, so you'll be working with a rather limited supply.
  2. Description is a lie. Should be "how broken grinding can be". Weapon Saver and Mug can be great if you go for them, but they can be kind of out-of-the-way in terms of character progression, making them a bit costly to get unless you grind a lot and make the game boring anyway. Which is your choice, but I don't see the point in making comparisons with that in mind since everything then destroys everything. Personally, I've always gotten best results with MU focusing on magic and promoting to Grandmaster ASAP, which doesn't leave much room for detours into either of those classes. Alo, avoiding enemy criticals without supports isn't too significant when you will get supports, and enemies can get crit rates high enough to cut through that anyway. Plus, if your Luck is over 40, your Def and/or Res could also be, and make it so that you avoid taking much damage from those attacks in the first place.
  3. Skill is pretty bad, but Luck is worse without a doubt. Res is actually useful in this game with the number of tough magic enemies. Crits aren't such a huge concern, especially since three support levels mean +10 CEV.
  4. I'm really getting to like the possibilities for messing with the order of side stories. They can be quite easy if you go into them later in the game than intended, but in the case of the more difficult DLC chapters and some of the sidequests, you can unlock them and play them at levels quite a bit below what they're designed for, getting an extra challenge for the reward of more quickly recruiting a strong character if you choose to. Interesting. Sounds a bit redundant with no permadeath, though. I've talked with the guy, and he seems like he knows what he's talking about, except when he vehemently opposed efforts to get the previous review taken down. That little display of his was just bizarre. Regardless, his analysis seems fair enough, although I have an even higher opinion of most aspects of it. But yes, what he says about Dual Attacks is nonsense. If you could simply activate Dual Attacks whenever you wanted to, it would be disgustingly overpowered, and there are already mechanics in place that activate based on chances without too much of a reason. It's just a way of getting something to work sometimes and not others. I do feel that conditional activations tend to be better than chance-based ones, and maybe there's some room to work with there for Dual Attacks, but I'd say the system works great as it. For a realistic explanation, we could just say that the ally attacks when they see a good chance to do so without getting in the main fighter's way, and the better the support, the better they are at coordinating their attacks to do that. From what I know of the plot, it sounds quite good, but it's true that it's not really the most original. Can't say I'm familiar with other stories that go quite that route, though. One thing that bugs me from the perspective of game progression is the Varm chapters. Valhart never winds up doing much, and he doesn't seem that relevant. More annoying is a few chapters in a row that turn out pretty much as "main characters chat, cut to map screen with Varm soldiers". Maybe it makes sense with whatever they're saying, but it seems odd. Doesn't help that those chapters are the easiest, at least on Normal. I'm playing through them now on Hard and the enemies seem to be putting up more of a fight. Maybe it's just because I haven't leveled up Serge as much.
  5. Yeah, MU's own base Luck is definitely not 0. Checking a new file, it lines up with Vincent's info listing MU's base Luck as 4.
  6. Battle Monks are not simply a "light magic wielding" class: they are a bulky healer class able to do heavy physical damage with axes, and ultimately learn a great self-healing skill. Light magic would simply be a tertiary ability for them.
  7. Healing Heart is at LV10, which is actually quite good, since the healing gets increased by the equivalent of +10 Mag. But yeah, light magic as an innate ability for Priests / Clerics and Battle Monks / Clerics like dark magic for Dark Mages and Sorcerers could have worked out quite well, especially to differentiate the former compared to Troubadours and the latter compared to... just about any other healing class. Perhaps the most significant thing is that in this case, light magic wouldn't be expected to be that good: it could be as ineffective as in other games, and as just a bonus option for characters without other tome abilities not competing directly with other tome users, it could have worked out just fine as that secondary option.
  8. That's what it sounds like to me. I don't know of any way to use Battle Saves, though.
  9. I've made a full set of supports with male MU. I was planning on recording them from the Support Library, but we'd need someone interested in translating from a video. Surely we can find someone willing to pursue this undertaking for the sake of Gangrel?
  10. Holy shit. Well, I haven't seen any random skirmishes on my Lunatic file, but I have enough gold to afford a Scented Box. Obviously not planning on saving with the purchase, but it provided some perspective. I summoned a group of Dark Mages onto the Ch1 map, which did't seem too bad; the Dark Mages don't have any stats higher than 12. The Knight and Barbarian weren't quite so kind, but nothing on that scale. Looking at the weapons was another story: one Dark Mage was kind enough to carry Arcthunder, but the other enemies had either B rank weapons or forges. The boss used a hacked Nosferatu spell - with 15 Mt and 85 Hit, it's better than Inverse's Darkness. Shame he was only kind enough to drop a regular one. Resetting and trying again on the Ch4 map, I got another group of Dark Mages constituting almost the exact same skirmish. In particular, the boss appears to be the same. So it looks like you're right about game progress determining it. As for the ones you're talking about, they appeared randomly, right? So it is possible for them to show up without Scented Boxes, even on Lunatic? --- Edit: Tried it again on the other available maps. Seems you can't summon monsters on locations with the merchants, so I had to sell them something so they'd leave. Each time, I got the same team - five times in a row. The enemy team was a bit smaller on the earlier maps, but the boss had the same weapons and identical stats every time. Wonder if the team was predetermined or just set up in some queue as the next one up.
