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Everything posted by guacamole

  1. Strawmanning isn't going to bring back your precious waifu petting, pal
  2. I was waiting for when someone would blame "those evil game-ruining SJWs" for this. Thanks for winning me that bet.
  3. It pleases me to no end that people are getting SO MAD over this. "Guess I better import/steal the game. That'll show em!" "What's next, they cut out death?! Will FE15 be for 3-year olds?!" "There is objectively NOTHING wrong with wanting to grope my animu girlfriend and Treehouse are monsters for denying me my GOD GIVEN RIGHT to do so" It's like it's my birthday, the only difference is I don't usually get salt as a birthday present.
  4. There's fantasy armor, and then there's just stupid, ugly and impractical design choices for the sake of "sex appeal". Yes, Fire Emblem is a fantasy game, but keep in mind that female units USED to be armored like this: Even female dark mages were more suited for combat and didn't go running around half-naked: FE has always been a fantasy series with fantasy elements and fantasy designs, but the difference between Awakening/Fates and the rest of the series is the integrity IS gave to its characters, both in personailty and appearance.
  5. I really like your posts. Happy birthday!

    1. CrimeanRoyalKnight


      Oh gee, uh...! Thank you! m(__)m

  6. It's a shame Fates has a supposedly weak story, otherwise you would've had bingo there.
  7. All this "battle panties" apologism immediately brings this to mind:
  8. Um, your opinion is the opposite of the one you quoted, ie not opposed to Camilla cencorship.
  9. The meme game shall fall to our glorious and indomitable savior Pokemon.
  10. Having standards and finding incest and pedophilia repulsive is something exclusive to first-worlders? That seems more insulting to everyone who isn't from one.
  11. Assuming that "Mild Suggestive themes" is a heavier sentence than regular suggestive themes, that would mean this game would have to be less suggestive than Awakening, right? If that's the case, some content definitely probably got cut. My guess is the bath house. EDIT: Wait, I think I got that backward. Still wouldn't be surprised if some stuff was changed/cut, though.
  12. Removing references to incest and child brides wouldn't be a good thing? There comes a point where one has to admit that the "artists and writers" are not flawless human beings, and the subculture this game is mostly geared towards (otakus) even less so. If anyone desperately needs this game to be filled with creepy and disgusting fetishes, they can play the Japanese version.
  13. Couldn't get into it. Played a bit of it because I thought the morality aspect was neat, but got put off by all the exaggerated, forced "quirkiness". The Mother series is quirky but never to the point of things being completely random, which this game seems to do a lot. Not to mention the very tedious puzzles, sparce and disjointed plot, and weird battle system that belongs in a seperate genre entirely. IMO it's like Earthbound x Homestuck, but more annoying. I stopped playing at the snow level.
  14. IIRC the Awakening Demo didn't come out until Mid January, so I think we'd be looking at around late January-early February for this one.
  15. I assume showing or saying nothing about the "special features" was intentional on NoA's part.
  16. Well since I assume both versions have about the same amount of fanservice and sexual content, what would be a deciding factor in whether or not one gets a higher rating is the violence. For all I know, both could potentially get an M, but it seems a lot more certain with Conquest.
  17. In either case I think that just strengthens the possibility and likelihood of Fates recieving an M rating as well, considering most of what happens in AA is simply people talking about intense violence, whereas this game actually lets you see it. Another thought did cross my mind: what if White/Birthright is rated T while Black/Conquest is rated M, being the darker story with the more graphic imagery? Would one version sell more than the other if that were the case?
  18. To everyone saying this game couldn't possibly recieve an M rating due to its content, just consider that Ace Attorney Dual Destinies recieved an M rating, with the only reasons listed "Violence, Blood, Suggestive Themes, Language". Anyone who's played the AA series knows that nothing in the games ever gets too graphic, and to this day I'm still unsure where the M rating comes from. Also, ratings in general have been getting more strict in the last few years (like Chrono Trigger and Eathbound being raised to T).
  19. Oh my fucking god is this really the direction the series is going in RIP my interest in Fire Emblem
  20. Wait, it's possible to view supports in the demo? How?
  21. Ugh, it's so stupid how people are complaining about the name "Sully" reminding them of Monsters, Inc. when it was around long before that. It doesn't even have the same spelling. Hell, I've never heard anyone say that Monsters, Inc. ruined Uncharted for them.
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