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Might Gaine

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Everything posted by Might Gaine

  1. Registered. Now we just wait on MancerNecro.
  2. The main purpose behind "No mounted units" was that most of them have a Move higher than the promoted infantry, Great Knights being the exception. Hence why I'm allowing Duessel, GK Gilliam, and GK (from Knight) Amelia. Now then, I've edited the original post again and I'm fairly sure that I haven't forgotten any unmounted units. After a frankly pathetic amount of forgetting people, the drafting list is complete. Since there are actually a total of 21 unmounted characters (and Duessel), I'm going to make Garcia a free unit. Sorry for all the chaos here - this is kind of a learning experience. Thank you for being patient with me.
  3. Oh, wow, I DID miss Neimi. How did THAT happen? Fixed.
  4. Oh. My apologies, then. How should it be formatted?
  5. <reads through wall of text> Um... hey? <catches pun at the end> -.-
  6. That just makes it a better test of your courage! <evilgrin>
  7. Wow. Was not expecting so many replies. Originally, Myrrh was free and Tethys was draftable. Legalizing Duessel was a result of a) he has the same move as other promoted units, like Heroes and b) it makes an even 20. The three players other than myself are Ring Wraith, Kon, and MancerNecro. I'm sorry, Soldier, you were a bit late to the party. Maybe next time, though! <gives Refa a pointed stare> That's my Goddess you're trash talking there, buddy. ANYWAY, the teams are: 1. Might Gaine 2. Ring Wraith 3. Kon 4. MancerNecro And by virtue of my handy-dandy randomizer, the picking order will be: 2. Ring Wraith 4. MancerNecro 1. Might Gaine 3. Kon
  8. Done and done. Wanna sign up? Just a quick word, I'm leaving for school, so I won't be on for the next four and a half hours or so.
  9. I frequently find myself humming Pollyanna (from the MOTHER/Earthbound series), Together We Ride, To Zanarkand (from Final Fantasy X), Force Your Way (boss music from Final Fantasy VIII), but the one I hum and get pumped up by more than anything else tends to be Fight On! (the boss music from Final Fantasy VII).
  10. Again, I'm more than willing to concede that training Wendy is a bit of a chore, but to ME personally it usually pays off in terms of killing power. I once gave her the Boots. Elibe broke in half. But then again, on the next playthrough, she was only average and Bors absorbed all her awesome from the playthrough before. So of course HE got the Boots on that playthrough. The only units I can recall where training them really was not worth it were Rennac and Sophia - and Sophia because while she ended up a certified mage killer... and everything else became a certified Sophia killer due to her EXCEPTIONALLY craptastic Speed and Defense. ... Wow. When I first saw this thread, I was expecting a debate of which is the more awesome killing machine. Totally went the other way, but I guess that's life. Still, I think I have some more insight into the community than I did before, and I think the community has a little more insight into me, and (I hope) nobody got mad. Win-win!
  11. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Eirika/Ephraim, Garcia, and Tethys are free characters for everyone to use. 3. ALL mounted units are banned from use. 4. The game will be played on Hard Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, and recruiting units (unless forced). 3. Map shopping is allowed. 4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. 6. The Lord unit(s) can not be promoted. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. 2. Mounted units have a 5 turn penalty whenever they do ANYTHING, be it recruiting, meatshielding, Exceptions: 1. If forced to use an undrafted character in order to recruit a drafted character, then no penalty. This includes mounted units. 2. Great Knights (Duessel, Amelia, Gilliam) are permitted, but only because they have 6 move, the same as a lot of other promoted classes. 3. For Ephraim's debut chapter alone, the mounted units are permitted to meatshield. However, Ephraim is the only one allowed to inflict damage or make kills. 4. The Tower is permitted for bringing Trainees to their first promotion. Sorry for not making that clear to begin with. I will also be participating. Teams, in order of drafting: 2. Ring Wraith (Lute, Natasha, Duessel, Myrrh, and Knoll) FULL TEAM 4. MancerNecro (Artur, Joshua, Neimi, Ewan, Marisa) FULL TEAM 1. Might Gaine (Gilliam, Moulder, Amelia, Innes, Dozla) COMPLETE (final turncount: 358, including penalties) 3. Kon (Gerik, Ross, Saleh, Colm, Rennac) COMPLETE 260
  12. I did not at all mean to say that anyone was WRONG for not liking Ests, I just didn't understand why they had such a bad rep when I've had them consistently as (sometimes VERY) good units. Starting fights is the LAST thing I want to do.