  11. Recruited him? So I guess you really did pay for him, and weren't just speaking hypothetically. I know you didn't beat his team at Ch12. Enemies that even give Sigurd trouble? That's scary. Do you have any details? Like examples of some enemies, and what location they were in? I remember they always seemed to be slightly stronger than the enemies originally in the area where they appear, but if they're that strong even in the early areas, that's quite a shift. Seems like it should still be possible to grind in DLC chapters, though. The enemies there look tough, but not overwhelming. Also, the fake Gamefaqs review got taken down, so yay. I'm still going to need to write my own review, though.
  12. Mark has too many awesome possibilities for me to hold off for a postgame character. But when I eventually get around to doing it for the sake of filling the Support Library, Gangrel is at the top of my list. Although in terms of gameplay, Valhart and Inverse might have some interesting possibilities. Valhart will probably just cause Mark to be a Strategist instead of an Overlord, though.
  13. IT'S ALL FRIED EGG- wait wrong story This game has so much obvious anime influence. Not that I'm complaining.
  14. Dracoknight and Dragonmaster (using the more recent and more accurate FE10 names) are rather slow classes, so that makes sense. I haven't found Dragonmaster to be too useful in the first place: on both my NM and HM playthroughs, I just promoted her directly and immediately to Griffin Knight. After all, you can start buying unlimited Master Seals after her joining chapter, and she joins at LV12, so there's no reason to wait Also, if she's only a LV3 Griffin Knight, she hasn't learned Carrier yet. No wonder you're not yet impressed - you will be.
  15. There's no tower. What Reed said about skirmishes is partially correct: the skirmishes appear over time whether or not you complete more chapters, so you can still battle an unlimited number of them without using Scented Boxes. The Scented Boxes are mostly useful for triggering skirmishes in a specific location, so that you can fight enemies at levels based on that location. You can also replay DLC maps unlimited times, and you can summon SpotPass characters an unlimited number of times to battle them again as skirmish-like battles appearing in random locations. The SpotPass battles have a set team, but like skirmishes, they show up on existing maps, so you can have different battles with them depending on the location.
  16. Haven't fought Tiki yet. Alm cannot use either Falchion. Random note about the Falchions: even at the end of the game, the Hidden Falchion still lists just "Marth" as the user. The Sealed / Divine Falchions list Krom as the user, not mentioning Marth at all. The reason is obvious, but it's interesting. Wow, I never noticed he was that cheap. That is surprising - even being several times more expensive than any item, it's feasible to put together for such a powerful character. Doesn't seem he's necessary, and I hope he really isn't: I wouldn't want to rely on something like that. Yeah, the bonus stats go away. Actually, checking the enemy teams as an NPC team on the world map, they still display their NM stats, even on harder difficulties. They only show their real stats when you enter the map scene with them. But still, you're facing a more difficult battle for an even more important reward. The Exp of the main unit in Dual combat is unaffected. If the side unit damages the enemy with a Dual Attack, they get regular Exp from battling as well: even if the side unit lands the finishing blow, the main unit is still the one to gain the increased Exp from the kill. These rules apply whether you enter Dual combat through the units being adjacent or in Double.
  17. You can read it by quoting the post. Not sure why the tag won't open, but that should work in the meantime. DLC characters don't participate in any conversations outside of their chapter.
  18. You can buy them from random traveling merchants from just a few chapters in, but they might just not show up. You start getting them reliably in the regular chapters around Ch8, and keep getting more for the next third of the game: after Ch16, you can then buy them in unlimited quantities. You do need to reach LV10 to use them, but that can actually happen really fast in this game because of how quickly enemies increase their levels.
  19. It generally doesn't work too well. Changing before promotion, you're forced to delay your promotion until you level up to LV10 again, and it can take a while to get to a level high enough if you change after promotion, which is a really bad time to start with E rank in a weapon type you're not effective at using. Also Serge as a Griffin Knight is fucking amazing; I see no cause for complaint. What sucks is that she's so limited in her options for alternate physical classes to use to CRUSH THINGS INTO OBLIVION.
  20. I've already reported it for takedown. I've been planning on writing my own review whether or not that works out, to give this game the representation it deserves. I have just over 1700 on my main file; haven't bought anything yet. Saving up to 3000 to buy Mercurius. They're also faster, which seems to outweigh most of the losses compared to Dragonmasters in the first place. And the flying utility with their Move boosted to 10 is just amazing.
  21. It also disappears to attack.
  22. It seems to me that it's more of an earth-based, elder magic as opposed to the studied elemental magic, which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with divinity at all. It does, however, fit shaman-type characters like Dierdre and Micaiah.
  23. Weapon ranks max at A, yes. I can confirm the existence of the Naga spell. It's blue, oddly enough. Doesn't seem to have specific use like with Dark magic, though.
  24. We can't just do that without a good reason. The class name is 魔戦士. 魔 = Magic / Demon 戦 = War 士 = Professional 戦士 = Warrior / Soldier / Fighter 魔戦士 = Magic Fighter / Demon Fighter Furthermore, the class is primarily physical, while the names you mention have the connotation of being primarily magical.
  25. I could see about recording video of support conversations from my game, so that any Japanese translators can work with them. I even have a couple in mind.
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