  13. Gotcha. Now I need to go create the draft. And then, after that, practice my evil laugh. MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! EDIT: I'VE CREATED IT! BWAHAHAHAHA!! The [FE8] Long Hike Draft LIIIIIIIIIIIIIVES!!! <ahem> Excuse the outburst. I was excited.
  14. After looking up what a draft is, I'm thinking of proposing one of my own. And I think it's gonna be special, given what I've seen of trends in playstyles thus far. An interesting challenge, for most people. However, if I DO create the draft... am I allowed to participate in it myself?
  15. Bearing in mind that I completely ignore efficiency, turncounts, etc. and rate my characters exclusively on how good they are at killing the enemy - or how good they are at healing and not dying, in the case of healers - (assuming that nobody promotes until LV20)... this is also based on my personal experiences, so my ratings may not be typical. Double attacks, generally high accuracy, offensive power, and defense/evasion are the deciding factors. FE7: Best units: Hector, Lyn, Farina, Raven (almost to the point of being nearly invincible once he's a Hero), Canas, Florina, and Nino. I will admit that it's a pain to level her up, but if you take care of Nino, then Nino will be more than happy to take care of you. By means of making enemies explode. Worst units: I guess Serra is the worst unit overall, since my Priscillas tend to be better dodgers AND better healers. FE8: Best units: Amelia as a General or Super Recruit, Ross as a Berserker, Tana as a Wyvern Rider (she's the only one who seems to regularly activate Pierce for me), and Kyle as a Great Knight. It's a rare thing that won't die from two hits with a Steel Axe. The Bishops would also count, except that even I have standards and find their skill to be rather cheap in the CC and final chapters. Worst: Knoll, Knoll, Knoll. It's his crappy luck and defense. Syrene and Vanessa are also not very good, but they're more mediocre than outright bad. Oh, and also Rennac. There is literally no excuse for using him that I am aware of.
  16. Although I'm normally pretty chill about ships in general, my preferred ones for 7 are Hector/Farina, Eliwood/Lyn, Eliwood/Ninian, and Hector/Florina. I'm not against reading fics about other ships, it's just that I normally don't use Sain, Kent, or Fiora much in the grand scheme of things and I kinda tend to forget about them. I totally understand having a little swordsmanship lesson at the start of the fic, it's a slice of the family's life. I haven't played RD, just most of PoD. That kind of thing almost never bugs me, personally.
  17. 7 has the best story, but I like 8's cast better. I also finished it first.
  18. Why are Amelia and Wendy getting so much hate? I mean, I'll admit that it was kinda tough getting Wendy started, but once she did, she became a killing machine! I played through FE6 twice - first time, Roy sucked, Wendy was awesome. Second time, Roy maxed out EVERYTHING, Wendy was average, and Bors was the killing machine. And as for Amelia, well... in MY experiences, at least, every living (and almost every unliving) thing in Magvel craps itself terror before the Goddess of Destruction that is General Amelia, with the only units capable of equaling her awesome are Super Recruit Amelia and Berserker Ross. Also, I myself don't like mounted units very much, largely because there are so darn many of 'em - Paladins in particular, and I usually make Franze and Kyle Great Knights when I use them. As an explanation for this apparently atypical behavior, I prefer power over mobility. To me, spamming hit-and-run tactics and rescues are not as fun as watching my unwitting enemies walk right into certain death.
  19. I literally could not care less about turn counts if I tried. I'm too much of a grind freak. Not just for supports, but for LV upping my units, too. There's nothing I love more than spending the later chapters on a rampage through the enemy forces with my overpowered army of game-breakers.
  20. I.... see. <goes to look up what drafts are>
  21. NO! Nonononononononononononononononono! <catches breath> Please, don't fix what isn't broken!
  22. Great. Now I'm completely and utterly terrified. <being totally sincere>
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